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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by allykat

  1. I thought this might be the best place to start getting my butt back in gear. I haven't been to these forums in YEARS and they were such a motivation to me early on. I'm starting over from scratch it seems. I had my surgery several years ago and while my weight loss was at a snails pace, I was loosing. I wasn't the perfect bandster and looking back, I tried to do it my way instead of following the rules. I was hit or miss with exercise....would do great for a few months then get lazy. I had trouble with reflux that required a complete unfill twice. After the last unfill, more than a year ago, I never got filled again. Part of it was me being I guess in a depression. I lost my job, my mother died, just life happened and I turned to my old friend food. However, I'm not back to where I started and sick of it. I have a new job now and many blessings in my life like a great DH and kids that I really lost sight of during a year from hell. I made my appointment for a fill but that isn't until May 15th, the soonest available. However, I'm starting today with doing what I can to cut out some of the really bad habits I've fallen back on, like drinking diet sodas, carb overload and not drinking my Water. And exercise! So I'm just wondering if there is anyone else where I am that is trying to get their sh-- back together and get back to basics and be serious about this? I could sure use the encouragement of someone who has been there and is doing that!

  2. Right now, I'm doing about 20-30 minutes of cardio (depends on how much time I have) and then I'm working with weights. I do abs daily and alternate legs and arms. I then end with about 10-15 mins of more cardio (although not high impact...more of a cool down). My workout takes between 1-1.5 hours, depending on the reps I do. I aim for at least 4 days a week, but will do a minimum of 3x and have done 6x on a good week. I can definitely tell in my clothes that it is doing me some good. I'm a very slow looser, but I'm okay with that as long as the inches are coming off. I started off at a size 24/26 and am wearing 18s for the most part now but can fit in some 16s. Tops I wear 14s. I have a weird shape...need more room around the hips/belly, but it bags in the waist and legs. I did notice a cool result of weight loss...my car seat is now too far away from my steering wheel! Just never thought of that happening before!

  3. I'm around..I've checked here in the past and when nobody posted after me, I just figured everyone had gone off to greener pastures! I am getting ready to cancel another fill appointment (Thursday at 2 pm) if anyone wants it! I'm still loosing slowly, but the key is loosing, so I'm happy. It was fun to go and buy a dress this weekend that was not in the women's section, but the ladies section! I started more intense workouts about a month ago and I can sure tell. Before, I was walking, doing one day of aerobics (hit or miss) and yoga. I knew I needed more, so I started hitting the gym and doing more cardio and more weights. I can really tell a difference in my body, too. And it seems to have helped me get out of a stall I was in. I've been going about 4 days a week, other than last week when my daughter had the flu...just couldn't leave her those days, but I'm excited to start back today! Hope everyone is doing great!

  4. Hey guys! I haven't been around in a while, but was looking at some old pics (head shots) this week and could FINALLY see a difference in my face. I thought I'd update my before and during pics in the hopes that I'd see a difference from the neck down...rofl!

    The blue shirt is a few days before surgery, the black shirt was about 2 months after surgery, and the black sweater and jeans was last night, nearly 1 year since surgery.






  5. Just echoing what everyone else has said! I can tell you that I have about 4 months to go to reach my bandiversary and I am no where NEAR close to even matching your weight loss. I'd love to be where you are. You look great, you know you feel better and that is some accomplishment. I can understand letting the crappiness at work get you down, but remember how far you've come and don't give in to those bad habits. You may not be 100 lbs. down by your one year mark, but you'll still have made quite an accomplishment!

  6. Well, I obviously didn't make the meeting either! Weekdays are so hard for me to fit anything else in, between kids and work. I'm doing okay, could probably stand a fill and could also stand to back away from the M&Ms! LOL! But the scale is slowly moving downward, so that is something. I am exercising pretty well, with walking one day, yoga another, and aerobics a third day. Right now, I just can't do anymore than that, so it will have to work. Overall, I can't complain, although I sure wish I'd loose faster!

  7. I usually eat 3 meals a day and sometimes have Snacks, but not always. A typically Breakfast for me is either a Protein drink or yogurt. The Protein Drink is a new thing lately with me trying to get in more Protein. Sometimes I'll have a South Beach or Kashi bar mid morning (again, trying to get the protein) but that isn't always. lunch is different things. Sometimes a salad, sometimes some luncheon meat and cheese. I guess I'm probably eating about a cup but I could eat more than a cup a few times this week (salad and a panini, although the panini was small). I sometimes need a small snack in the afternoon if I'm working out. dinner I know I'm not overeating, although I could eat spaghetti (small portion) with bread this week...something I probably couldn't have done two weeks ago. I am pretty good with drinking my Water and I don't drink with meals. Occasionally, I may take a small sip but that is rarely, if ever. I don't snack in the evenings either. That's something I've never done...even preband.

    I'll probably go to the appointment and just see what they think. I usually make several appointments at one time, but I don't have one coming up after the one on 10/1, so I'm due to make some others.

  8. I had a fill on 8/26. Since then, I've lost about 5-6 lbs. I have an appointment for a fill on 10/1, and I'm trying to decide whether or not I should keep it or cancel it.

    Up until this week, I would have said my restriction was fine. I was eating noticeably smaller portions. I've upped my exercise adn Protein consumption in the last few weeks, too. However this week, I've noticed there are times when I am freaking starving. Not only that, but I've been able to eat more this week than previously. Not that I'm overeating, but eating more per meal than I did probably a week ago.

    There are times though when I feel pretty tight, especially in the mornings. Depending on the day, I can sometimes eat breat still, too - although that is a hit or miss thing. During my last fill, I got 1cc and she ended up taking out 1/2 cc since I gurgled while drinking Water. I still gurgle a good bit, but I don't really get stuck unless I don't chew well or eat too quickly.

    So I'm trying to decide if I need a fill or not. I nearly cancelled my appointment last week because I felt like I was really right where I need to be. But this week, I'm really hungry. Do you think I should get the fill? Or is the extra hunger probably due to exercising more?

  9. I can finally update this! I'm not lying when I say I've been exactly the same since I posted this originally.


    Starting Weight: 220.5

    Challenge Goal: 210

    Current Weight: 218

    Pounds to Go: 8


    Starting Weight: 220

    Challenge Goal: 205

    Current Weight: 220

    Pounds To Go: 15

    Nip 50

    Starting Weight: 174

    Challenge Goal: 160

    Current Weight: 174

    Pounds to Go: 14


    Starting weight 331.5

    Challenge Goal: 315

    Current Weight: 331.5

    Pounds to go: 16.5

  10. I went in search of Protein drinks recently and it confused the hell out of me. Those huge caniseters look pretty intimidating. I ended up buying the EAS carb control ones. You can buy the powder, but I like buying the premixed 4 pack since I'm lazy...lol. These have 17g and the vanilla isn't bad at all.

    I'm pretty proud...between the Protein Drink and a south beach diet Cereal bar, I've got 27g of Protein down before 10 am! That has to be a record for me.

  11. My hairdresser and my nurse both told me it is a combined reason. The anesthesia is the culprit, but weightloss can also have that affect. I'm getting a double whammy since I had surgery on my thumb 3 months after lapband surgery. I'm also loosing 20-30 hairs every morning. I have thick hair, so it looks okay and I can see spikey little hairs growing back in. I don't use Nioxin, but it you have thinner hair, I'd recommend it. My sister lost a bunch of weight several years ago (not from lapband surgery) and the same thing happened to her and Nioxin did the trick. My nurse said Protein is the key, but it also just takes time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
