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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GreedyGaz

  1. I had my Band fitted over ten years ago. Extremely successful in the first 18 months.

    I have deep rooted psychological issues and have fought the band on and off for years. I am a little under my start weight right now.

    i am quite well restricted, but am perfectly able to eat a very large meal in one sitting. Other times not so, I just walk away and eat later.

    pneumonia last year, after which I began spitting up blood, usually three times a day. I had pains in so many different places, but mainly to my left side. It seems more pronounced now near my band site. The blood and pain is worsened by exertion and can last ages and be very severe. It can make me breathless even at rest.

    i had an X-ray last September 2017, was told everything looked fine. I’ve had a Bronchoscopy, endoscopy, colonoscopy and CT and Ultrasound Scans. Very many blood tests and a couple of chest X-rays. Nothing found.

    Has anyone had pains and spat (not coughed) up blood. If so, have you had any procedures as a result please ??

    Desperate for answers.




  2. Carol

    thanks for your kind reply, I really feel that we can crack this thing.

    After your banding, did you ever get any dietry advice? I didn't, although I suppose we are all kinda experts in it really. I would like to see examples of small meals that are suitable, perhaps some kind of eating plan.

    I am trying to link up locally with a group of fellow banded guys, if any eating plans exist or if there is any good advice, I'll let you know.

    God bless


  3. Hi Carol

    after one fill, I had lost 37lb, I then began to put weight back on. I just felt that I could eat as much as before my banding and started to over indulge again. All the time, I kept thinking, "oh well, I will lose it when I get a fill"

    I had a second fill just about three weeks a go now, I begged for a large fill and was given an extra 1.5ml. Straight away I felt that I was a little over tight. I struggled to eat anything without vomiting. I lost 9lb almost immediately. I tried to stick to a little food and often, but just couldn't find the right consistancy/type of food.

    My son has become very ill, I now feel very stressed and unable to organise my own life, whilst caring for my son. I have definitely begun resorting to liquid and innappropriate foods. Especially chocolate. I have put a couple of pounds on and despair at the thought of gaining more. I fear having a reduction, I really don't know which direction to take/

    Just know that you are not struggling alone Carol.

    Sorry if I have ranted a bit!!

  4. I was on the waiting list at Derby from March to November 2007. Was certainly worth the wait. Excellent service at Derby. I'm now 3 weeks post op and the weight is coming off. Mr Leeder is an excellent surgeon and the team there are great.

    I had my band fitted at Derby by Mr Leeder, I have a great deal of respect for him as an accomplished surgeon and an extremely nice person. The team at Derby are a very nice bunch of people, but are very stretched. Seven months post surgery, I feel somewhat alone. I yearn for advice, support and counselling. I blame the lack of this for poor progress and strongly believe that if the NHS are to invest in the surgery, they simply must invest in the support mechanisms that are vital to its success.

    I know that I have to take full responsibility for myself and that I am lucky to have had surgery on the NHS. But I wouldn't have needed the surgery if I could do it all by myself would I?

  5. Bigb

    I think you need a kick in the butt.... If you like Cookies and can't say no to them then why do you buy them in the first place - go throw them away !!! If they aren't there you can't eat them - If you have proper restriction you wouldn't be able to eat huge amounts of food - for your tool to work you gotta maintain it.. You say you drink with meals - Why you are not suppose to and you know this Why did you get banded?? Did you think in the back of your mind that this was the magic cure to your food issues??

    I too miss food - yes we all used it to cover up our feeling - even if is was just as simple as being bored to as complicated as being abused. We used food to sooth our feelings.

    You and only you have control over what you put in your mouth - you say you didn't eat for 45 day - then once you could eat you cant stop..

    Why didn't you eat for 45 day??? The band is the tool to help you retrain yourself - you must eat to live - I think you may have been looking at the band as something different than what it's designed for.

    Don't wait for tomorrow to start over - start over the minute you know you ate something you shouldn't..

    I agree you may need to find a new counsler - you are sabotaging yourself - Why - what are you afaird of ??? I chose this surgery to help me to live longer to see my grandkids marry. Yes at times it's hard but once you truely understand this is a LIFETIME LIFESTYLE change you will succeed - I eat healthy 98% of the time - go to the gym 4-5 days a week and do allow myself treats (not cheats but treats) but when i do I pay myself back - by exercising more or eating a little less at my next meal.

    I truely do not mean to come off as a "B" but imho i think you need tough band love (operative word being love) - I won't baby you - i am going to tell you eat low fat - sugar few - healthy - Protein 1st - dont drink your Water until 1/2 hr after a meal Go talk to your doctor - get the help you need - don't just sit there feeling sorry for yourself - get up off your butt and fix it - you can do it- you just have to put your mind to it - you have the tool that will help you - now help yourself.

    Best of luck to you...


    wish you could move in with me, I need some tough love. I am pretty much the same as Bigb actually piling the weight back on. I am about to have my second fill, but I know that my habits are where I am failing. I have printed off your advice to Bigb and plan to read it at moments of weakness.


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