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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by rayofsun214

  1. It was a sad realization when I figured out that coffee is probably going to be an issue for my tummy forever. Before surgery, if something bothered my stomach I would push it and keep eating or drinking the culprit until I could tolerate it...that's probably one big reason why I gained weight so easily, by NOT listening to my body's ques.

    I can enjoy a half a cup of coffee watered down or iced coffee in moderation. The watering it down makes it more tolerable for me. Sometimes my body just doesn't want to tolerate it at all. I guess I am still a glutton for punishment.

  2. I love non-scale victories!!!!

    I've had to adjust my seat in the car because being smaller, everything is farther away. I don't have to lean to my left to buckle the seat belt.

    I've had to donate a large garbage bag of clothes already, they just fall off and look comical on me.

    I was able to buy regular boots, not wide calf. I'm loving this!!!!

  3. I've dieted, starved myself, gone on stints of working out hard, changed eating plans, etc. You name it, I've tried it, succeeded temporarily and then invariably gained it all back and then some. WLS was always the"last resort". I am a bit obsessive about weighing myself, no matter what the status of my weight. I'm fascinated how my weight can fluctuate from not only day to day but from hour to hour. So I was watching my weight creep up again nearing 300lbs. and hating myself for it. When getting out of bed my feet hurt upon hitting the floor and ached all day. I've put up with a lot of discomfort from my weight but the foot pain was awful! And this time, loosing the weight was just so difficult. Depression. My husband was starting to voice his concern. He's always loved and accepted my body but he knew that if I continued on this path, I'd die; he suggested wls. We have no health insurance but we would figure it out for this. This past summer was the beginning of my wls adventure. I went to the Weight Loss Center on June 16. The process was started. It made me a little more aware of the improvements in the quality of life I would have after losing the weight. We vacationed this summer and I had to decline so many activiites; I looked at the parasailing vacationers, wishing it was me, but I declined (scared I would exceed the weight limit), I waited at the end of lines for my family at the Water park (I definitely exceeded the weight limit). September 14,2015 I went in to have my VGS. 50 lbs down so far.....so worth it. I can't wait for next summer.

  4. My initial consultation was June 16, 2015 and surgery date was September 14. I took my time with the pre-op testing (ekg, bloodwork, psych, nutritionist) to make sure I was ready for a complete life change :) It cost $13900 for surgery day, that's not including all the pre op testing. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Hell yes!!!!

    Starting weight: 296

    Surgery day: 288

    Current weight: 246

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
