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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Amelie2016

  1. They did work for me when I injected myself, and I did lose weight. However I haven't tried them since I had VSG surgery. The law, so um, I ordered some from a contact I had. I loved their Vitamin. But YES, they did help me. I could taste it after an injection, and I did lose weight and have more energy. My vials were very dark orange or reddish. 25$ for one injection now is just too much, especially now that they've cut back their dosage and I didn't feel a thing last time I tried them. So it's on principle for me now, not to give them my business. On Body Building forums I've read those guys talk about different labs and their products and how they differ in getting them energy. I think mine was from Sun Labs last time I injected them. Body Building forums, I'd just ask there too. They will know a lot, that of course they have to "get for their pets" in the USA. *sigh*
  2. Is "Lipo- or Adenosine B12" considered a B-Complex Lipotropic? If not try one of the B Complex Lipotropics, see how that makes you feel. =) A minute clinic or anylabtestnow should have them for around 25$. And for some reason, you can get it w/o an Rx. But you can't buy the vials and inject yourself w/o an Rx, unless of course it's for your pet. O.o Don't get me started. You should be able to taste it in your sinuses if you've had a good shot, and it should be in the glutes. Some places are scaling back their dose and just giving it in the arm. I'd ask how they do it. Any nurses or anyone please chime in if you know why please. =) To get through lots of adipose tissue you just need a longer needle to hit muscle.
  3. Amelie2016

    Acid and decision for surgery

    Thank you !! Amelie2016 - I have been researching this myself and today I found these questions and answers. Unfortunately, according to this, bariatric patients do not qualify for this procedure.I am only 3 weeks out and having the worse GERD of my entire life and it is not being controlled with medication. This is from Massachusetts General Hospital Frequently asked questions: LINX® system Q: What is the LINX® Reflux Management System? A: The LINX® Reflux Management System is an FDA-approved device implanted laparoscopically. The system relies upon a flexible bracelet of magnetic titanium beads that, when placed around the esophagus, supports a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle that opens and closes to allow food to enter and stay in the stomach by restoring the body’s natural barrier to reflux. Q: What are the risks associated with the LINX® procedure? A: All surgical procedures have risks, such as the risks associated with anesthesia, risk of bleeding and risk of infection. These risks are small. The most common side effects of the LINX® system are difficulty swallowing, post-operative pain and temporary bloating of the stomach. In the long run, many surgeons have concern that the device might erode into the esophagus and need to be removed. This has not been observed in the clinical trials to date. : How soon after the procedure can I eat? A: You should be able to eat soft foods with 48 hours of surgery. Q: How soon after the procedure can I resume normal physical activities? A: Routine daily activities can begin within a few days of surgery when pain medicine is no longer required. Activities such as sit-ups or weight lifting, which require use of the abdominal muscles, should be deferred for three to six weeks. Q: Will I have to take acid suppression medication after the procedure? A: Based on the clinical trials performed prior to FDA approval of the device, only 10% of LINX® patients required daily medication at one- and two-year follow-up. Q: Is there any risk the device will be too tight and cause food to get stuck? A: Yes; about 3% of patients that have had the device implanted had this problem and required removal of the device. Q: After the device is placed, is there any risk of infection? A: There is always a small risk of infection whenever a foreign object is placed in the body, whether it is LINX®, a pacemaker or an artificial joint. There is not enough data at this time to calculate the percent risk of infection, but the early data suggests it is quite small. Q: Will the device ever have to be removed? A: The intent is for this device to be permanent. But, since there is no 10-year follow-up data available yet, we cannot be sure. : Is there any chance the LINX® system won’t work as well if I gain a lot of weight after the procedure? A: The LINX® system works by creating a pressure of approximately 25 mm at the gastroesophageal junction (the place where the esophagus and stomach meet). Weight gain increases the pressure inside the abdomen, so it is possible that significant weight gain can create more pressure than the LINX® valve can counteract, leading to the return of reflux symptoms. Q: Will my insurance company pay for LINX®? A: Nearly all insurance companies pay for antireflux surgery. Since the LINX® procedure is a new form of antireflux surgery, insurers are learning about the procedure. We are working closely with them to obtain pre-authorization for these procedures on a case-by-case basis. Q: If my insurance won't pay for it, how much would the procedure cost? A: Please contact the Mass General Billing Office at 617-726-4098 or at cs.mgh@partners.org for more information. Q: I have heard that because I had bariatric surgery, I am not a candidate for LINX®. Is it possible this will change and I could be eligible for the system in the future? A: The LINX® system is not approved for use in patients who have had prior bariatric or esophageal surgery. Q: If the LINX® device needs to be removed or isn't effective, can I have a standard Nissen fundoplication (NF)? A: Patients often mention that an NF was suggested to them in the past, or they were considering it when they found out about LINX®. As the screening tests are the same for both procedures, NF may still be considered, providing testing doesn't exclude you. If you cannot or choose not to have LINX®, NF may still be an option. Thank you for this. This is not good news, is it. =( I guess now I need to find out why, good to know because I will take this info to my next appt. too. So sorry you're having GERD right now! I do hope it resolves itself. I keep reading that as we lose weight, the loss of pressure helps. I do hope it goes away for you! =(
  4. Amelie2016

