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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by sallo

  1. 11 hours ago, sjfink said:

    My surgeon limits his planned surgery time to 6 hours for patient safety, so he often won't do the TT & BL as a single procedure. Luckily, he thought he'd be able to do both within that time for me. My surgery ended up taking 8 hours (no complications, just took longer than he expected). My recovery was much easier than I expected (& my surgeon was pretty surprised by my recovery, too!) & was back to working full time in 10 days (desk job & worked partly from home the first week back). I think going with the surgeon you're most comfortable with is the best plan! Best of luck.


    Thanks for your response! It confuses me even more because I think maybe it IS possible to do it all at once. I just feel more comfortable with the surgeon who WON'T do it. I have to weigh up which is more important to me- having it done all in the one op, or having it done by the surgeon I prefer....

  2. 13 hours ago, _Kate_ said:

    I had 5 procedures done on the same day, so the cost was reduced and potential time off work reduced too. Everything went well for the first 4 weeks then my body rejected the internal stitches, which I had never had problems with before. I ended up off work for 11 weeks and although I am back now I am only working 4 hours a day. Its nothing to do with the surgeon or my home care, it was just bad luck. I did save £7,000 though and got it all over and done with in one. It still do the same!

    Congrats on the weight loss!! Amazing :)


    Oh wow, that must have been a horrible experience! How long were you under anaesthetic? And despite needing 11 weeks off and now limited to 5 hours a day you'd do it again?? I guess 7 grand is quite a bit of cash. All up mine is quoted approx. 10 grand AUD (which is around 6 thousand pound). I have a pre-existing heart condition, which also makes me hesitant about staying under for a long time.

    Thank you!

  3. Hi everyone,

    I've had consults with 2 different plastic surgeons and one surgeon won't do a TT/BL at the same time as it's 'too much t do at once' and the other will.

    The only 2 ops I've ever had are my bypass last year and gallbladder removal last week. I healed well after each operation, but struggled emotionally coming out of the anaesthetic. I hate the feeling! This makes me think it would be wise to do it in one operation....along with reducing the overall cost and recovery time. On the other hand, I'm worried the recovery will be too painful & I won't have a carer at my beck and call.

    I felt a better vibe/connection with the surgeon who wants to perform them separately. Should this be the deciding factor? So confused.

    Any hints that will help me decide? (BTW- I've gone from 250 to 150).

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Yep you. Ohh it wouldn't stress too much about your bum yet. You're still fresh outta the door. I think it's easier when your diet varies & you get more natural fibre.

    Yep, stalls suck. Luckily I didn't experience them much. I am now, but Ive lost 92 pounds on a year & probably close to goal (if I actually had a goal weight). I need a Tummy Tuck to get rid of the rest.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App

  5. @sallo...tips for going often? Surgery is late December, but not going is a side effect I'd like to avoid. Must be hard with all Protein we need.

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    Heya, not sure I can help much because I seem blocked up most of the time & my bowel movements are extremely foul smelling. My surgeon said it could be because of undigested fat (I had RNY). I stopped adding fibre to my food as it seemed to make it worse. Now I try to drink at least 70oz a day & take Coloxyl & Senna. All the best for your upcoming op.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App

  6. Yay, another Aussie.

    I still eat a small sugary treat each night like a biscuit or Cadbury Furry Friend.

    1st Jan I was 112kg and now I'm 77. I believe 78kg was my surgeon's goal (80% of excess weight loss). I thought I'd be satisfied with it, but I want to keep going. I want to be able to comfortably fit into clothes off the rack in more stores.

    Funnily enough I've been shedding weight quicker than anticipated lately. I thought it would have slowed down by now, but I've been averaging 4kg a month. Not that I'm complaining, because it is bound to stop soon.

  7. Hi there, how scary for you! I can only comment on heart failure & Fluid retention. I had10kg (20 pounds)of Fluid on board at one stage & an enlarged heart.

    I dont know about dialysis, but it's easy enough to get rid of the fluid by either IV or oral meds.

    All the best with sorting all your health issues out. I think sorting out these problems is your first priority.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using the BariatricPal App

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