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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by debp1953

  1. Yes. All the time and non sugar sweeteners are the worst...I couldn't take the Vitamins cause they got burped up with whatever I had eaten for the last 4 or 5 hrs coated with the color of the vitamins. Wine makes it bad. Anything greasy or spicy hot. Nuts are tough and I burp them up.

  2. I'm 16 months post op. I am grateful for the 105lb weight loss. Feel so much better. Try to eat right most of the time. Doc said avoid bread, rice, Pasta so I try not to ever eat it and if I do it causes problems. It makes its way down to my stomach slowly and causes the hicup/slime effect. This is when something gets "stuck" and your body produces a mucousy substance to push the food back up and clear you esophagus. Not pleasant but short lived once clear (not vomit just need to spit). Avoid dry meat, bread Pasta rice, and chew chew chew. I want to lose 40lb more and at a stop for weight loss but went from 26/28, 3x/4x to 12/14, L

    No regrets. Working on my post op life diet health plan.

  3. I have no regrets. I am 16 months out gastric sleeve no bypass. I feel better, look great and love being able to do again....63 down 105lbs size 12-14 female. Goal is losing 40lbs more but have stalled. I can't take those Vitamins the diet sweetness makes me sick, as does every Protein Shake I ever tried. I take regular vitamins eat as much Protein as I can and apparently it's ok cause I am now healthier than I was. Have some difficulty with heartburn and slight nausea. The weirdest thing is when I eat and start to get full my nose runs, I get the hiccups, my eyes Water and I sneeze....not sure why but my kids say you're full mom!

  4. I had knees that wouldn't let me sleep, sciatica so I had trouble walking to the bathroom, nerve pain down my right leg, hip pain in both hips, the list goes on and on. I'm 63 and fought these for probably 14 years before surgery now 16 months out and 105 lbs lighter and although I still have some pain it is SO much less and manageable. The biggest pain I get now is when I sit on my skinny butt too long cause I have no padding!!!

  5. Had the sleeve. Best part you can still eat. food is a part of every family event in my life. I can still eat .......just very small portions. Bad news is some foods will cause problems.....but not violent reactions. No dumping syndrome, no puking, etc. You will find some foods will be a problem going down. I find rice, some bread products and dry meat, especially if reheated will not go down they get stuck and your stomach will produce a mucus to push it back up. After that happens you will not eat it again unless you add a sauce which moisten it. You will eat small portions and lose weight. 10/15 was my surgery and I am down 100lbs.

  6. I'm 3 months out and have lost a total 73 lbs. People tell me I look younger even though I have a turkey gobbler (instead of 2 or 3 chins) and if I'm reachin' you better watch the arm flap cause it might take you out! My stomach dips in the middle, my legs have hanging skin but I feel soooo much better and I can do so much more than before - plus my blood work came back good as was my EKG, blood pressure, etc. When you're 62 to hell with what others think I am happier, healthier and can get up and down stairs when I am showing houses. Besides if I lift some weights and do some cardio it will tighten up some.

  7. I changed my mind so many times, gained another 45 lbs, developed more health issues and now I'm 3 months out. Down 71 lbs and wonder why I didn't do it sooner. It's not easy and you have to really want it but it is worth it. I can walk in stores, from parking lots and with my adult children and I feel SO much better!

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