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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SHOTzY*

  1. SHOTzY*


    Your story will and does help all of us. I wish your back pain was relieved by WLS. I've known a few people who have told me similar stories about their spinal injuries and weight control. As you said, sometimes the damage irreversible. I'm sorry you are in chronic pain. My ????????????????❤️ goes out to you. It's a lonely place sometimes. You have to stare it down and hope it will edge off. Just wanting a little peace for awhile. I hope you and your dr's. can find some resolution for you.
  2. SHOTzY*

    Strained Green/fruit juices

    If anyone is still reading/posting here, I'm curious about citrus fruit in general. I know I'm not so poised to eat the pith or any of the membranes. Just wondering how you all are able to slice/peel and eat those delicious fruits?? I'm just nervous I might ingest something and ill. In a big citrus eater. I love lemons and limes, too????
  3. SHOTzY*


    Sure know what your going through with that spinal injury!! ????. I have two aunts and my grandmother who have had sever endometriosis. My grandmother got so bad and her uterus so severe, it prolapsed internally and tore. She almost hemorrhaged to death. It's hard to have chronic, constant pain. It can alter your personality and your view on everyday life. It's as much a mental struggle as a physical one. Keep talking to all your health care team members. Advocate for yourself, you don't have to "Just put up with it." In doing the same as you, off the anti inflammatories, only Tylenol or hydrocodone for pain. Someday it's just not enough. The breakthrough pain is persistent. If you need shoulders to lean on, come on in and lean on a few of us. We can all do it together! We can vent, bi@#$ all we want with no fear of judgement. I hear you @ Sammie 16...I'm walking down that road with you. All of us are ????????!!
  4. . I've been waiting for someone like you to post about Syntrax. I ask about it a couple of times in the correct forum/conversation, but I think the posts kind of went a different way, so I didn't re-ask ????. (Didn't want to seem rude) I've got the Fuzzy Navel and Lemonade. I thought it would help me get both Water and protein in at same time. I was also gifted a tub of Peanut Butter cookie and the Truffle. In happy to hear you like them too!! ????. I use the Latte everyday, and I put coffee in mine also. I'm a coffee gal, so even though we have to go decaf, I try to make it seem and taste as REAL as possible...Ha Ha Ha!!! So glad you posted. If you have any ideas on blending or adding to your Nectars, is love if you shared ????????????!! Thanks again.
  5. I'm Feb 8, too! I go in at 5am, and I'm the second case for that morning. It's okay to be scared-it's completely normal ????. You are getting ready for the final part of this journey. Your new life and the road to a healthier you is about to begin!! I can just guess all the thoughts going through your mind--because my mind is like those super 6-lane highways where everyone is trying to merge and all the traffic is driving 75-100mph ????. Nerve racking and crowded to say the least. And, on the flip side, there is probably a part of you that is excited, has a little "rush" of adrenalin, and is ready to just go ahead and get on that highway. As so many have said, you're not alone, ever. Reach out no matter what, and someone will be ready to respond. I've met/read several others in these forums that are Feb 8, and all the other dates of Feb too. We are going to be fine. Slow and steady wins the race! I wish you only the best! When you wake up, your new life awaits ????
  6. SHOTzY*

    Strained Green/fruit juices

    Same here guys. My clinic and surgery team go bonkers and really hammer away about the natural, and the hidden sugar in fruit/foods. As was mentioned above, eating the actual fruit-minus the peels and seeds if possible-was highly encouraged for all the fiber. However, they give you a formula of all the carbs, protein, and quite a long list of what you need per day to be a healthy post Bariatric person. It's strict, but I know it's for my best interest.
  7. At all the nutritionist appts and the PCP appts, I was continually told to keep away from sugar and to keep my carbs down to a certain level. Each nutrition I had to attend (with a group of others) there was a section devoted to education about sugar, insulin resistance, carbohydrates and glucose conversion. They seemed pretty determined to steer us away from most sugar and confections. I know i don't want to ever regain weight if I can help it. But I want to be realistic too. I really don't know if "just one bite" would be bad and make me start to want sugar. Those are called "Trigger Foods" at my clinic.
  8. SHOTzY*

    Eating Eggs

    Good to know about the egg pros and cons. I do have fondness for them. I will approach this food with caution! I was told that any time a food does not seem okay inside, to stop, and revisit that food in two weeks. And to never advance my diet until my Dr/Nut/Nurse Practitioner has told me to. It is strict where I'm at, but I get it.
  9. SHOTzY*

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    Sorry about that syntax error!! Im embarrassed ????!! I meant: I was wondering if anyone had tried plain protein and what your opinions were.
  10. SHOTzY*

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    Glad I checked in on this forum????!! I wascwonderingvifvanyonevhadvanybopions on plain protein isolate. Anyone every tried Bariatric Advantage's plain protein?? I was given a new, unopened bag as a gift of support. I've had two friends be super supportive of my decision, and they have surprised me with tubs/bags of several flavors of protein mix. ????-WOW!! What a wonderful gift and I was completely taken aback.
  11. SHOTzY*

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    Thanks Pedro! I've been a little quiet lately around here. Mostly just reading different opinions and personal stories. I saw my surgeon yesterday. It was the final step before you go to admitting at the hospital for surgery. It is Friday now, and I'm just feeling "different", at least that's how I describe it. I feel I am standing apart from myself, seeing all these events happening. Odd. It's like I've shut everything inside down, and I'm bracing for an impact. Usually a perky lady, but now I'm just still and reflective. I love reading all the great supportive posts, and the sound advice of those who know the way around here! ????
  12. SHOTzY*

