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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Calykynsmom

  1. Oh I can totally understand where you are coming from. I happen to be extremely lucky in that I already have a relationship that I have been in for ten years so I am not hunting. Unfortunately He is ALOT older than me , so it is realistic that in five-ten years I will be single again.... Hopefully the men that will be in my prospective dating pool will be comfortable with my saggy baggy skin. I will have plastics eventually, but obviously the results won't come close to being as nice as women that had reconstruction earlier.

    With that being said, I think if I were in your shoes I would get the best nutrition/ hydration exercise/ strength training I could afford. I would invest in good lotions and moisturizers to combat aging my face. And put the rest of my disposable income into an account for plastics. You might not even need it , but at least it will be there if you feel you do need it.

  2. My biggest fear is that people will treat me different. I work with a lot of gastric sleeve/ bypass women and they have kind of walked me through the process. I have found that the only people that have treated our recent batch of sleevers different were NO counts. Meaning their opinion never counted and never would. If you are around mature people they won't give you grief ... Only the jealous types will, and they would be jealous over you wearing a new pair of shoes or carrying a new purse. My attitude about this is I am having WLS , I double dare you to say something to my face.

  3. Well as far as your Mom carrying your meds around and your worried about her being prosecuted I would say you are being paranoid. You would not believe the meds people bring in for family. Sometimes my jaw drops open when I see it , LOL. As far as your meds it is faster to do a cross check for interactions and possibly give them to you to use at bedside if you need them then to try to get them in house if you decide at three A.M. that you need a med you didn't bring.

  4. I am not in your shoes just quite yet. But I certainly understand your fears about not being able to guzzle your drinks. That is my one fear that I can't seem to shake. I think about it daily. I think it is actually more of a habit than anything , Habits can be modified. I once had to be NPO for a week, after a day or two I no longer felt the need to drink , let alone drink the way I always had.

    But with that being said please don't cancel your surgery. There are people here that are literally dying to be in your shoes. I imagine that part of why you are doing this surgery is because you love your kids and want to see them grow up. There are no do overs in this life.

    Another thing that has helped me is that I have known two people that had the Gastric sleeve this past year. One had no complications. She dropped 90 pounds. She said she had no regrets. The other had massive complications. She had a leak, she spent 12 days in ICU. A month in the hospital, She had to eat with a TPN, a wound vac and had to have her bowels reconnected ( from infection). I asked her the same question , did she regret it??? And she said NO. So even with complications it was still worth it.

  5. IDK when you are planning to get your surgery done, but I understand your fears and your family's fears as well. The main thing I put out there was this was NOT a spur of the moment flighty idea. Most of us have went back and forth losing weight, getting WLS consults, Drs supervised diets and seminars on WLS.I have lost weight and gained it back more times than I want to count. All surgery is risky, but I would rather take a chance and have WLS than certainly die twenty years early from obesity. Even if I died on the table it would be on my terms!

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