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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by FinallyFree

  1. Yes, it was worth it. I started Feb. 28, 2007 to lose the wgt. My daily intake was Protein powder w/1 C. skim milk for Breakfast, Wendy's chili, no cheese for lunch, dinner was Protein (steak, salmon, chicken, pork) as much as I wanted, 1 C. frozen strawberries and 1 pop. Between meals I drank coffee w/skim milk.

    I lost a total of 22 lbs in 3mo. 3 weeks. That's what? 6.6 lbs a month.

    After my surgery the wgt. loss jumped to 10 lbs a month. I used the tool I was given to my best advantage.

    I'm within 5 lbs of my goal wgt. now and my bmi is normal. It's great! It was definately worth it.

  2. I've tried a sip 3 times since my surgery. Soda tastes like nasty chemicals to me so it hasn't been a problem.

    It's not hard to give up the soda when the pouch is so small. I'd rather have quality in there not quanity.

  3. Whoaaaa!!! MamaJava!! This nutritionist is a TOOL for your help! NOT your mother, not your keeper, NOT your best friend!!

    YOU are doing great!! Had the surgery and have cut the calories!! You just hang in there, it will get better!!

    Keep a diary of what you eat and when, so you can show her and then maybe she can make some helpful suggestions.

    I had to keep a one week food log to show the nutritionist when I started the paperwork process. I was so proud of that log, I'd cut out eating between meals and was so suprised when she looked at it handed it back to me and told me, "Well you know what you have to work on." WELL NO I DIDN'T!

    I read the packet given to me by the dr. and that helped more than anything.

    If you are worried, call that nutritionist tomorrow and ask her for suggestions. But Please, Please, don't beat yourself up about cutting your calories.

    You are not a failure! You are just starting out and it will get better for you.

    Hang in there!

  4. FLMan, Whatever you do make sure you chew! CHEW! CHEW!! And then chew some more!!

    I was working out of town and ended up being stuck for 3 days when I tried to eat a grilled chicken breast. Ugh!

    It would be a good idea to buy some papuyia(sp) enzyme tablets to take along with you in case you do get stuck. You can buy these at any Herbal/Natural Foods stores.

    EAT what you know you can safely! Wendy's chili is good. I can't eat breads without having problems either.

    Omletes? Soups? I found milk shakes worked if I was desperate, but I can no longer use a straw because it creates too much air in my stomach.

    Starting wgt. 225 1-07

    Current wgt. 149 2-08

  5. After 7 mo. I had to get rid of my clothes, I couldn't wear them any more, and look half way decent.

    Looking at them, I'm surprised at how big I really was.

    It's fun now to wear the smaller sizes. I have a pair of pants that I can pull off buttoned and zipped. I remember buying them in Sept. and feeling so proud at the smaller size and how good I thought I looked then. They are an 18.

    Woooo Hoooo!!

    Starting wgt. 225 1-07

    Current wgt. 149 2-08

    76 lb. gone gone gone!

  6. HI Melanie, I attended a seminar held by a group of dr. who perform the surgery. Then made an appt. to talk with the lap band dr. of my choice. The sec. over insurance gave me a packet about what the insurance companies require and the time frame which was very helpful.

    Have you checked out your insurance yet to see if any part will be covered?

    My Sis in Law shocked me with the reply "You're taking the easy way out." That was in July 07, I spoke with her again over Christmas and now she's telling me "You cheated by having the surgery" I don't bother to go down that alley and discuss it with her. I'm "normal" now, look great and she's not.:rolleyes:

    Starting wgt. 225 1-07

    Current wgt. 149 2-08

    Lost 76 lbs forver!

  7. You've just gone through a serious surgery. You won't have as much pain because there aren't the nerves on the inside of your body like there are on the outside. Give yourself time to heal. The stomach area has been prodded, pushed, pulled and banded. The anethesia needs to leave your body.

    You'll be able to sustain yourself very easily on the post op diet. We all have been there, so this is a truth I'm telling you.

    It's no longer necessary to consume the massive amounts of food over a day that you ate a month ago or even a week ago.

    Oh, and now you'll start to lose the weight.;)

    Welcome to the other side! Now you're life as a "NORMAL, HEALTHY" person begins!


    Starting wgt. 225 1-07

    Current wgt. 148 2-08

    #3 more to hit my desired BMI!

  8. It is good to see others from Wyoming on the board. Anyalee, I replied to your thread on the newbie board, but I'll ask you here again. Where did you go to have your surgery?

    I went to Salt Lake City, Dr. Simper.

    Rose, Since you've been banded the longest, how goes it? I've almost reached my goal wgt. and am having a problem with the idea of "maintaining"


  9. HI! I'm from Evanston! Anyalee, Where did you go for your surgery?

    Sara, I've heard there is a wonderful dr. in Jackson that performs the surgery, are you using him?

    I went to Salt Lake City, Dr. Simper, Rocky Mtn. Assoc. Physicians, at St. Marks. He and his staff are wonderful!

    Here's to looking great by the summer!!:cursing:


    Starting wgt. 225 1-07

    Surgery wgt. 203 6-07

    Current wgt. 150 1-08

  10. Hey Chell, I don't know if my friend claimed the surgery on her income tax or not.

    Yes, I mean vigorusly rubbing the flappy underside part of your arm with you knuckles for 1-2 minutes once or several times a day. I've tried it and it's quite a work out.

    Hang in there with you 6 mo. supervised program. I had to do it too. Ask the nut. if she's referred people for the lap band before, and if she has, ask her what she needed from the pt. to ensure you get accepted for the band.


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