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    Hey I didn't do it, he did. Of course there are better ways to do it, but he chose what he chose, no? You can take the experience and see it for what it was, or you can try to make it look like he was being kind. He was not. And yes you can turn suffering into a learning experience.
  5. Amelie2016

    Acid and decision for surgery

    I've been a bit obsessed with this, and found a newer procedure if this should ever happen to me, unbearable GERD that is. No way I intend on encouraging it, lol. Ok so look into LINX. It's a circular set of small magnets that fit outside of and around the LES. It looks extremely cool. It allows for the passage of food into the stomach, yet gently closes the sphincter when you are finished swallowing. Minimally invasive. Just google "LINX for GERD" on youtube or otherwise. =)
  6. And that's all you need, the people who love and understand you. Others have to learn in their own time, and if they prefer to stay closed-minded then that's something that's out of your control. They may live this life and never understand. No one can ever truly get IN your shoes but you. You are blessed and you look beautiful and I am so happy to hear how much you have celebrated this procedure! Congratulations!
  7. Amelie2016

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    I'm glad he dumped you, and I'm glad he did it that way and I will tell you why... He is obviously extremely ignorant, and I emphasize the "extremely" part! Let this be a lesson and let it help you continue to grow. "Fat" women should accept no less than what any other woman should accept, and some women I know settle too low and set that bar way too low. Heck, our entire society sets the bar way too low for men and for women and when they get together they just expect "magic" to happen or something. This is going to make you stronger. And this is possibly going to prepare you to love even better for when Mr. Right does come along. It is one thing to help your mate through struggles, it's another to completely expect them to make the relationship work and let them resolve all the issues alone for the two of you. That is not love. You didn't have anything remotely similar to love and I hope you know that. You are going to find it, however! Through suffering brings great joy and it will be yours! There are many beautiful men in this world who will understand your life, your struggles and your hopes. And you will understand his, and you will be best friends and have true love.
  8. Amelie2016


    Thank you For any reason, is the LES compromised during a Gastric Sleeve or an RNY? Do any of these surgeries, including Lap Band, weaken the LES? Would scar tissue from a Lap Band weaken the LES? Sorry if this question is too broad.
  9. Yes I think I have it, I do not know if it's normal. But, reading every other Bariatric Surgeons Protocols they do like to keep patients on a proton pump inhibitor for up to 6 months, so I guess that means it's an issue. Mine just started last week when the PA told me that I should be eating more and I graduated to the "new normal". Which my stomach does not really like yet, I was feeling weak and dizzy and my blood pressure got low so I freaked out and I ate more. Now, I feel like I burned my throat or nasal passages since that one day. BUT also, my CPAP could be bothering me and maybe it's not acid reflux. I have to figure this out and soon. My next appt is not until March 23rd. The PA says not to worry. My primary Care Dr says not to worry. Everyone says not to worry. But this is me, I'm worried, lol.
  10. How are you feeling? What are you eating? How are you sleeping? Do you use a Cpap? Have you had any acid reflux? I want to know everything about everyone, lol! =) Feel great...down 55lbs, 2 shirt sizes and 3 pant sizes. Not bad for a month. I sleep longer than I used to...I need about 9 hours to feel energized. I've never needed a cpap. The acid feeling is weird, I don't help it because I have indulged with the occasional cocktail...is what it is though. Thank you! I sleep better as well, so odd because before surgery I had so much trouble. I hope this part continues! I got a wedge pillow to sleep on to raise my head, I'd try that at night for sure if you haven't yet. I haven't had alcohol in a 3 months now. Really ... and I never liked hard alcohol or wine, I only like good beer. But I can't have the fuzz nor the alcohol. Yet? O.o
  11. Amelie2016


