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Everything posted by heidikat72

  1. heidikat72

    I feel like Im completely alone :(

    You are definitely not alone. You have a whole world-wide community of support and advice here. Seriously, where else could you learn about the experiences of so many different people? And we all have different experiences with different aspects of this journey. Don't focus on weight loss with the liquid pre-op diet. The main purpose of it is to be high Protein and low carb/low calorie to shrink your liver, the main purpose is not weight loss. So don't obsess on the scale right now and just trust in the process and stick with it and you'll be fine. And I think the idea of starting up a support group in your country sounds like a fantastic idea for you to lead! Try talking to your surgeon's office about it and see if there would be interest from the other patients there and perhaps even the surgeon's office will provide a room there in the practice where you could meet.
  2. heidikat72

    Supervised Diet!

    You are doing fantastic!!! Be proud of yourself. And yes, the 6 months does end up going by really fast - I had my 6th appointment this morning. I remember thinking in December that time seemed so far away and now it seems like it was done in a flash.
  3. heidikat72

    Less than 24hrs

    Congrats! How exciting! I would say tomorrow starts your new life, but in a way you really did that last November, tomorrow is just the next step on your journey. Check in when you feel up to it and let us know how you are doing!
  4. Had my 6th and final appointment of my medically supervised period this morning! Down 63lbs since my first appointment in December!! My file is being sent to insurance for approval this afternoon and barring no significant delays on the insurance approval, I'll be getting sleeved June 17th!!!!

    1. heidikat72


      thanks! I'm just a little bit excited


    2. Daisee68


      Wow!! Outstanding work! Congrats!

    3. J.lynn


      that's amazing! good job!!!!

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  5. heidikat72

    Cheese Please

    I don't have an answer for your question but just wanted to say that onion and chive cotswald is probably my most favorite cheese. and I'm definitely a cheese lover.
  6. heidikat72

    mild sleep apnea - I'm pissed

    I was actually sure I had sleep apnea before my study because I always wake up feeling like I haven't slept and on weekends, end up napping in the afternoons. Turns out I have a very mild case - only 6 episodes that night in the clinic. My pulmonologist indicated that was too mild to even treat with CPAP, for which I was grateful. So no one was pushing for me to buy anything. Unfortunately, the reason I feel like I haven't slept is because my alpha brain waves don't even stop - which they are supposed to when you enter REM sleep. For years I've been saying I can't get my brain to shut off a night. Turns out, I was absolutely right! Unfortunately, they didn't have any recommendations for how to get my alpha waves to stop as I enter REM... I realize you have your opinion and nothing will change that - and that's okay you are most definitely allowed to have your opinion and frustration with the process. I would offer up that I think there are some legit reasons for having bariatric surgery patients get tested. 1. Sleep apnea is considered a comorbidity and will likely make insurance approval for the surgery easier - especially if the patient's BMI is borderline. 2. Since bariatric surgeons are focused on working with obese patients, they are probably more attune to the fact that obesity increases the likelihood of a person having sleep apnea and therefore more likely to recommend the testing to determine if there is a risk there. I will say I was lucky in that my pulmonologist did a great job explaining the mechanism of sleep apnea, how obesity makes it more likely to occur and how the various treatment options work along with their relative effectiveness rates. CPAP isn't the only treatment option but it is typically the most effective.
  7. heidikat72

    Trouble finding vitamins?

    my nutritionist recommended centrum adult chewable complete (not the gummi version). I couldn't find it in local drugstores/walmart (only the adult gummies and regular big tablets) so I ordered on amazon. I found it to be reasonably priced. I had also looked at the celebrate vitamins as well and ended up ordering the chewable calcium/vit d supplement of that brand.
  8. heidikat72

