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Posts posted by elizabeth105

  1. I finally made it! Surgery is tomorrow morning!!! As of this morning, I've lost 20 lbs on the 9 day clear liquid diet. I've lost 10 inches from waist alone. I didn't plan what I was going to have each day, but I ended up having 1-2 sugar free Jello cups per day, 1-2 sugar free popsicles, 1 cup broth with different seasonings, and then a ton of Water each day. I'm honestly not hungry or looking for food, it gets easier! *Different surgeons always have different pre-op diets for people to follow. Mine was so strict because I have fatty liver disease and we wanted to shrink it as much as possible!

    I'm having my hair blown out at the salon this afternoon so I don't have to worry about it. I'll be in the hospital for 4 days, my surgeon always does them on Wednesdays and releases patients on Saturdays. Packing this afternoon and calling the hospital to get my actual arrival time; it doesn't feel real yet!

  2. @@oceangirlpc I hear you girl! Jitters in full swing here, too. Questioning myself and just nervous for surgery. But we're going to feel so much better! Prayers for you, too. I hope everything goes smoothly as planned!


    Thank you, Today is a new day......6 more to go!!!!! whoa the jitters are setting in. I pray everything goes smoothly. I cannot wait to feel lighter again. Its been a long 10 month journey for me. I have to keep reminding myself this is the last week and then a New Beginning begins!!!!! thats awesome how we have the same day. We are across the states but same goal girly

  3. Hi! I'm having surgery 6/15, too! Normally my surgeon only does a 2 day clear liquid diet, but since I have non-alcoholic fatty liver I'm required to do it for 10 days. I stocked up on different herbs and spice mixes to make broth interesting for 10 days. So far, so good! I'm down 11 lbs.

    @@oceangirlpc Don't beat yourself up, tomorrow will be better!! I have told my family that if they're eating something, don't take offense if I walk away. Someone placed bread in front of me last night, I literally passed the basket back! We're almost there :)

  4. YES! Oh my goodness. I see myself every day but didn't realize how big I really am. Someone took a picture of me two weeks ago at a work conference and I suddenly saw myself how others' see me. I was so embarrassed. I posted that pic on here, as my "before" pic. I can't wait to be able to post my "after" pic!

  5. YAY! So, I have had to annoy my surgeon's office since Feb 8th to submit my file to insurance. Seriously. My surgeon was just named the Chief of Surgery at the hospital, so his workload has doubled. It took him 6 weeks to approve my surgery, then it took another 3 weeks for the office to submit it to insurance. They only have one person who submits to insurance and works on getting approvals. She was on vacation, so it sat in the office. But at least we're moving in the right direction :)

    I was already told I'm on the schedule for June 15th, if insurance approved it on time. Yes, the waiting is awful but I'm using the time to mentally prepare for this!

  6. I think I have all the hoops jumped through that I know of. I have one more weight check with my PCP in March and then i think we can submit for insurance. I just had my LEEP on Wednesday of this week. I really, really need it to come back negative. If those margins are clear......you'll probably hear screaming from here! And what gives with a sudden 10pound gain? That sucked this morning.

    How is your process going Elizabeth105?

    Great, thanks! So I've had one to many "last meals" in preparation for surgery.. you know, it's the last time you're going to savor it, so it's allowed. I've gained 12 lbs!

    But, today I got clearance from the endocrinologist. Talked to my surgeon's office, they're compiling everything and will submit to insurance. Then they'll call me once it's approved. Definitely starting to feel real! I'm taking the time to really practice all of the changes (no carbonated drinks, no straws, chewing to applesauce consistency, etc) Good luck, and I'll let you know when I have a date confirmed!

  7. I have bcbs of Michigan too the only thing I'm concerned with is I haven't met my deductible yet. How do i spend that up so that the insurance will pay the bulk of the surgery? Why pay more when you can pay less you know

    I hear you! Are you on any medications you can refill? That can eat away at the deductible. Or any doctor's visits you need? We've always had BCBS PPO plans, but this year we purposely switched to a high deductible plan. Our employer pays into the HSA for us, then we only have to pay around $3,500 out of pocket before the family deductible is met. Our daughter is a Type 1 Diabetic, so far this month, her insulin, needles, test strips, etc. alone have taken care of half our family deductible for the year! Our deductible will be met by end of Feb, so surgery should be covered.