    It IS dreamy! Mind if I ask ... since so many Dr.s and Nutritionist want us to stay away from caffeine (like all of mine) did they offer you a reason, as to why they have allowed it in your case? What's their reason? I've been driving myself crazy reading about the controversies over caffeine and coffee and other forms of caffeine. Because if this does generate GERDS in the long term, then I need an Rx for amphetamines or provigil or something, lol. Since you know, the pill won't give me gerds!
  12. Amelie2016

    Why no caffeine?

    Do you know what the caffeine could possibly inhibit in healing? I mean my only guess would be an acidic environment. I'm one of those weirdos who can only understand something if EVERYTHING is explained to me, lol! HALP.
  13. Amelie2016

    Why no caffeine?

    I love your nickname for it, it's perfect! =)
  14. How are you feeling? What are you eating? How are you sleeping? Do you use a Cpap? Have you had any acid reflux? I want to know everything about everyone, lol! =)
  15. Amelie2016

    Acid and decision for surgery

    Please come back and give us an update, ok?
  16. Amelie2016

    Why no caffeine?

    When you guys say "early days out", do you mean 2 weeks, 4 weeks or 6 months? Because I've been making "Cold-Brew" and it's supposed to be 65% less acidic. However, apparently even that's bad. (?) Since I've been going crazy over losing caffeine and the fear of developing GERDS I've been reading a lot too. Apparently 'caffeine' itself is the total jerk that causes production of even more stomach acid inside your stomach, no matter the source of the caffeine, and even small amounts will kick off an acidic production. This really bums me out, because I literally can't get moving some days. And yes I've lived w/o caffeine. If you can call it living. I have to ask my Dr. and Nutritionist is this is the case. I'm getting tired of too many conflicting 'research studies' and opinions from them and the science community. PS I literally limit myself to 4-5 oz of this cold brew in the mornings, mixed with Water and Protein shake sips. ADIO MIO. *sigh* I used to drink 2 thick, black, freshly ground Starbucks every morning.
  17. Amelie2016

