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Status Updates posted by headin_to_mxico

  1. Does anyone know how steph passed away? I talked to her a few days before her latest surgery and then saw she posted on her blog on her surgery day and then I saw her blog comments that all said she passed away. Did she pass in surgery? Or something else? I am so heartbroken. Steph I am so sad. May you RIP you sweet thing

  2. Yeah my restriction is so so. I have some; but I am eating more than the cup that my Dr says should be the max before you get the full feeling. So he says come in for a fill. I hope that jump starts things back up. I am working out every week, but only three days. I need to up it to five days. Yeah I could def eat better too. Its such a huge change. Im trying, but its a lot of work!

  3. Ive lost five pounds in the last five months. Slow going. Im going back in for a fill in January. Im just over 30 pounds lost which doesnt even put me at the half way to goal. :(

  4. Hi, how are you doing? Hows the weightloss going?

  5. hey hows it going? Are you still tring to get insurance to approve your band?

  6. I also just wanted to point out that you and I are like so close with our stats. We had almost the exact same amount to lose when we had surgery, and we lost almost the same amount in the year since. Thanks for being my band buddy! Its helped me feel more normal with so many others zooming by me!

  7. I know I felt the same way. I thought I would be at goal 12 months out. And really at this rate, come mid July (my one year), I will only be half way there. But honestly, Im starting to just accept that its slower for me. Thats ok. As long as I keep losing I am not going to be hard on myself. The pound here, pound there is adding up. I am close to half way to goal now. If it takes one more year to get to goal, thats ok. As long as I keep losing slow is fine with me.

  8. Hi. Its been a while. How are things? Im doing pretty good. I really stepped up my excersise and have lost 25 pounds now from day of surgery. Can you believe we are coming up on our one year?

  9. Hey, thanks for your response. I was going pull out a gun if someone who has lost 100 pounds in six months got on there and told me how wrong I was and that it works the same for everyone, that I just am not doing it right. Seriously, I just wanted to post that so other people could know going into this that it works different for some people. It may have helped me mentally prepare for that possibility and not be in the mental place I am in right now. I think I will get through this and get more positive, but this is how I feel right now, and I appreciated your reply. So thanks. I needed that.

  10. Isnt Dr Richard just the most amazing? I was having some issues with my band and emailed him for advise, since I wasnt happy with my local Dr's answer to the problem. Dr Richard replied to the email I sent him and gave me such wonderful advise. Every time I talk to him or Dr Rumbaut, I remember why I chose to go with them. They are just the best and so so knowledgeable. Just wanted to share with my fellow Rumbaut friend =)

  11. How much fill do you have now? Do you think that maybe our stomachs are just less sensitive to the band? Like its just going to take more fill for us than other people? I still eat too much! How much fill do you have now? Im at 3cc's in a 5cc band and really JUST starting getting restriction with the last fill. So Im at 60% max fill. Im going to get somewhere between .25 and .5cc's on Friday. I really hope that gets me good and restricted.

  12. I have another fill next Friday. I dont have enough restriction most of the time. Its the weirdest thing. When I take my first bite of food, I have so much restriction. Then I stop eating after one bite, because Im stuck, and a few min go by and I feel that bite pass through my band. Well when that first bite finally passes through my band, its like the flood gates open up and I am suddenly so hungry and I can eat like I dont even have a band at all. I can eat anything and lots of it. But the first bite I am so tight that sometimes I even PB. This band business is so strange.

  13. Hows it going? I have had two more fills. I feel a little more restriction now, but STILL not enough. :( I am only 10 pounds down since surgery day five months ago. I want to get in for another fill soon. I think Im getting close. I have lost the last seven pounds of that ten in the last month so at least Im starting to lose finally.

  14. Hi, how are things going? Did you have your band removed? Did things totally get better once it was out? I have thought of you often.

  15. Its going a little better. I finally have some restriction. Thats why I was getting stuck. Before this last fill I was eating like I didnt have a band, hardly chewing and eating bread and stuff. Now that I finally have some restriction I need to chew food. Interesting concept....Now I dont get stuck much.. But I still eat too much. I dont have enough restriction. I need another fill. Im so tired of Bandster Hell. Over it! Congrats on hitting your first goal!

  16. I had my second fill, but still not much restriction or weight loss. Just trying to stay patient over here!

  17. Yes I had the surgery, but I havent really lost any weight yet. Its kind of depressing, but I get my second fill on Friday and I am hoping to get some restriction and weight loss from there.

  18. Ive lost a little weight since my fill. You?

  19. Hi,

    Yes I did go to Mexico. You can read all about my trip and how it all went down here http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f18165/my-mexico-thread-98183/ I just had my first fill on Friday. I dont have any regrets about the surtgery or having it in Mexico accept that it took so long for me to save the $$ to do it. My Doctor was really good and I only have one incision that you can see and a second teensy teensy incision that is really hard for me to find. I havent lost much weight yet, but I have no doubts I will once I have restriction. I get my second fill in a few weeks and I hope to have lost a few more pounds by then =) I have realized that what they say is true, the band is a slow loosing process. Take care.

  20. Hey Bri,

    So hows the restriction with the second fill? I just got my first one. Of course I dont feel much at all. I do feel a teensy bit of difference and I guess Im happy for anything at this point. I am pretty optomistic that I will feel a good amount with the next one since I feel a little bit with this one. Crossing fingers anyways! Gosh fills are so $$. I paid $400 for my first one and its $200 for everyone after the first. I wish my insurance covered this band! Sheesh at those prices I wish this guy would give me huge fills so I dont have to keep coming in every few weeks and forking over $200. Seriously!

  21. Oh and my doctor said not to worry about not having weight loss since the week after surgery. He said that Im doing fine for a person with no fill and that I should be happy with having a three pound loss with no restriction; and that I should be happy with not gaining anything after I went from a liquid diet to solids. He said I was doing perfectly fine and he had no doubt I would be successful after we talked about my current eating habbits. He said Im doing everything right and I just need some restriction and that I will be droppin the pounds. That made me feel better. =)

  22. Well I got the fill today. I have a 5 cc band and was empty from surgery. They put in 1cc. I really dont feel much, although I do feel a little bit. At least I feel something so I know my band is there! I get my next fill in three weeks.

  23. Im not doing well with weight loss at all. In fact I stopped weighing because I got so depressed over it. Its been two weeks since I last weighed in and I was only three pounds since surgery, which is the same place I had been since the week after surgery. But I got my fill date moved up! I get my first fill tomorrow! And every three weeks after that. We are on our way! Yay for us!

  24. Well I guess Im so active with the site because I dont have anyone to talk to. I made a choice not to tell anyone about the surgery except for my husband. He is the ONLY one (not even my mom). Im really glad I didnt tell people now because I am losing so slow. Everyone would judge me and badger me about it Im sure (like other people on the board who were really open with their surgery). My DH isnt much of a talker anyways, so I basically get all my support from here. Thank God for this place.

  25. Hi, We are lookin at losing the same amount of weight and starting at the same BMI. Thought we could keep in touch. Im 29 year old female from CA. I have two kids. I stay at home during the day and go to school at night to get my teaching degree. Nice to meet you!

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