    3 days post op

    I've actually seen quite a few people say they slept on their recliner for at least a few days post-op. So I'm already kinda planning on doing that next month.
  9. Well it's a good thing I'm just drinking water, because I just spit it out all over my computer screen. Poop out staples? Really? Sleeves growing back? Seriously? Your stomach is NOT a starfish. Lord, forget the education you may or may not get from your bariatric center, some of these statements people have been making are a sad testimony on the general state of basic education in this country.
  10. I may look into this testing at some point. Interesting to see the data. Thanks for sharing!
  11. heidikat72

    How to start losing before

    Let's face it, the majority of us don't have the discipline/ability to do the "just eat healthy and exercise" route long term. It's overwhelming. These last 6 months have been hard, very hard and I've definitely had some bad days in there where I didn't eat to plan and/or really couldn't bring myself to hit the treadmill. The only thing that has kept me going this long is the impending surgery and wanting to get some things closer to being a good habit before surgery. Plus I figured whatever weight I lose before will make the surgery and recovery that much easier. But no lie, it is hard...but doable! This is our chance to take back our life and we - all of us - are worth fighting for!
  12. Held a plank for 30 seconds today. Considering 8 weeks ago I struggled to hold it for 12 seconds, I'd say that's progress! And did four of them in a row today not just one. yeah me!

    1. Christinamo7


      yes they do! I do them a few times a week at work - and I do yoga and pilates. Pilates is what I love best - because like Dub I want to get my abs of tin. haha :-) I'd like to make people's mouths drop when they learn about my 7 kids.

    2. heidikat72


      abs of tin! I love it!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      30 seconds is tremendous progress. I remember your earlier note about planks. Right now I have abs of gossamer, but have just begun -- again -- PT. Core strengthening is one of the chief goals.

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  13. heidikat72


    did they give her a potassium supplement in the ER? I had a nasty case of cellulitis a few years ago and got very dehydrated and dangerously low potassium levels because of it. They put me on a potassium drip in the hospital after the oral potassium supplement didn't help. If they didn't give her a potassium supplement, try the Vitamin Water zero - revive fruit punch flavor, it has extra potassium and b Vitamins. and definitely follow up with your primary doc. low potassium levels are very dangerous - your heart can stop.
  14. heidikat72

    How to start losing before

    Yep, what Miss Mac said I'm finishing up my 6 month medically supervised period (hoping for surgery mid-late June) and so far I've dropped over 50lbs in that time. How? First, stopped the sugary drinks - that meant my daily starbucks habit, the sweet tea and dr pepper. Next - logged everything and I mean every bite of everything I ate in myfitnesspal. at first - just log, then take a look at where you can cut carbs mostly. Keep the focus on Protein, fats in moderation (try to make wise choices here) and carbs at a minimum. Have you seen a nutritionist? They can look over your log and help you figure out good swaps to make for things. For me, I knew Pasta was my love and nemesis. I love Italian food and still wanted those flavors so instead of pasta, I use zoodles "zucchini noodles made with a spiralizer" - still get the Italian flavors without all those pasta carbs. Over the last 6 months I have very gradually reduced my calories - aided by tracking. I log everything before I eat - usually a day or two in advance. That way I can make adjustments if I need to before it's too late. Also, I've very slowly incorporated more activity - basically just walking. The other thing that has really helped me is prepping my lunches and dinners for the workweek in advance. Now I'm no longer tempted to stop for take out on the way home when I don't have the energy to cook a full meal - I already have a healthy one prepped and ready to just reheat when I get home. So take a deep breath, it can be done. the big first step is figuring out where you are starting at by logging your typical days now. Once you see that info in front of you, it can be surprisingly simple to figure out what to change. All the best to you - you've got this!
  15. heidikat72

    Drinking With Straws

    that's for the laugh! that's how I needed to start my work week!
  16. heidikat72

    American Food!