    Regrets that got better

    I really think, no, I believe you will get better, Belle. Once I started on soft foods I experienced pain too and some people are still throwing it up. I'm also anxious and moody, and we've read that is to be expected. I think it's also due to so many changes that "sounded" simplistic on paper but are overwhelming now in reality. I have had to humble myself more than I thought. Weight gain is just you trying so hard to figure things out. And you will. It's not fair that we're in the "figure it out" stage just as the time we need to heal the most, right? I too had a pretty good first 2 weeks post op. The pain under my right breast was a muscle strain since I had started to go back to doing things around the house. The left pain was also some fluke. Then one time I actually had about an hour of intense pain in and only in ... my nipples, of all places. But I'm learning, you're learning. Go to each one of these forum topics and type in something you want to search and read on. Also, don't stay married to just this board, do a vast google search and a lot of other issues that people experience will intrigue you. I guess your pain went up after your round of meds ended? That would make sense. Some people are way more sensitive to nerve pain, I am, I have Fibro and I feel things I just shouldn't! They never quiet down. We're not going to be able to give up shakes anytime soon. No way we can get in 60-100mg protein just yet. Write down all these concerns and get to your next appointment and ask. If I don't ask, I forget. And don't let the Dr gloss over your questions because we are not Dr.s. Sorry that they have to spend extra time on some of us. Even though we went through 6 months - one year pre-op, this is a new reality. Huge difference between reading about something, and doing something. =) But I just know you will improve.
  18. Max I am so sorry about the COPD from second hand smoke. My mother was married to a man who chain smoked IN his jewelry stores whether customers liked it or not, and everywhere else, in the car, house, you name it. He could never do something like go to a movie w/ her because he'd have to smoke. She coughs all the time now, she left him 2 years ago. Interesting update; I tried "mouth taping" last night wearing my nasal mask. (I had been to CPAP boards) And my nasal passages and throat were happy and moist and no throat problems this morning. BUT ... the humidity did cause me to sort of choke up, so I took the tape off, only taped my mouth so I'd have a release for air ... and back to drying out. Yes, Monday I am getting a chin strap. Tonight, I may try the old pantyhose chin strap. These CPAP message boards were very creative, especially for a weekend! Maybe I am not having reflux after all. Maybe this is all it, just desert dryness ruining my natural mucous function/ability.
  19. I have been using my nasal pillow mask since surgery, because I didn't want to 'swallow' a ton of air at night, but my mouth and throat are drying out like a rocks. I keep a bottle of Water by the bed to sip on. I do use water / humidity in my machine on highest setting, it does not seem to help. So I read that I may be opening my mouth. Ok. I have several kinds of mask here so I will try full face with humidity, and I also lowered my pressure by two notches. I'm a getting overwhelmed. My throat seems to be irritated. If I have tasted anything come up, like reflux, it has not been acidic at all. But now I am worried my CPAP has been opening my esophageal sphincter via too much pressure, and I'm burning my throat ... and/or the dryness has given me a sore throat. Does anyone have experience with this? I just read a thread from a few years back. I don't see a solution except not using the CPAP. That's probably not an option for awhile for me with the amount I have to lose. I used a netti pot last night to cleanse the sinuses that a netti pot can reach. I also read that with all the water that I am drinking ... sometimes that can actually make your throat feel dryer because you're not creating saliva as much as you're swallowing, and I keep water going all day long, how could I possibly be dehydrated?? I really can't wait for my next appt. March 23rd. I am going to have a tome of questions. I really don't want this to be the beginning of acid reflux. I'm not eating 3-4 hours before bed. I think I should stop the water an hour before bed too if it's just drying as it goes down (??) and continue taking sips tonight if my throat and mouth are still as dry as a rock. *anxious* So I am at that stage, What did I just do? What is happening now?
  20. Amelie2016

    Regrets that got better

    Well thank you, really I mean it for coming here. I know you don't have to, and many veterans do not have to and it's so so helpful. I am going through a little emotional anxiety right now, and need someone to hit the "off" switch so I can snap out of it. You're so right, when people are having a wonderful time, they're not rushing to the forums to let everyone know. Thank you and everyone else who come and stay and post, to help those of us so new to this.
  21. Amelie2016

    Acid and decision for surgery

    I'm very pleased to hear that you've not had recurrence with GERD after having the VSG. Today I've been obsessing over the possible complication of developing uncontrollable GERD. So, it's good to hear about VSGers who have not. Just a question. Do you limit some of the things that can cause acid reflux? You know the list ... TY!
  22. Amelie2016

    The bloody eyeball

    Ugh! That looks painful, so sorry!! Just curious, how is this related to VSG surgery? Is this a complication? This only happens to me if I ever vomit. Which I have not, since this surgery. I used to vomit a lot with the band.
  23. I was banded in 2008, and had it removed in 2011. I was working all the time, family business and never paid attention to how I felt. When I moved to Texas and went for a test to have it removed, because it just wasn't working out for me ... they had discovered that my stomach prolapsed above my band. I had it removed by one Dr here in Texas and decided to wait awhile before I made any other decisions. 2011 - Feb 1st 2016, I was gaining weight, dieting, re-gaining and was at the end of my rope. Plus I'd only lost 45 pounds.But now I know why, just not sure when it prolapsed. All I did was find another Dr here with good reviews and they took care of everything. I am not a veteran of the gastric sleeve yet, so I can not tell you anything more experienced people can about it. I am only 5 weeks out soon, and still have highs and lows and sometimes an emotional wreck. Perhaps just look around your area for Bariatric Surgeons who are very experienced in revisions from band to sleeve.
  24. Amelie2016

    Ridiculous Nausea (over a month out)

    How are you doing, Spooner?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
