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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SesaAlegria

  1. So today I had the TNE (EGD thru my nose), then went to get Xrays. blood work and EKG done. I wasn't expecting to have to do either of the last two. I started to panic when I found out when I had to have the EKG done because I had a heart attack when I was 37, and started to worry that I'd be delayed needing cardiology clearance, too. But, everything looked great on my EKG so I don't need it. WHEW!! So I'm still on track for the 25th, so long as my blood work comes back ok. SO next step is meeting with the NUT and staring the liquid diet on Monday. Fingers crossed!!
  2. SesaAlegria

    Surgery is tomorrow!

    Good luck to everyone!
  3. SesaAlegria

    I was finally approved!

    Congratulations! I just got approved Friday and am scheduled for surgery on the 25th. Isn't this exciting!?
  4. SesaAlegria

    Anyone's first surgery?

    If I recall correctly, I think they put Xanax or something in my I.V. before they took my back, so I was pretty relaxed before they actually put me to sleep. I vaguely remember them telling me to count backwards from 10, and I didn't even make it to 5 or 6 and I was zonked out.
  5. I would be ticked off at that person, if I were you. She made it a point to make it sound like you were just one of many she has to deal with, and that is just uncalled for. My surgery couldn't be done until January, so that's the only reason mine wasn't submitted in December, even though it was ready. And even then, it was sent in the very first week and I was approved within days.
  6. SesaAlegria

    Psych eval worries

    I agree with the other posters, you should not have a problem. You're stable and are aware of what you are about to do. My psychiatrist who manages my medications just wrote up a paragraph saying I understand the risks and stuff, and I am capable of following through what I'm about to undertake. It was very banal and to the point.
  7. I understand the nervousness, I'm right there with you! Your surgery is scheduled a week from today, how exciting! Have you finished all of your pre-surgery procedures and appointments? I still have a few things left to do.
  8. My EGD is scheduled for tomorrow, too! Is yours the regular one done at the hospital, or one using a scope going into your nose at the doctor's office? They gave me a choice, and I chose the one that is just a procedure in the doctor's office. I never heard of it being done that way, but it sounds easier. (No sedation, supposed to take 5 mins, etc.) They doctor's office emailed me a printout of the rest of my appointments. I assume that as long as the scope doesn't find anything and my blood work comes back normal, everything else is a go for the surgery. I hope so at least!
  9. SesaAlegria

    Jan 26th surgery day!

    I'm scheduled for January 25th. Wednesday is my EGD and blood work, and I start my liquid diet (with the NUT) a week from today. I'm starting to get nervous, too!
  10. SesaAlegria

    Question about insurance

    I don't have your insurance. but I called my insurance company the week after the doctor's office submitted it because I was so impatient. I say go for it!
  11. Talbot's, for sure! I lost 75 pounds when I was 28 (which I've unfortunately gained back), and I loooved Talbot's. They can be kind of expensive but you can find some great stuff on sale and clearance. I can't wait to be able to shop in their non-plus sized clothing again!
  12. SesaAlegria

    Anyone's first surgery?

    I've had 3 C-sections and a hysterectomy. I was awake for the C-sections but put to sleep for the hysterectomy. It was a little intimidating to go into the operating room for the hysterectomy, but they have you asleep so fast you don't have time to get worked up about it. It seems like just minutes later you're awake again.
  13. SesaAlegria

    Where is everyone from?

    Shreveport, Louisiana
  14. My surgeon's office just submitted for the Prior Authorization last week, so as long as it comes back approved, I will be the end of January or early February
  15. SesaAlegria

    Share your profession

    I am also a social worker

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