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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by MKJohnson15

  1. I'm in the same boat as you were.

    I was banded in 2007. Lost 97 lbs and kept it off for 6 years. Then I got pregnant (after years of fertility treatments! So happy!) , had to get the band unfilled due to severe morning sickness. After I gave birth, I tried to get fills again but oh. My. Gosh. Horrible pain. Burning severe reflux. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat anything healthy. Even Water made me sick. I would reflux so bad I would cough and vomit. I felt like I couldn't leave the house!

    I ate what I could, which we all know as "slider foods". I gained back the 97 lbs, plus another 37 on top of that. I was heartbroken and I'm horrible pain.

    As soon as I weaned my daughter (she nursed for 28 mths) I started the process to get a revision to RNY.

    I had my surgery last week on March 10th. Through the preop diet process and my first week, I have lost a total of 54 lbs already.

    I'm so happy. Gaining that weight so fast was really hard on me physically and mentally. I'm so glad to be taking it off now.

    I'm excited about the future again!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I had a two week long food funeral when I went home to visit my family (I live 600 miles from them). I gained TWENTY SEVEN LBS. I enjoyed it at the time but afterwards I was so angry at myself. It took me two months to lose some of it and I'm still not down to my lowest weight (and that was in December!)

    I am totally looking at stuff thinking "I'll never eat that again. I have to have some now." But I am trying to change my thinking. My new mindset is that I CAN eat whatever I want, I just CHOOSE not to. It's my decision. That way I don't feel like anything is off limits, I'm just choosing to make healthier choices. It's working so far. I've lost 38 lbs from my highest weight and I only have 9 lbs to go to get to my (personal) pre-surgery goal.

    Surgery is in 10 days so I know that's pushing it but I'm very committed now. I'm done gorging on food, getting that temporary high and then hating myself afterwards.

  3. Hello! I'm Debbie and my doctor requires a strict liquid diet only. I started the diet on February 17, 2016 and I have today and tomorrow left! Thank God!! This is the hardest thing I've ever done, but proud of myself! I've lost 17lbs so far ! My liquid diet consist of Water, Protein shakes, Suger Free Popcicles, and Suger Free Gelatin only! Surgery date is Monday Feb. 29th! I'm sooooo ready! Wish me luck! Good luck to you all also![/quote

    Where are you having surgery? ]

  4. ROBIN, My preop diet is liquids only. I have cheated several times with a hard boiled egg or a slice of turkey or chicken. Nothing like the cheats I used to do on diets. I am allowed to drink 5 low calorie, low fat, high Protein Shakes a day (my doc lets me choose out of 5 different brands.) Nothing is provided to me. I purchase them locally.

    Since I'm a revision patient, and need two surgeries, I've been on the diet for over a month now and I still have 13 days till surgery. I'm SO TIRED OF shakes. I swear. I only had 315 calories yesterday because I just could not force myself to drink another shake. I just couldn't. I can't wait for this part to be over!

  5. I had to take the PFT and I was worried about it because I don't have what I would consider good lung function, but I passed with flying colors. It was just part of a series of tests my Pulm

    Dr wanted to do. (In addition to the sleep study which I did NOT pass with flying colors and now I have a CPAP. *tears*)

    Do you have a surgery date? I failed my sleep study also but my surgery was only 10 days out, so my doctor felt i would be ok without a CPAP. He felt my weight loss post op would prevent me needing treatment for sleep Apnea. My husband has a CPAP and let me tell you i am ok without it.

    Sent from my LG-V496 using BariatricPal

    Yes. My date is March 10th but I didn't get a date till after all that was done and signed off by my Pulm. My husband had a CPAP for a long time too and I HATED it. I was VERY upset when they told me I needed one. My pulm said it's very mild and if I wasn't having surgery, she would just tell me to lose weight, but having this surgery without being on a CPAP slightly increases risk of death following surgery. I still hate it and can't wait to be done with it.

  6. Can I really do this???? My HW was 337 and I'm hoping to get down to at least 150, but my personal goal is 130. That seems IMPOSSIBLE.

    I'm so worried that I can't do it!! I am a revision patient, from the lapband. It worked for 6 years, but it broke three years ago and I regained EVERY POUND plus 37 more. I've even had a hard time staying on my pre-op diet now that I'm going through this process. If I couldn't make the lapband work, how can I make this work? I am so afraid to fail again.

    My band was removed on Feb 5th. My bypass is scheduled for March 10th and I'm scared. I'm working so hard to make the mental changes I need to but I keep falling back into bad habits. What needs to be different about it THIS TIME that I won't fail again?

  7. I had to take the PFT and I was worried about it because I don't have what I would consider good lung function, but I passed with flying colors. It was just part of a series of tests my Pulm

    Dr wanted to do. (In addition to the sleep study which I did NOT pass with flying colors and now I have a CPAP. *tears*)

  8. My date is March 10. I'm a revision from lapband. It was removed Feb 5th and I've been on liquids since Jan 23rd (with a few slips on that). My height is 5' 4". HW 337. CW 304 I'm hoping my surgery weight will be 290 but I'm worried I won't get there by my surgery date. :-(

    It's inspiring to see all of these stories of you folks a year out!!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I don't think this is true for every. Single. Person. But it does happen!!!

    My surgeon warned us of this in the group session before our process started. He said to deal with your emotional reasons for eating because if you don't, you will turn to other addictions once food is no longer your emotional support.