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    I'm the 8th ????! I just started getting nervous this morning. Not sure why. I've been getting all things organised and put in their place. I had my final visit with the actual surgeon yesterday. I signed all the final consent and acknowledgement papers. I signed filled out and signed the vitamin/mineral contract. I feel I've dotted all the "I's" and crossed all the "T's". I guess you would say I feel like I'm in a void; or limbo. A holding pattern!! Hope you are doing well on your pre op diet????. I'm sure your excited to get the show on the road! Sending all my good Karma to you for the 9th????
  13. SHOTzY*

    3 Milestones in One!

    Get it girl!! ???? what a thrill for you to get to this point. In on the verge of getting my surgery and I just LOVE to hear these success stories. Isn't it nice to "like" your scale instead of loathing it??! ????????????????????????????
  14. SHOTzY*

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    So very happy for you!! I hope you wake up from surgery and your mind is at peace knowing that it has become a reality!! Are you from upstate?? Nice to know another Land of Lincoln resident is also having a life changing transformation. Kind of takes your mind of the BUDGET FIASCO . Ha ha ha!!!! I'm not scared or nervous-yet. It will happen at check in I think. I will look around me and then likely get emotional. I know one thing for sure: I will meet you and all these wonderful supportive people right back here after I'm -WE-are post op!!! :-)
  15. SHOTzY*

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    You can do it!! ????. It is hard, but the time will fly by with each day of limited eating. I'm almost done with my pre op diet, and I have gotten to the point of not really caring about meals or "oh my gosh, I need to eat!!" I think it helps to know that at the end of this short diet, you get the PRIZE-so to speak-of a second chance to be a better and more healthy person ????. I see the surgery team tomorrow. I do the clear liquid and citrate of magnesium laxative on Sunday. I don't think it's sunk in yet. I think I'll get nervous the day I have to go to the hospital ????.
  16. Yes, I have heard that from others, too. The bypass must do something with all the "re-routing" that helps. I don't have GERD and I sure don't want to have it! My mother and several relatives are plagued by it ????.
  17. SHOTzY*

    Surgery tmm 2/3/16

    Best of luck to you!! Be thinking of you tomorrow ????!! All those things you want will materialize. Your new tool will help you. Keep in touch with your team and your nut. and you will do great!
  18. Good for you! Stick to your guns about your choice, too!! I have no opinion good or bad about gastric sleeve-I'm completely neutral. I did a long research on both and decided to hear what the WLS clinic had to say. My clinic simple doesn't advise or perform the sleeve on patients with a higher BMI-49/50 and above. It is the surgeons and WLS teams ethical and joint personal opinions. They do not feel the sleeve does enough nor teach your body and brain enough to meet the needs of the extremely or "super obese" patient. Likewise, if your "X" amount of weight, they do not perform Lao band on that patient. For the same reason: they don't see it working enough and ultimately a second surgery ends up happening. To them, that's not ethical. So, that's why I chose my surgeon and clinic, and that's why I TRUST THEM to advise me in the best technique for my needs. Sounds like you are doing your homework, too!! Do what you really feel. Don't hesitate to ask question, this is your life and well being!! You answer only to you, no one else. People mean well, but this about you and the road you have traveled and will travel in the future????!! We are behind you. We got your back-as they say!
  19. SHOTzY*


    Anyone out there that can help me find @@beachgal2935 blog and links to her recipes?? Maybe I'm dumb, but I've searched current and past posts and several forums, and used key words in the search bar. I've seen the pics and recipes she has here and there and I'm impressed!! I could sure that kind of help! Anybody willing to help out with that info I thank and give you a BIG hug in advance ????-SRB "SHOTzY*"
  20. SHOTzY*

    Mind playing tricks 9 days pre-op

    Glad you posted those 8 statements of positive thinking! Don't let any of those self doubts or negative energy sway you from your decision to change your life. You know why you're here; you got here because of that very focused desire and drive. That will sustain and drive you on to your goal. You know it will be ups and downs sometimes, but you have this place to come to, and your own personal support people. By posting your private thoughts and fears you, and as others have too, you help us all confront those demons ourselves. It's empowering ????!! Good luck and best thoughts!
  21. SHOTzY*

    2 oz cup

    I think @@Inner Surfer Girl is right. I don't remember the adult version stating sugar as an ingredient, but good to double check ????! Adult liquid Tylenol is listed on my approval post op sheet, so I assume it's okay. Info well with any Tylenol/acetaminophen products, so in hoping that will help after surgery. They already told me no NSAIDS, ever. Period. It's still a hard blow to take, as they help me have a good quality of life by controlling other conditions I have. Oh well!! You move on and go through that wall, dont ya'?!? ????
  22. SHOTzY*

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    Wow 24 days! I would die... lol... how much weight have you lost in the pre op diet? Well, ha ha ha!, I'm not dying-yet!! ????. I've lost about 15# so far, my days are almost up. I've lost a total of about 45#, and I'm very pleased with that. I see my surgeon and the rest of the surgery team on the 4th to go over the surgery and do any last minute stuff he wants done for pre op. Then Monday its time to go! It's all been worth it, but still intimidating. ????
  23. SHOTzY*

    2 oz cup

    Have you tried EBAY?? I have found all kinds of small cups/glasses, small bowls and containers, too. I just entered "2 oz glasses", or "4oz bowls", etc. I also enters "Tupperware" and found gobs of 2-8oz cups, bowls, lids. Just a thought.....????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
