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Posts posted by NewRose2016

  1. I have a question... Today will make 7 weeks since my sleeve. Everything was amazing, no pain, very little discomfort, felt the restriction and I was on a regular diet within 3 weeks just take it slow as per the doctor and nurses. Well yesterday I thought I was getting a stomach bug. Had a lot of discomfort , stomach upset, now everything I eat hurts, even Water . The pain is just under my diaphragm right in the middle. Kind of like a spasm but it is only when I eat/drink. Any thoughts?

    Can you please update....I sure hope it was not a leak or anything serious.

  2. I'm scheduled Jan 19 to get sleeved.

    I'm scarred too. But hoping in God all will be good with you and me ????

    I'm taking Premier Protein from Sam's Club. It's very hard once in awhile a slip and take a bite or two of something...but at least I don't eat everything like I was used to doing.

    My surgery is going to done on Edinburg, Texas that's in Deep South Texas. God bless and I will be keeping an eye on your posts.

    I'm 3 weeks post op, and finally feeling great!! Thanks to God????????

    HW 265

    SW 252

    CW 237

    GW 170

    GOD bless everybody!!

  3. I also had mine 1/18/16. I hated pca pump with dilaudid made me nauseous. The sent me home on norco I just cut them in half. I only have pain in 1 spot on my belly left side like a intense burning. Anyone else having that? I am still getting left shoulder pain from gas, gas x strips and a heating pad help. I am now 10 days post op and 10# down since surgery. Good luck!!

    Hi I also have intense burning in small area on upper left. I was sleeved on 1/19. I haven't gone to dr yet , What did dr. they tell you?

  4. Hello everyone!

    I'm new on here, so I thought I'd follow the trend and introduce myself in the hopes of making some buddies! I'm Rachael, I've just turned 29 and I had my surgery done privately by Dr Christopher Wong at The Glen (Bristol Spire Hospital) on January 19th. I'm nearly at my three week post-op mark and feeling pretty positive (though I'm definitely having ups and downs in terms of my emotions - mostly due to other people's insensitive natures). I'm going to try swimming tomorrow, so I'm excited for that - I've been feeling like I really need to stretch my torso out a bit. I don't know if this is normal or not, but walking doesn't seem to help much. I do a mad little stretch-hula-hoop thing every time I get up now, which looks crazy but works wonders. I don't have an appetite, and haven't really felt hungry at all yet, so I have alarms set on my phone to remind me to eat some Protein, and I mentally remind myself to go get drinks in between.

    I only weigh myself on a Tuesday to mark the exact weekly anniversary of the surgery (I have an obsessive nature so I'm trying to pretend scales don't exist Wed-Mon), but last Tuesday I'd lost 21 lbs from the date of my pre-op appointment on the 6th Jan when I weighed 282 lbs.

    I'm a pretty healthy person, aside from the weight issue, but my weight has impacted on my life in a variety of other ways - mostly through depression and not being able to do the things I'd really like to, some of them so simple it's depressing in itself (as I'm sure many of you know). I'm actually a super positive and cheery person, and I so can't wait to not feel so self-conscious. I don't have a fixed job or address (my mum likes to joke that we have Romany blood) - I do some freelance academic proofreading, but ultimately I'm an aspiring novelist, which means I'm already pretty temperamental ;) I love travelling and have just sold my latest apartment in order to do more - this weight loss will be accomplished from all over the world (fingers crossed).

    In terms of my journey to this point - my friend had the surgery in October 2014 and I've watched her as she lost nearly 11 stone. Essentially, she's partially responsible for my decision as she inspired me to give it a go! I've tried everything - different diets, fitness farms, gym work outs, personal trainers - nothing worked very well for me, and my depression just deepened. In November I decided I'd had enough, did some research and made a consult with Dr Wong. Initially I was going for the Gastric Band, but he pretty much filled my head with horror stories and sold me on the sleeve - and here I am two months later!

