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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
  2. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from lrs in 2nd stall   
    I can relate to this too. I've had two significant stalls and am into my third. I consider a week significant but maybe that's normal. I started working out more and of course, I don't lose weight when I am working out...the old adage "muscle weighs more than fat" keeps ringing in my ears. But really folks...I still can't get over 1200 calories in a day. When the stall ends, I lose like 5 pounds in a few days. Is that normal for anyone else? I am also losing a ton of hair now.
  3. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
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    k_in_kcmo reacted to Jouselle in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I spend all my time in videogames. In videogames I'm beautiful, confident, and a man-magnet!
    In real life, I'm in a marriage that I will never ever break, but because of me and my hubby's weight, we've lost all passion. He just never wants to do it, and I don't anymore either. I miss it very badly. Him not wanting to be passionate with me has crushed my self-confidence.
    But the worst part is my husband's health. If he doesn't do something drastic, he will get diabetes, a bunch of other things, and die young. He's already in tons of back and knee pain. And he used to be a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do, so he knows what it feels like to be healthy, and he's just crushed.
    So we're gonna do this together.
    Oh, and thank you everyone who's posted in this thread. Reading these has made me feel... less alone.
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    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from EddiesAngel in 14 Days Post Op   
    I actually gained weight after surgery! I was 244 the day I walked into outpatient...the next day I weighted myself that evening at home and I had gained 14 pounds!! They totally overdid it on the IV I think. I was also severely constipated. I am now on day 13 and lost that 14 pounds as well as an addition 6 so I am satisfied. I was hoping for more too but I know its still a long road to recovery...not just for weight lose but for making the big mental change...behavioral and mental. I have to learn to like myself again..its been so long that it seems like an impossibility but I refuse to give up on me. Don't stop believin...and yes, I am a Journey fan too!!
  6. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from gamergirl in Why am I ashamed that I had to have WLS?   
    My step-daughter is 25 years old and naturally thin and basically underweight (your #3) and she is constantly providing me with unsolicited and uneducated advice....as if she's read as many diet and nutrition books as I have. She brags that she lost 15 pounds once and feels she can totally relate to me which I find to be absolutely hilarious. I told my therapist about this problem and this was her advice....don't give unsolicited advice unless you want to receive it.
    BOY...do I have some advice to give her....like, we didn't agree to pay for her college education for her to be a BARTENDER!!! Can't wait for her to give me more advice. ***evil grin*** I guess I am the wicked step-mother.
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    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from gamergirl in Why am I ashamed that I had to have WLS?   
    My step-daughter is 25 years old and naturally thin and basically underweight (your #3) and she is constantly providing me with unsolicited and uneducated advice....as if she's read as many diet and nutrition books as I have. She brags that she lost 15 pounds once and feels she can totally relate to me which I find to be absolutely hilarious. I told my therapist about this problem and this was her advice....don't give unsolicited advice unless you want to receive it.
    BOY...do I have some advice to give her....like, we didn't agree to pay for her college education for her to be a BARTENDER!!! Can't wait for her to give me more advice. ***evil grin*** I guess I am the wicked step-mother.
  9. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from gamergirl in Why am I ashamed that I had to have WLS?   
    My step-daughter is 25 years old and naturally thin and basically underweight (your #3) and she is constantly providing me with unsolicited and uneducated advice....as if she's read as many diet and nutrition books as I have. She brags that she lost 15 pounds once and feels she can totally relate to me which I find to be absolutely hilarious. I told my therapist about this problem and this was her advice....don't give unsolicited advice unless you want to receive it.
    BOY...do I have some advice to give her....like, we didn't agree to pay for her college education for her to be a BARTENDER!!! Can't wait for her to give me more advice. ***evil grin*** I guess I am the wicked step-mother.
  10. Like
    k_in_kcmo reacted to Kaj in Full liquids   
    You may want to break the surface tension of your Water for a while with a tiny bit of crystal light to flavor it. I did that the first day and the water flowed easier into my stomach. I am doing plain water now and it tends to be "louder" with water than with crystal light'ed water. I'm determined that my stomach will heal appropriately and healthily and that I won't over baby it until I cause it to be cranky all the time. <lol> So gurgle on is what I say.