    I would do that, think of any appointments you can make, therapy visit, medications you can refill. Good luck to you :)

  8. I know! This is like torture! I will be submitting to insurance on april 7th and then my surgeon requires a month long liquid diet so I will be getting it in mid may at the earliest. My first time meeting with the office for the info session was in early august so it feels like a lonnnnnng process. I am currently making some good changes in my relationship to food though and am looking for a therapist to help me with the transition. I can't seem to lose any weight but I know I am making many positive changes.

    Patience is just not my strong point, I guess!


    I know! This is like torture! I will be submitting to insurance on april 7th and then my surgeon requires a month long liquid diet so I will be getting it in mid may at the earliest. My first time meeting with the office for the info session was in early august so it feels like a lonnnnnng process. I am currently making some good changes in my relationship to food though and am looking for a therapist to help me with the transition. I can't seem to lose any weight but I know I am making many positive changes.

    Patience is just not my strong point, I guess!


    I hear you, this IS torture lol. I see shows like 'My 600 lb Life' and wonder how Dr. N can just approve them asap or whenever he wants, but I'm starting to try to slow my mind down and really work on this. My Dr. wants me exercising 30 min/ day before surgery... I will admit I can only do about 10 min at a time and then I need a break. Last night was the first time I could walk the mall (needed 2 breaks), but I did it!

  9. I have BCBS of TX and luckily had no trouble. I think they prefer you go throught a center of excellence... my surgery is on the 27th and I was given two discounts from BCBS; one for going through a center of excellence and one for using that hospital's wls program. Luckily my deductible is super low.

    It was approved after 2 days, but they don't send it electronically/fax....they mail it. That took about a week.

    I wish you the best with your journey!

    That's awesome that you were approved so fast! Thank you for the well wishes :)

  10. you need to call them & get them to send it to you on paper. I had called them 4 or 5 times

    & each time they told me all I needed was a recommendation from pcp. then I finished all

    the other things for the surgeon & paper work was submitted the came backing wanting

    diet (6 month) details & dates. I had ask them about the diet on each phone call & they

    said none was required. I had bcbsm ins.

    How annoying! I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I'll call again in the morning. Online they told me my surgeon would NOT be covered because it wasn't a center of excellence. I called this week and they had me on hold to research for 45 minutes!! they came back and told me she would be a covered surgeon. So, I know the call is recorded, if they give me trouble in the future I will have proof that they told me they would cover it.

  11. You could use this short period of time to cut out caffeine,sodas and excess sugar...It take as awhile to detox.The caffeine headaches when I gave up coffee ...it took me 3 weeks to get it out of my system.I started to eliminate refined sugars and snacking.Beleve me the time goes quickly.

    Yes! This is what I need to do. Caffeine withdraw headaches are the worst, might as well get them out of the way now :)

  12. No, I've only told my husband and my parents. Somehow my sister found out.. she gave me a lecture last night on how I just need to eat low carb and plenty of people on FB have done it without surgery. I sat there, but ignored her. She's 5'8" like me, but has been 130 lbs her entire life. She just doesn't understand the struggle.

    My feeling is, it's none of their business! We want to live life, be happy, look and feel amazing! They should be excited for us and encourage us, not beat us down :) So, maybe I'll tell people after surgery, but not now, I don't want the lectures LOL

  13. Use the time in-between to make lifestyle modifications. I know the mos before my surgery I spent time making cognitive changes towards the foods I was eating, and not having in my house. There is plenty you can do while in the "holding pattern."

    I completely agree with you; it's so important to be ready for the lifestyle change. I had the psych eval, and even though I don't require additional psychology appts, I just started seeing one to help me with the adjustment. I'm also making healthier food choices and doing 2 Protein shakes a day. I know the surgery will just be an additional tool, so I'm really trying to wrap my mind around all of the changes I need to make.

  14. So, I spoke with my surgeon's office yesterday. She said, patients receiving insurance approval today were being scheduled for surgery in March. My last nutrition appointment is Feb 8th; which also happens to be my very last requirement for surgery. At that point, they will submit to insurance for approval. At that rate, I'm looking at an April surgery.

    I was upset, but that gives me time to make sure I'm in a good place emotionally, mentally, physically. I'm currently 325 lbs at 5'8", so I figure even though my surgeon and insurance don't require weight loss right now, any amount will help me heal faster and get through the process a little bit healthier.

    Anyone else looking at April/May surgery date? Sounds soo far away, but 3-4 months will fly by!

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