    the only store I've found the isopure drinks is GNC. While the tuna packets are available at most grocery stores, I would recommend going to Walmart to get them since from what I've seen they have the most variety of flavors in one place. Bumble bee is another brand that has pouches of flavored tuna with some different flavors from Starkist such as jalapeno and sundried tomato and basil. If you like salmon, Chicken of the Sea brand has pouches of flavored salmon. All three brands of pouches can be found at Walmart.
  17. I just wanted to post a follow up on this thread. I had a support group meeting at my bariatric center and asked one of the nuritionists specifically about the no weight gain aspect during the medically supervised period., She said it does vary from insurance policy to policy but most of them would make you start the medically supervised period over again from the beginning if you had a weight gain at one appointment compared to your weight at the previous appointment. So as an example if you have a 6 month supervised period required, and at appointment 4 you had gained weight compared to appointment 3, you would would have to start all over with a new a new appointment 1.
  18. heidikat72


    Yeah some people don't get that for a lot of us going through this (not all but still quite a few) there is an addiction aspect. Why should you HAVE to learn to eat just one cookie? There is no reason why you have to eat a cookie at all. So if you choose not to have any, that should be fine. Just like it should be fine for someone to eat just one cookie. I applaud you for knowing yourself and your triggers well enough to know what to avoid so you don't fall prey to the addiction side of it. Seriously - would she tell an alcoholic they have to learn to drink just one beer? or a heroin addict that they have to learn to just shoot up once?
  19. @joyecamp if your surgeons office said you should be ok, trust them - they know your insurance requirements. I didn't think to ask the specifics of my surgeon when he told me that at my first apt but I got the impression it was 1lb difference at the end from the beginning, not a fluctuation. but I could be wrong.
  20. I would also say contact your surgeon. Even OTC medications aren't something to just take anecdotally just because some people who have had surgery have taken it. Does the medication you were given also have a list of ingredients? Even if the brand name is in Spanish the actual name of the active ingredient is most likely in English or if you post that, someone here may be able to translate it. But against, the safest answer is to ask the surgeon's office
  21. I think it totally depends on your specific insurance plan (even within providers, specific plans can be different). So best to ask at appointment if each individual weigh in makes a difference or just the comparison between the first and last or whatever. For mine, (I have a BCBS highmark plan) I was told I didn't have to lose weight but that I absolutely could not gain even 1lb during the 6 months or insurance would reject it. My surgeon's office was currently battling my insurance company over a patient who literally gained 1lb over the 6 months.
  22. heidikat72

    Why do I find this so funny?

    so haven't seen the episode but to me that seems like a really passive aggressive way of her saying she doesn't support her son's efforts
  23. For the dark green bowel movements, contact your primary doc. If you aren't eating a lot of leafy greens, then it could indicate excess bile - not saying that is what it is, just that you should discuss with your primary and let the doctor determine if it is something to be concerned about. And don't beat yourself. You have identified the problem with the weight gain, you know what to do - get back on plan. You are catching it early. And you always have support here.
  24. heidikat72

    Patch MD Issue

    Glad they got back to you
  25. heidikat72

    Patch MD Issue

    First, you did the right thing contacting the company. Hang on to that picture - it will be helpful to provide that to them as evidence of the adverse reaction you had (yes, I am intentionally using the term adverse reaction and you should too when in contact with them). Also, try to have the lot number handy when they follow up with you - it will help them focus on their investigation in case there is an issue with a particular batch of Patches. Was the patch on your stomach from the same box (same lot) as the ones on your chest? I'm not familiar with these patches, do the instructions state to wear that many at one time? I saw Alex's response earlier about the length of time they are supposed to be worn, so it may just be a reaction to the adhesive from wearing too long. I actually wouldn't recommend wearing them on a part of your body that is exposed to direct sunlight just because a lot of Vitamins breakdown and degrade due to light exposure. It's also possible the skin on your chest is more sensitive to the adhesive than the skin on your stomach. Do the instructions state a preferred location for placing the patch? The patch products I've worked with in the past typically state to apply to the hip. I work in pharma, and have handled product quality complaint investigations before so I'm trying to ask questions that will help the manufacturer investigate the problem - so information you should try to give them. Alex - is there a way you can contact the manufacturer, it is not acceptable that they have not followed up with her. Typically companies are supposed to follow up within one business day when there is a complaint of an adverse reaction.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