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    k_in_kcmo reacted to Ballermom in Why am I ashamed that I had to have WLS?   
    I had unexpected issue that sprung up right before my surgery so I decided to only tell family. No body at work. Able to keep it a secret till 70 lbs later, boy do they ask, and ask, even got told they assumed that I had the sleeve surgery. Lol
    Well now I've even had to say it my business. Because of other issues health I'm keeping it private.
    Well after going through the constant barrage of questioning daily at work only,
    Had it to do over again I'd be open!!!!! I just even have to walk away from some people. Because of the privacy nature I chose. People will talk any way you cut it.
    On a flip side, I recently told my son girlfriend and and I was totally glad to tell. And had peace and praises!
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    k_in_kcmo reacted to gamergirl in Why am I ashamed that I had to have WLS?   
    I've heard that from people on and off my whole life depending on what my weight was doing at that time. I have an unbeatable answer that I guarantee you, will make them drop the topic.
    I simply tell them they only think that because they haven't seen me naked
    GUARANTEED conversation stopper, esp if you say that to people at work. I'm evil that way
  14. Like
    k_in_kcmo reacted to Kasey Parker in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Lost initially 120lbs to gain 90lbs back to numerous issues once I lost the weight. It's a lot harder to do a second time around without having to starve myself, plus now that's have fibromyalgia,it hurts most of the time to try to workout at the gym. Both my parents are now diabetic as well, so I thought it would be a good time to seek an alternate route to help me. Plus, I use to run half marathons (which is what triggered my fibro) and I'd love to do some again but not at such a high weight.
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    k_in_kcmo reacted to LBD in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Oh yeah, I know! I have been trying to lose weight since the age of 12, when I weighed 142 lbs. Yo yo dieting & now at 44 I am twice that weight. In 2007, I made the decision to have gastric bypass, but unfortunately a surgical mistake derailed my plans to have the surgery, and I almost lost my life. After recovering from that debacle, I never thought I would attempt WLS again. Then in 2010, my amazing vivacious and otherwise very healthy mother, aged 75, was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. I was her caregiver during her last five months until she passed away on May 8, 2011 on Mother's Day. To say this time was brutal would be an understatement and I tried to keep things as normal for my kids as possible throughout her illness and after, but the truth is that my health was not a priority. i was exhausted, traumatized & now I'm 35 lbs heavier than when I went in for the failed gastric bypass a few years ago. Aside from all the negatives that go with being obese, being at this weight greatly increases my chances of developing cancer, and I just can't put my boys through that. Am I scared to go under the knife again? Hell yes, but that fear pales in comparison to developing cancer, living the rest of my life like this or leaving my children motherless because I was too scared to make a change. I suddenly realized that the decision I made in 2007 was the right one for me and I have to try again. Almost done jumping through the pre-op hoops and I AM READY!!! Bring it ON!!!!
  16. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
  17. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
  18. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
  19. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
  20. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...
  21. Like
    k_in_kcmo got a reaction from Mayfly in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My story is probably like a many others. First came the depression from just another of the many failed yo-yo diets. Then I started losing my center of gravity from lack of strength thus falling down stairs or injuries at the gym. Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease of the spin followed quickly behind. Then, lack of sex with the spouse led to low self-esteem. Diabetes followed that, and then the last straw...optic neuropathy. Okay, I can deal with a lot but going blind??? Hell no. I didn't have to get super large to make my mind up. I had to start losing my eyesight for me to "see" the light.
    Surgery was this past Thursday and I am resolved. People have the nerve to tell me I don't have will power. They just don't know what they’re talking about. People who have gained and lost 70+ pounds multiple times have will power...more than most. I don't need skinny people giving me unsolicited and uneducated advice. I need smart people, who have been through what I have been through, giving me smart advice. That's why I posted...to talk to "real" people...who know...

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