    It happens and it's scary but it's not 100% guaranteed. You are the one who decides what choices you make.

  10. My dr requires a 2 week liquid diet for liver shrinking. I've done the two weeks already, and I got my band removed on Friday (2/5/16.) I'm so glad I did it because, even though my liver was not enlarged, my band was adhered to my liver and shrinking it made things a lot easier for my doc to remove. Bonus, I've lost weight too.

    I'm on liquids for the next four weeks, until my RNY, on March 10th, to keep my liver small, heal my body and to get my BMI down. I'm hoping to lose another 15 lbs from where I am right now, so that my BMI will be under 50.

    I was just wondering what other people's personal reasons for WANTING to lose weight were.

    @Cervaide thanks for sharing that. I guess at this point, it feels like there is not much else I can do to prepare for my surgery, so I'm just trying to keep myself busy doing something, which is just focusing on my weight. I should be trying to focus on my mindset and my health!

  11. How much below your highest weight do you want to be before surgery and why?

    I have lost 30 lbs from my highest weight, and I want to lose another 15 more before surgery. Besides health reasons, I'm not really sure why. I guess I think I'll be more successful if I start at the lowest weight possible on the morning of surgery. I have a LOT of weight to lose, even more so since I am a shorty. I'm on a liquid diet (FOREVER, it seems like) and I'm a revision patient, so I really want to lose more weight before my surgery date on March 10. It is taking forever to get here and I'm tired of liquids already and it's only been two weeks!


  12. I am a revision patient as well and my dr requires two weeks of liquids, lap band removal (which I had Friday,) then 4 more weeks of liquids in-between before my bypass on Match 10th. So when all is said and done with post-op diet, it will be three months before I can have a single bite of regular food. Still totally worth it.

    Even for regular bypass patients, they require 2 weeks of liquids to shrink the liver and initiate the weight loss process.

  13. I had my band out Jan of 2015 due to constant choking. Now my bariactric surgeon is putting in a request for bypass. Does anyone know if Tricare will pay for this second surgery and consider it a revsion even though it is 2 part process?

    With Tricare, all lap band revisions are now required to be a two part process. I am having a revision done. I had my band removed on 2/5/2016 and I'm having my bypass done on 3/10/2016. I had to go through an approval process just as if I'd never had WLS before and I was easily approved.

  14. I had the LB removal surgery Friday and I was told I could lift up to 30 lbs. Thank goodness, because my 2 year old wants to be carried constantly and needs help with the potty and stuff like that. My husband was only able to take off Friday (he was home this weekend but had to do car repairs so I was basically by myself today.) and I did ok. I think I'll be well enough by tomorrow to resume some of my daily chores but I'm doing freezer meals and saving heavy lifting for when he is home. I'm only on regular Tylenol now during the day, but I have been taking half of my Percocet dose at bedtime so I can rest.

  15. New new me, I couldn't agree more. My surgeon said all bands, literally all of them will need to be removed eventually. They have a life expectancy of 8-10 years, no matter if you are compliant or not. My band adhered to my liver and that had nothing to do with anything I did. My band was also unfilled for the last 2 years that I had it due to severe reflux as well. I truly regret the band now. A few years ago, I was still in love with it. It worked, until it didn't.

    I am glad I had issues with it before it got worse.

  16. I know there are people out there that do still love their bands. I was one of them until the band failed. I was 100% compliant but it slipped during my bouts with severe morning sickness.

    My surgeon told me that she removes five times as many bands as she puts in, and she STRONGLY advises against them. She's not the only one that feels this way, by far. Lapbands do work for some but they can be very dangerous, even if you are 100% compliant.

    To quote this article "LGB (lapband) should no longer be considered as the procedure of choice for obesity."



  17. I haven't read through all the comments but let me tell you, you are not alone. The band has a HUGE failure rate. In fact, I've heard (unconfirmed) that it's going to be pulled off the market next year. I had a band place in 2007, I lost 100 lbs and it worked great for 6 years. I got pregnant in 2013 (after years of trying! Yay!) and it all went downhill from there. I regained the 100 lbs plus 37 more over the next 2 years. The band had broken and adhered to my liver. Pain, vomiting, acid reflux.

    I couldn't live like that. I didn't even care as much about the weight as I did being uncomfortable every moment of my life. I finally talked to a dr about a revision and she told me that they have discovered the bands only have a "lifespan" of 8-10 years before they break. They are having TONS of band patients coming back through and getting revisions or just plain removals.

    I had it removed yesterday FINALLY! I am so happy. I am beyond happy. I'm thrilled. I will be having RNY (due to my horrible reflux I was having with the band) on March 10th. (They remove first and give time to heal.)

    I totally understand your feelings of failure. I haven't told many people about the whole thing cuz I just hate the way I feel about it. But it got to the point that the band was working against me! Healthy food hurt. fruit, broccoli, nuts, Peanut Butter, Water EVEN, caused me extreme pain. But unhealthy stuff like mashed potatoes, ice cream, sour cream, dips and sauces, all went down with very little pain. I felt like it was shock therapy. Good foods = pain. Bad foods = no pain. How could I maintain any sort of healthy diet with that pattern?!

    I feel like I've been given a second chance here. I'm running with it. I feel your pain, I really do. But I'm working towards not giving a crap about what other people think because I need to do me and get healthy. That's the bottom line. The embarrassment is so hard though.

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