    The most helpful thing I've found, motivation wise, was something my nutritionist asked me to do. He made me write a list of all the things my weight stops me from doing, no matter how simple, and whenever I'm struggling I can look at it and tick them off once they're no longer an issue!

    Well, I'll stop rambling now, but if anyone wants to chat I'm always around! :D Good luck everyone!

    Hi there, in also a Jan 19 , sleeve ????God bless!

  5. thanks everyone for the encouraging words...I went on monday for a GI swallow study and today I went to see my doctor for the results....LEAK HAS HEALED...AND ALL BLOOD WORK IS NORMAL (AT LEAST WERE HE WANTS IT))...

    I just screamed thank you jesus...I am a woman of faith and this has been one of the hardest things I have every went through. He took out one of my drains and put me on Clear liquids...still on tpn til I can eat enough Protein.

    I am so happy..

    This has been a long journey this month...I just thank God for seeing me through this...I pray He can continue to heal me and to carry me though the rest of this journey.

    one question for all...the place where he took out the drain is leaking a lot of like pus stuff...doesn't hurt or stink...called nurse and she said it was okay as long as it didn't stink or was like a deep yellow or green color... has anyone experienced this?

    THANK YOU JESUS????????????????

  6. as im writing this i am uncontrollably crying. I had gastric sleeve surgury on 8/25. I was fine the first week, the second week i noticed I had lots of gas pain...so i thought...then i thought it was Constipation. Called the nurse at the office and she gave me more pain meds and told me to take a mirilax. After i did all that I did feel better, but my upper left side of stomach still was hurting. I also felt that i couldn't drink enough so I felt dehydrated. So on 9/7 I went tot he hospital. I was admitted once they did a CT scan and found an infection and abcess with a small leak. I was then rushed to surgury and admitted to the hospital. I had a horrible time at the first hospital I was at because the nursing staff seemed to not know how to do anything. They even had me miss a dose of antibiotics. I got a PICC line and was told that my white blood cell count is high and needed to come down to normal range. Throughout the week, things only got worst. Finally on that friday my doctors wanted to transfer me to another hospital in case they needed to put in a stent. I went there and everything was seemed to turn around. On that saturday, I got a CT assisted procedure where they sucked out the bad stuff in my abcess and put in another drain. Afterwards my white blood cell count decreased and I felt better. Well Im home now with 2 drains, a PICC line, and TPN and 5 days with of antibiotics.

    Im so sad and hurt because I don't know what to do. Im so scared this is going to go on for months. I'm only 29 years old. I look at all these boxes of medicine and I break down crying. And the thing about is is that I did it to myself. I was pefectly healthy. I was 297 lbs, but i was active. I have faith in God that he will bring me through this and take care of everything. Its just so hard right now. I am out of work, I can't bathe myself, or even comb my hair. And my poor fiance. He is hanging in there with me and supporting me. He helps me do everything while still working. I just cry everything I think about what I did to him. I love him so much and i never wanted this for him. He was fine with me, he just wanted me healthy and thats all. Not a certain size or anything. I did this because I couldn't control myself and displine myself to stay in a healthy lifestyle on my own. I didn't think it would be easy, but I didn't think it would be like this. I am sooooo scared.

    i have an appointment on monday for a swallow study (don't know what that is), then an appointment with my surgeon the next day. I pray that everything goes well. I don't know how much I can take of this.

    Has anyone went through something like this?

    I hope to God you are doing better. Praying for you!! Please let us know how you are doing. GOD BLESS

  7. Hi Todd, have you informed the doctors you feel shaky after the drink?

    Also what came yo mind when you said your throat feels it closes up, it a sign of possibly you're allergic to the drink, first sign when you eat or drink some you're allergic your esophagus starts to feel tight as it swell. Please let your doctor know f you haven't and keep and eye out if it's a particular brand or all. It also be one of the Protein drink ingredient if it happens with all. But if it's happening with just Water than it's clearly you still need the doctor to help make more space for you.

