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Posts posted by aelwillmann

  1. I am getting my balloon out on Wednesday. It's been in for almost 3 months and hasn't done anything except make me feel bloated and gassy. Not 1 pound gone. Total rip off. They are giving me 2 grand back for the balloon at least. I'm very disappointed and wouldn't recommend this to anyone who only wants to lose 30 pounds. Maybe it works for people that need to lose more. To me it's another scam. As you can tell I am

    Pretty upset. They also put me on phentermine and that didn't do anything either. They are trying one more drug and the I am calling it quits.

  2. I'm glad you all have had success. I have had the balloon in 9 weeks and seen no weight loss. Maybe 1-2 pounds and then back

    Up. They put me on phentermine and that was 10 days ago. Still haven't seen much with that either. My body is stubborn apparently. I am thinking about getting the balloon removed since it isn't working.

  3. My BMI is a 30 and the balloon isn't working because I don't think they filled it up enough or my body just is resisting it. I can eat almost as much as before. Putting me on a a 900 calorie restricted diet with a a balloon isn't making sense since the balloon should just make me eat that much anyway

    Also I don't drink my calories. No soda or juice

  4. My surgeon prescribed it. It's very regulated. I would never take anything without it being legal and regulated. I actually had the intragstric balloon surgery almost 7 weeks ago and haven't lost a pound. I want to lose 30 pounds. I weigh 180 and want to be about 145-150. They put me on this meds along with the balloon. I'm hoping for something

  5. Yes I had my doctor appt yesterday and was not happy to say the least. They put me on a very strict diet. Basically I don't have many options and it's about 900 calories. Which I was eating only around 1000 anyway. In 2 weeks if there is still no chance they will put me on weight loss medicine. So frustrating not to see any weight loss.

  6. It's been 1 month since I got the balloon and still have only seen like a 2-3 pound weight loss. Very disappointing. Not a happy camper at all! I have about 30 pounds to lose and I really thought this would work. I know I'm not eating as much as I use too and it's very discouraging. Going to the doctor this week! Hoping for something

  7. Seems like we are all experiencing so many different things. I was and still have never been nauseous. really had no side effects and I'm wondering if they should have filled my balloon up more. It's at 500cc. I'm on day 25 and still have seen only a 4-5 pound drop. They told me I'm the only person to ever feel ok and not lost a lot of weight by now. Not something you want to hear. I'm not happy bc I spent so much money on something I thought would work...eating like 1000-1200 calories a day and still nothing much. They are talking about putting me on weight loss meds too. Ugh

  8. So I've had the balloon in for 16 days now and I haven't seen much change in weight. Maybe 1-3 lbs depending on the day. This is very discouraging. I don't get it. Is anyone one weight loss medicine as well as the balloon? What was everyone's starting weight? Just curious bc I feel like I just paid a shit ton for something that should be working better then this. Ugh

  9. I have had the balloon for 10 days now and I didn't have many side effects except feeling low in energy. Since I didn't have nausea I got to go to solid foods within a week. I'm disappointed bc I have been tracking my food and have only lost 2 pounds. I think I'm rare and my body holds on to a lot. My doctor said to give it time and if by a month I haven't lost much then they will put me on weight loss medicine as well. So far I am not sold on it, but I'm going to give it time. You should feel good soon and it gets more comfortable. Once you can eat Protein you won't feel as weak.

  10. I just got the orbera balloon on Wednesday. 3 days ago. I didn't experience the side effects of nausea or vomiting. A little stomach cramping. I've already been able to incorporate some semi solid foods back. Haven't lost any weight yet. I'm wondering if this is really going to work? I started at 183 and want to lose like 30lbs. Anyone else have this happen? Thanks!

  11. I just got the orbera balloon on Wednesday. 3 days ago. I didn't experience the side effects of nausea or vomiting. A little stomach cramping. I've already been able to incorporate some semi solid foods back. Haven't lost any weight yet. I'm wondering if this is really going to work? I started at 183 and want to lose like 30lbs. Anyone else have this happen? Thanks!

  12. I just got the orbera balloon on Wednesday. 3 days ago. I didn't experience the side effects of nausea or vomiting. A little stomach cramping. I've already been able to incorporate some semi solid foods back. Haven't lost any weight yet. I'm wondering if this is really going to work? I started at 183 and want to lose like 30lbs. Anyone else have this happen? Thanks!

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