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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TiffanyLM

  1. I'm 23 and i too have heard the "oh honey your too young for that. " it is quite irritating . i haven't even told most of my friends and family even my dad doesn't know. just because i don't want to hear them tell me what is right for my life . my dad told me that if i do that if i have weight loss surgery I'm ruining my life. thought this was odd for him to say considering he had lap band about 3 or 4 years ago. oh and he has had success with lap band . he thinks that anything other than the lap band is going to ruin my life because it is non reversible. hence the reason i neglected to tell him of MY decision he will not be told by me. sorry apparently i needed to vent /rant lol. ( i am married and i have a little boy. )

  2. well next week I will be in my 3rd month of my 6 month supervised diet. (required by my insurance ) last week I went to a lung doctor and went for a sleep study . because my insurance would not pay for me to have a in lab study I had to do a at home study . the home study did not gather enough information so I go next week to talk to the doctor to see if we can get my insurance to pay for a in lab study . I got good news from the lung doctor he said my lungs are healthy and look and sound great . so he cleared me for surgery and sent the clearance letter to my surgeon. YAY! he told me that the only thing that concerns him is that I have a genetic blood clotting disorder and have already been hospitalized with blood clots in both lungs . but he said that they need to be extra careful with me. I assured him that I have talked to my surgeon and he is aware of the clotting disorder and knows I have a history of blood clots . and I really trust my surgeon .I have no time for negative thoughts .I was scared when I started this journey but now I push the scary thoughts away and keep moving nothing is going to slow me down. I put this off for a long time because of fear all the what if's and one day i just decided that I cant let fear of the unknown hold me back. I am glad that I have embarked on this journey and i know it is far from over heck it has just begun. things are flying by and I am getting closer every day. taking it one day at a time. is their anyone else who is still in the beginning of all of this stuff? i would love to have some fellow soon to be sleevers to chat with.

  3. I went to the doctor yesterday for my second month of the six month supervised diet.(required by insurance) I was shocked to find out that I have lost 11 pounds! I was like umm am I seeing this right? I have a appointment next week and the week after that for a sleep study and another to see a pulmonologist because I have to have a clearance letter saying that my lungs are healthy enough for surgery. next thing to mark of the check list after those is a clearance letter from the cardiologist . I am so happy and things seem to be speeding along way faster than expected. My doctor called today to let me know that she was sending all of my information/documentation (that she has so far) for my insurance to my surgeon. yay!!! I have had a lot of time to think and my concerns and fears that I had before are fading away I just feel like the best way to go into all of this is to be calm and positive . no need and worrying myself to death. lol

  4. Oh I also have had blood clots before in both lungs . They told me in the ER I had extensive blood clots in both lungs and sent me by ambulance to another hospital.(I went about 4 days having trouble breathing and it got to a point to ware It was extremely painful to breath or move.thats when my husband took me to the ER) I was in the hospital for a week I think.. Very painful and awful experience. And while in the hospital I got pneumonia on top of all that . (By the way I'm 23 years old ) I was terified. But I made it :) thank god.

  5. I am on Coumadin and will be the rest of my life . I was told that I can not be taken off blood thinner I will be on the lovanox shots in my belly for a while before surgery and stop them like a day or two before surgery and start them back as soon as they can afterwards. I have factor 2 mutation and Protein C&S deficiency. (Factor 2 mutation acording to my Dr is very rare and was passed down to me from my mother's father.)

  6. I have a genetic blood clotting disorder and am wondering if I could have complications after my sleeve surgery because of it. anyone else who has had the sleeve have blood clotting disorder? my doctors don't seem concerned but my mom is very worried (that's what moms do lol) hoping to ease some of her worries and I'm not gunna lie mine too lol. also I was wondering about Vitamins I will have to take afterwards.

  7. hello everyone I am new to all of this...I am scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I have already chosen a surgeon and I have started the process of getting me surgery approved through my insurance. I am almost on my 2nd month of a 6month supervised diet with my regular doctor. I am scared about the pain I will feel after surgery and I am terrified I will immediately regret it. I have wanted this for a long time but now it all just seams so real and kind of scary . I am wondering if any one who has already had the sleeve has had the same fears and or thoughts I am. I guess I just need people who understands what I'm feeling and may have advice for me. no one in my area that I know of is having or does have the sleeve and I just would really like some people who won't criticize me for having this done.

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