    Is it all Protein drinks or just one on this question too.

    I did notice my heart raced and at times after my Protein Drink that were soy powder based.

    I haven't told my doctors, as I keep forgetting but I assuming it's all the Vitamins in the Protein Drink that causes it.

    The ready to go Premier Protein don't to the severity the powder mix did but was also a different brand.

    Please ensure to discus these symptoms with your doctors

    I hope you feel better, keep up posted.

    i sent you a message, thanks

  8. So last night I'm getting ready for bed and felt a large lump on my sternum. Right above my breasts.

    I called first thing this morning and they fit me in this afternoon. It measures 3in x 1 inch. I have to go for a sonogram to rule out anything serious. She thinks it is a lipoma. She said it could've been there for a long time but now noticeable since I've lost 25 lbs. ????

    Sorry Cindy you're going through this. I will be praying for you. All will be good, you will be happy with your husband and two kids and healthy in Jesus Name, Amen!!

  9. I was sleeved on the 20th as well. This is day 3 for me. I was miserable to and instantly thought what did I do to myself. I do feel better today but I am no where near meeting my liquid and Protein goals. Gas spasms in stomach are lessening and are not as strong as they were. I can't use my cpap cause it causes me to have more gas. Still hoping each day I feel stronger. I am more awake today. I to thought I would be one to handle this easily but boy was I wrong!!

    I hear you my surgery was on the 19th and it's like you're saying exactly what I'm feeling I'm just sitting here regretting everything GOD bless you and everybody going through this.

  10. Hi there , when is ur surgery?

    RGV Texas


    Doctors at Renisance at the Bariatric & Metabolic Institute in

    Edinburg, Texas

    Hi!! Welcome we are close by i will be getting mine done in Harlingen Texas ????????????

    Hi there , when is ur surgery?

    RGV Texas


    Doctors at Renisance at the Bariatric & Metabolic Institute in

    Edinburg, Texas

    Hi!! Welcome we are close by i will be getting mine done in Harlingen Texas ????????????

    Hi!! When is ur surgery?

  11. I'm scheduled Jan 19 to get sleeved.

    I'm scarred too. But hoping in God all will be good with you and me ????

    I'm taking Premier Protein from Sam's Club. It's very hard once in awhile a slip and take a bite or two of something...but at least I don't eat everything like I was used to doing.

    My surgery is going to done on Edinburg, Texas that's in Deep South Texas. God bless and I will be keeping an eye on your posts.

  12. So I got approval for my sleeve. My surgery is January 19. Everything happened so quick. Any tips on what I will need for my hospital stay? any recommendations on what brands/things to buy for my liquid diet. Any advise is greatly appreciated. I have also recently quit smoking....I am using a vape with 0 nicotine liquid. I feel very overwhelmed...........

    So I got approval for my sleeve. My surgery is January 19. Everything happened so quick. Any tips on what I will need for my hospital stay? any recommendations on what brands/things to buy for my liquid diet. Any advise is greatly appreciated. I have also recently quit smoking....I am using a vape with 0 nicotine liquid. I feel very overwhelmed...........

  13. Hi everyone, I'm having my surgery on the 13th as well I was going through some things nd I had thought about not having the surgery until I got on here nd posted that I wasn't having the surgery and all of the feedback nd advice that I had received from everyone then I prayed nd ask God to lead me and I changed my mind I'm not nervous or anything I'm just tired of these Protein shakes....but I no the reason why I'm doing this surgery is bcuz I want to b healthier nd live longer my mother passed away when she was 49 yrs old some of it was bcuz of her weight nd other health problems so I no I'm on a mission I have a 10 yr old daughter but I can't even worry about her don't get me wrong yes I want to b here for her but if she wants to listen to her dad nd give me problems I have to do for me..... I'm sorry if I went off topic but congratulations to all of us its a new year which means a new us

    GOD bless!!

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