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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jrob281

  1. jrob281

    8lbs in a month

    My surgery was one day before yours. I just came back from my first fill. In the 4 weeks it's been since I've seen the Dr. I've lost only TWO pounds. You have lost 8. Normal, healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. You are right on track. Keep up the good work.
  2. jrob281

    Digital scales?

    I could have written your post! Everything is the exact same for me - in my kitchen, linoleum, ww scale that tell BMI/Bone Density/Water %/Fat % and that it stores up to 10 people. haha To the OP, I think as long as you don't keep changing places or surfaces, it won't really make a difference. But make sure it is always done in the same place.
  3. jrob281

    Pain in Lower left side (ovary area?)

    Oh lovely. :confused2: I have the same kinds of pain and have thought maybe I was being stabbed by the tubing. I'll call my Dr. Thank you. What did they do for you?
  4. jrob281

    In memory of Denyell

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Quite a shock for you and your family. You all are in my thoughts and my prayers. Thank you for the heads-up on her symptoms. I've been having cramping but no nausea and was poo-pooing the idea of getting checked out. Now I think I will make a call to my surgeon. God bless.
  5. jrob281

    Will I be covered?

    So other than gall bladder surgery and follow up, the ONLY times you were at a Dr was for pregnancy? Wow, you must be healthy. Which insurance co. requires FIVE years of being morbidly obese? Do you get along with your familly doc? If so, maybe you could ask him/her to write up a letter stating that since X date until present you have been overweiht or weighed X amount of pounds at X height.
  6. jrob281

    Waiting to get filled!

    Click on your ticker and that will take you to where you set it up. Update your info and highlight it and enter it back into your sig.
  7. jrob281

    Waiting to get filled!

    I was banded on April 28th and I know for the last week, with my hunger seriously returning, I'm eating a lot more often and I haven't lost anything. I'm supposed to get filled on the 4th of June, but I may call and try to get in sooner. Like someone else said, this is supposed to be our healing time and once we get some fills, we'll be losing again. Hard to remember that sometimes!
  8. jrob281

    In Lansing, anyone use Sparrow?

    Actually not too bad! I did better doing Optifast than I have been eating my mushies now. I'm the kind of person where if ou tell me what/when and how much to eat, I'm fine, but tell me to cut down on whatever and I'm at a loss. The 4 meetings pre-surgery were a lot better than I expected too. I'll be there tomorrow and maybe we'll see each other. Oh, to answer your questions, yes, that's all you get but it really isn't too bad. Good luck!
  9. jrob281

    When is your first fill?

    Banded 4-28 and first fill scheduled for 6-4. I was told if I'm too hungry, I can come in earlier. I love my Dr.!
  10. That's better! You can't just make a blanket statement like you did and not expect someone to call you on it.
  11. jrob281

    Help with Mushies!

    YUM! Those all sound so delish! Now I'm hungry, lol.
  12. jrob281

    I'm not losing weight

    Wow. Congrats on the hard work. I hate feeling hungry, if there were some magic pill to take to make the feeling go away after eating a little bit, I'd do it. I just started mushies and I'm scared to put any back on and scared my appetite will come back with a vengeance. But, I can live with being hungry knowing I've eaten what I should.
  13. How so? I smoked for a loonnnggg time and even though I'm 38, I look younger and always have and have always had great skin, not discolored, no lines.
  14. jrob281

    How long will it take?

    So are you wanting WLS to satisfy people at work or for yourself?
  15. jrob281

    Sleeping quirks

    I too think it's normal! I've always, ever since I was a skinny little girl, slept with one foot or entire leg sticking out, and still do. Also, it drives me crazy to have a warm pillow. There is a thing called a chillow pillow - it's, from what I hear, supposed to keep the pillow cool. I'm sure if you google it, it'll come up. That might help ya. I have no help or advice on what to do about not sticking your 'freezing' foot on your hubby.
  16. jrob281

    American Idol '08

    I really loved Taylor Hicks in the beginning - like BJean said - his charisma was captivating. I admit, my favorite was Elliott Yamin. No other Idol season will ever compare to that season.
  17. I was banded two days ago and still in a lot of pain from the gas build up - can't breathe deeply at all. I'm also having a really hard time trying to get in all my 'food' either. I can barely get down an 8oz container of Optifast throughout the day. I have been able to sip Water and had two s/f popsicles today. I'm just NOT hungry at all. Will this go away soon? I know it's extremely unhealthy to not 'eat' and I don't want to screw myself.
  18. jrob281

    I'm not losing weight

    I am wondering how you've lost 61+ so far? When did you start to lose weight? It's incredible seeing a loss that big being banded in April. Congratulations.
  19. Okay, this is the FIFTH time I've read about the butternut squash! I read someone other than you saying it was good before I left work. I went to Kroger's and bought it. I'm trying it tomorrow! A word of warning, if I don't like it, and heck, even if I do, I'm letting you know!
  20. jrob281

    Ladies with large chests...

    I am really uncomfortable in my bras now. It really isn't about where the port is, but where one of the punctures is - right at my bra underwire. I'm a DD and had surgery on April 28th.
  21. First, stop weighing yourself everyday! At most you should weigh yourself once per week at the same time of day. You'll drive yourself nuts if you do. Second, you definitely need to drink more Water. Water will help things move along. If you have to sip all day, do it. Third, every person is different and heals at different rates. I was banded Monday and still have to sleep nearly sitting up because it hurts (pulls) too much to lay down flat. Gibe yourself a break!!
  22. I was banded Monday and still find I need it too. I still sleep half-way sitting up too.
  23. jrob281

    How much do you have to lose?

    I gained over 40 pounds after I quit smoking and found out I have MS, which makes exercise darn-near impossible. So, I decided to do something about it and my goal is to get to 140 ultimately but I'll be quite happy at 150. I know I'll never get to 128 like I was at in the not so distant distant past.
  24. Just found this thread. Got banded on the 28th, home on the 29th and still quite sore a little swollen. I can barely eat as I'm not hungry and the gas pains! oh the gas pains. Mine have settled into my back, not my shoulder. :smile:
  25. jrob281

    In Lansing, anyone use Sparrow?

    That would be nice! SWMC told me I'll have to schedule an apt with the nutritionist in a couple weeks, did you do that or did they just take all the banders at once? How long were you sore? I'm still terribly sore and can't seem to eat much yet.

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