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Posts posted by kaydeemacc

  1. My mom made some baked chicken/dorito casserole with half & half mixed with Tomato sauce to top it; she baked it and it came out very soft...my NUT is unavailable after hours and I haven't cooked yet so I'm thinking this would be okay but would like you guys (some who are experts and are farther out post op than I am) opinion on if u think it'd be okay to try some. I've been keeping food down pretty good and my surgery date was 12/28/15

  2. Have you tried scrambled eggs? I've had turkey meatballs and turkey meatloaf. Do you like tofu? I made a chicken pot pie but without any of the "pie" part, so really just the innards. Chili worked really well also. Also, baked potato or mashed potatoes.

    Thanks. I tried scrambled egg whites with finely chopped vegetarian sausage diced up in it, along with a small pinch of cheese.

  3. every surgeon has a different schedule of progression. i was on regular food after a month with the exception of raw vegetables and nuts. although i could eat whatever i started slow. mashed up meatball with plenty of sauce, turkey chilli was also a good choice. make sure small bites and eat slow. i made the mistake of chicken breast oh boy was that an unpleasant experience.

    Thank u so much for the info

  4. Hello all. Tomorrow will mark 1 month since my sleeve operation and I, like a dummy, have misplaced my menu and trying to reach the facility that performed my surgery is a joke-they never pick up the phone nor do they return calls. But this is my week 5 phase when it comes to food. I was just released from the hospital a few days ago for severe dehydration and vomiting every single day for about a week; the doctors don't know why I keep vomiting but I'm just gonna remain focused and try to get all my liquid down and eat right. Speaking of which the reason I started this thread is to see if anyone could give me any ideas of foods u can eat in the week 5 phase? I either don't eat or pinch off of rotisserie chicken since I don't know what to eat at this point. Soup and pureed stuff is out of the question-I'm all burned out with that...lol...can I do ground turkey chili? Any homemade recipes anyone can provide or ideas would be greatly appreciated ????????

  5. Have you called your surgeon? They can give you something for the nausea and can check into why you are vomiting so much. That is not normal.

    Being dehydrated itself can cause nausea headache and vomiting. You need some help with this and should not be feeling so poorly 3 weeks out.

    I called the doc on call and she's gonna prescribe some anti-nausea meds...hopefully that does the trick

  6. I understand how you feel. I'm four weeks postop and I was miserable for three weeks. I had the nausea and fatigue and couldn't get a lot of fluids down. Biggest thing that helped was my doctor told me to increase the nausea meds to every four hours. He also prescribed an inhaler bc I was so short of breath. Another thing that added to my misery was that I was constipated...milk of magnesium helped. Believe me, being constipated will make you miserable. Definitely talk to your doctor and nutritionist. I regretted this for three weeks, day in and day out. I didn't think I would get better...but you know what? Each day gets better.[/quote

    Thank u for responding...I'm trying to remain optimistic about it all because I opted for the surgery after all due to my need to get healthy...I'm just a little scared that by not following the instructions to the T that I'm somehow gonna faint or die in my sleep due to lack of nutrition and not getting enough to eat or drink...if that sounds crazy please don't judge me...it's just that this is all new to me and I'm not sure if these symptoms are normal and I don't know if they ever go away....but again thanks for your words of encouragement...I'll just hold on to the fact that it does get better as u say...God bless u

  7. Get IV fluids and update us on how you feel.

    Gotta be honest, I didn't quite feel human about the first 8-12 weeks but look at me now-loving life as a trim person...I was sleeved 4years ago and would definitely do it again in a heartbeat!

    Thank u for your honest answer-I think I'm more scared than anything because I think I'm doing more harm to myself than help because I can't keep anything down...and I'm just afraid I may pass out or die...silly as it sounds I just don't know what's normal to feel...And most days I'm just sooo depressed because I have no support...I mean my family supported my decision but none of them have had the surgery so they can' tell me what to expect ya know?

  8. As another has asked, what exactly are you trying to eat? At three weeks you should be in the soft food stage at most and are not ready for normal food.

    You should embrace the restriction. That's the whole point of it. That's the sleeve doing it's job.

