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three sixty six

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by three sixty six

  1. Respectfully, NO! You're not "fine"

    You need to call your surgeon's office ASAP. That is a LOT of salt you ate, and the purpose of the liquid diet is to shrink the liver. The surgeon needs to know you did this, and they may have to reschedule your surgery if you aren't able to fix it in time.

    Frankly, it sounds like you panicked. Please think carefully about what you've done, and more importantly, why.

  2. I can sympathize with those losing their homes through no fault of their own, but those who took on mortgages when they knew they could not afford them, especially these goofy interest loans, then what can they expect? I don't think I, you, or anyone else should be bailing them out either. If the gov. steps in and helps them, where is that money coming from? ME, YOU, OUR TAXES! I have enough to worry about with my own house, family, and living. I can't be carrying the load on my shoulders for everyone else too.

    exactly! great post. this is how i feel. scarlett, hang in there. don't walk away because you see others doing it (and getting away with it). do what is right, keep paying. stick it out. this is just a valley. the peaks are coming again. they may not be as high as they have been, but it is still safe to say that your home is still your best investment. hang in there. so many of us with mortgages, myself included, hear these stories and panic, but we really shouldn't be, unless we're one of those with an ARM or have fallen behind. keep paying, and keep your chin up. this too WILL pass. it's natural.

  3. hi everyone, sorry i've been MIA. how is everyone doing?

    i start mushies today, yay! Irgau wouldn't move me earlier. dammit. i waited in that waiting room for 1 1/2 hrs and saw him for 90 seconds. i see him again monday, and he said he may give me a fill then. that makes me excited!

  4. Hi Jane,

    I'm sorry to hear of your troubles with the first go-round but I'm happy you decided to go at it again. Good for you! Hope you're doing better.

    My question to you is: how on earth did they discover that the band became unsnapped? Did you feel it? Were there any symptoms or signs that something was wrong?

    Thanks for answering any questions. Your situation is very interesting!

  5. my doc office requires lovenox for 4 weeks post-op if you have history of clots or if your BMI is 50+

    i pay a $25 copay for 10 syringes. the bruising is the worst part of lovenox! every couple of days i get a nasty bruise at the injection sites. other than that they are no biggie.

  6. wish I could remember the name of it. there is a spray on pain reliever for sunburn that I would use when ever I got sun poisioning. Been years though so I dunno if its still available or not.

    Now I don't bother with sunscreens/blocks much. I don't tan anyhow, whenever I go to the pool (they don't allow suntan/block products at all cause they mess up the filter) I just wear a tshirt. Aloe and white vinagar always helped the most though of any at home products.

    But I do use a SPF 30 sunscreen when in the car for very long.

    Solarcaine! Amazing stuff. Stinky but amazing.

  7. I bought Unflavored unjury for my post-op Protein and gagged through it. Yuck!

    THEN I actually tried the Isopure bottled drinks and I love them! They're my Protein saving grace.

    Tell yourself it's Gatorade. That's how I get through it. I also found two kinds of bottled Isopure Iced Tea (and Green Tea) at GNC. Fabulous!! Pricey, at $4.69 a bottle, but with 40 gms protein in each bottle, one a day works for me!

  8. I didn't start having problems with scrambled eggs until after my second fill and then they would get stuck and cause me to slime. So, I stay away from them. But, I can do deviled eggs just fine. I actually talked with my doctor about this two days ago and he said that about 50% of people have issues with scrambled eggs. A lot of people have problems with rice, but I never have.. thank goodness for that, becuase I love SUSHI!

    crystal, your post made me laugh :wink_smile: i am actually hoping to have a problem with eggs so my odds are better with rice - i love sushi too! :biggrin:

  9. hi everyone, just checking in.

    i go back to work tomorrow. i am armed with Isopure drinks and pureed Soup. unfortunately my mom had to go back home today :) - it was REALLY nice having her around (and taking care of me).

    i have my post-op with Dr. Irgau on friday. i am PRAYING he will make me move to mushies b/c i am so ready.

    had my first restaurant experience yesterday. macaroni grill with my sis, mom, and b-i-l. i did great! had soup (a few slurps, really) and some sorbetto. the waiter made me feel perfectly normal. good experience.

    took my steri-strips off today. was not prepared for what i saw! four of the five incisions are teeny-tiny. the last one is huge and kinda bumpy. it freaked me out.

    i'm getting hungry, so i must be feeling better :)

  10. Every day gets a little easier. I'm moving around a lot more. Still pretty sore and bruised, but I'm sleeping more on my side and almost on my tummy (a big deal for me to be able to do). I haven't had any pain meds since Sunday, and I'm getting all my liquids and Proteins in.

    Hopefully Dr. Irgau will let me move to mushies early b/c I am really getting sick of liquids!!!

  11. omg i saw this on sunday and my heart stopped. my "holy shit" weight was 366 and i'm 25 at surgery time too. this card looked like it could have been written by me in the future!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
