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Posts posted by losergrl75

  1. My NUT recommend undistracted eating, but it simply does not work for me. I fix my hubby plate and eat while cleaning up the kitchen. I'll take a bite and then put something away or wash a dish etc. Or during lunch, I'll eat while watching TV or on my phone. I take a bite, put my utensils down and watch TV or look at my phone for a bit before I continue eating.

    Sent from my XT1565 using the BariatricPal App

  2. I'm 8 weeks out and just tried salad for the first time last week. I had heard such horror stories about it not being tolerated well, that I was scared to try it. I , knock on wood, did not have any issues digesting it. Because of the worry of getting Protein, I topped it with 2.5 oz of tuna salad so that every bit of lettuce I took also contained Protein. I don't know if that is why it went down so easy. I was also surprised that I was able to eat the 2.5 oz of tuna on top of the 3oz of lettuce since I can usually only get about 3 oz of food total in. Like others said, I guess because it breaks down so much.

  3. I did a lot of tuna and chicken salad, since they are so moist I was told no need to puree. I especially liked canned chicken mixed with gucamole. Sunkist has different flavored tuna pouches which were really good mixed with light mayo and seasonings. I also made chili with ground turkey and pureed it in my mini chopper.Scrambled eggs with a little salsa for flavor.

    Sent from my XT1565 using the BariatricPal App

  4. Thanks all. I called the insurance and asked about an appeal, and the guy looked back at the notes form when I called them in September and said that the notes say that I was informed of the 10k max. Now if I was, I certainly don't recall it. Maybe it didn't register in my old brain. I don't know.

    I called the doctor's office billing person, and they said that they were not aware of the 10k max from my insurance. How is that possible??

    I also asked if I could just ask Humana to revoke the claims and do self pay, since that would be cheaper at this point. She said no, that it would be insurance fraud since I already had the procedure. @@number1rudegal and @@losergrl75 do you know if this is true?

    There is no law that says you have to file a claim to your insurance. A person can choose to pay out of pocket for medical expenses without filing it to their insurance. I've done that before when I went to an MD for the purpose of obtaining diet pills and didn't want the visit showing up in my records. If the claim has already been submitted and the insurance has paid their portion, I'm not sure what the MD would use for their withdrawal reason (never had this situation come up). Maybe that is where they feel the fraudulent part would come into play. I wouldn't give up on your insurance company though. Call back and ask if the call was recorded. When quoting benefits reps typically copy and paste them into their notes, so it's possible for them to be in the notes but not have been quoted.

    Sent from my XT1565 using the BariatricPal App

  5. Ditto to everything Bufflehed said. I progressed much slower than my plan allowed, eating only one new thing every few days and only a couple tablespoons at a time. Continued to get most of my Protein from shakes well into my normal solid food stage.

    Cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt flavored with Protein powder, refried Beans with cheese and salsa, egg salad, deviled ham, hummus, pureed tuna fish, creamy Peanut Butter, and scrambled eggs were all things I ate in pureed stage. But my number one goto was pureed Soups with unflavored Protein powder. I ate pretty much any Soup I could find....without noodles or rice of course. If it had chunks I just pureed it. I used Syntrax and powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored protein powder.

    Is there a way to make cottage cheese taste any good? I never liked it but my nut said I should start having it

    Have you tried cottage cheese post surgery? Preop, I hated greek yogurt, just the texture alone made me want to gag. Post op--it is one of my favorite go to foods.

  6. Was anyone worried about having your eating and workout habits down before starting work?

    I went back at 2 weeks 3 days which was 3 days into pureed foods on my nutritional plan. Physically, I felt fine to go back about a week post op, but did not want to go back on the liquid stage. I wanted to be on pureed foods for a couple of days to see how I tolerated food and to establish an eating schedule. At that point, I was only cleared to walk for exercise so it wasn't hard incorporating that into my daily schedule.

    Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal

  7. This is actually one of my Hubby's concerns. When I am smaller, I shop a lot more. He already said he hopes he doesn't go back to finding my shopping bags hidden in the trunk or all over the house lol However, I now try to live credit card free- so I've set a $100 monthly clothing budget and hope to stick to it. Since I was a yoyo dieter, I should be able to shop my closet for another month or 2.

  8. I had one week post op visit with my surgeon's NP. I did receive a release for work, but that was at my request because my HR required it. Since I work a desk job, my surgical team was OK with me deciding how long I wanted to stay off work. I will have a one month post op visit with the Nut and then a 6 week follow up with my surgeon's NP again. In regards to bp and bs, both of those had to be controlled prior to hospital discharge. They checked my bp at my one week post op, however, any issues would have been referred to my primary care for follow up.

  9. I was very petite and underweight when I was young. 5'2" and 95 lbs in high school. Even having kids very young (16 and 18 ) and being borderline gestational diabetes with both pregnancies, I lost the weight right away. I went on the depo shot in my early twenties and gained 60lbs in one year along with acne and horrible headaches. I think the hormones in the depo kicked off my struggle with PCOS. Then I started the yoyo dieting with the only success coming from Phentermine. Each time coming off, I'd gain the weight back just a little bit quicker. I had been on and off the diet drug for the last twelve years until my hbp finally got too high and no doctor would prescribe it anymore.

  10. I assume this is a new phenomenon? I had them when I was heavier mainly due to sleep apnea. It is not a typical post surgery complaint. Hormone dump is a probability, or it could be one of those woman change things that happens around menopause.

    This is the mayo Clinics advice on night sweats:

    Schedule a doctor's visit if night sweats:

    • Occur on a regular basis
    • Interrupt your sleep
    • Are accompanied by a fever or other symptoms
    Thanks, I do have sleep apnea and have been lax in using my CPap since surgery since it's been difficult to find a comfortable sleep position. I'll make sure to wear my mask tonight and see if it happens again.

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