    As far as drinking, at this stage you have to take very small sips all day long. With time your stomach will heal. When it does you will be able to eat more and drink more.

    Did you do a pre-op diet?

    I was still in pureed stage so cream Soups and broth...I got sooo sick of the pureed stage til I advanced myself a few days earlier to the soft foods and tried baked tilapia and one lean Italian turkey sausage meatball...both went down well with no problem but the liquids are my biggest issue...I haven't been able to get any Protein in the past two or three days nor have I taken my Vitamins...all make me literally sick to my stomach and that's what's making me second guess the decision...I know I'm probably reacting based on emotion alone but I don't know anyone personally who has had the sleeve so I have no one to turn to for advice and things...I didn't know if these symptoms were normal or anything-so sometimes I just feel alone on this journey because I don't know what to expect

  9. Sure there are known benefits to having this surgery but I must admit it's not a solution for everybody-and had I known I'd spend my days sick to my stomach at the very thought/smell of food I would have never opted for the surgery...I'm 3 weeks post op and miserable...I can't keep anything down, I'm dehydrated all the time...I can only take 1 bite of any sort of food I attempt to eat...I'm nauseated every single day...I just hate it guys...and I don't mean to be discouraging but I look to these forums to vent my frustration...I've lost about 30 lbs since my surgery date (12/28/15) and that's awesome but the overall feeling I have everyday just sucks...I'm not sure the nausea and vomiting will go away...does anyone else have these ill feelings?

  10. You don't mention purees in the food choices you're so tired of. Throw some cooked chicken in the blender with some chicken broth and unflavored Protein powder. Throw canned tuna in the blender with broth and plain yogurt.

    And of course you can stand it for a couple more days. You worked hard to earn the privilege of all these liquids, and they're the means to an end. You've got this.

    Only cream Soups and chicken broth...can I puree ravioli?

  11. Hello all...I'm in my third week post op, the pureed and cream Soup phase-I feel awful...I am really starting to regret having the operation and wish I could have lost the weight on my own...I'm dehydrated and not getting enough Protein because I'm so over liquids...the very smell of soup, Premier shakes and the taste of Water are disgusting to me at this point because I'm all burned out...I know we're supposed to follow post op guidelines but is there anyone out there who tweaked their menu a bit to get some satisfaction from food the 3rd week? I know I only have a couple more days on the liquid diet phase but I just don't know how much longer I can stand it-is there ANYTHING else I can eat in lieu of this darn soup? Please help!!

  12. You definitely need to increase fluids. I believe most plans shoot for 64 oz a day. I hope you feel better soon!

    . Thank you so much for the advice.

    Sounding dehydrated. How much Water and Protein are you getting?


    Honestly not enough and it never crossed my mind that I just might be dehydrated. I try to aim for 48 oz of Water and I'm quite confused on how much Protein I should be getting because my after care instructions conflict: one on page it says I need 40g minimum of protein; another page say aim for 60g. I may get 30g in a day.

    Do the best you can on the protein, but staying hydrated is most important right now. Most people end up back in the hospital due to dehydration, not lack of protein.

    You are VERY early out from major surgery. Give yourself a break. Healing takes time. Rest and stay hydrated. Each day that goes by you will begin to feel better and better :)

    duly noted. Thanks for the great advice and words of encouragement.

  13. Sounding dehydrated. How much Water and Protein are you getting?


    Honestly not enough and it never crossed my mind that I just might be dehydrated. I try to aim for 48 oz of water and I'm quite confused on how much protein I should be getting because my after care instructions conflict: one on page it says I need 40g minimum of protein; another page say aim for 60g. I may get 30g in a day.

  14. Hello everyone. I was sleeved on 12/28-I hate to come to the post and appear negative but I feel awful on some days. I can't seem to get all of my Protein and Water down due to the excruciating pain from the gas. And it feels like I can feel literally every beat of my heart in my chest and throat area. I'm feeling shaky and just overall exhausted. Again this isn't meant to be a negative post but I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing some of the same. One day I got so depressed about it all I had regrets about getting the sleeve in the first place. Somebody, anybody chime in and let me know I'm not alone here.

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