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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MissKay

  1. MissKay

    Nothing has made me sick

    I'm on soft foods for my fourth week, and I cannot do eggs by themselves (soft scrambled or hard boiled). Lots and lots of gas pain, it hurts a lot. But add them into a mashed potato salad and they're perfectly fine--it's weird! But so far, that's been the only thing that hasn't agreed with my sleeve.
  2. I went with the Mexico team as well, but I went with Dr. Illan. His doesn't include airfare, but it includes everything else in the $4399 price. I've read good things about Dr. Ponce de Leon too. If you do become interested in Dr. Illan, there's a Facebook group of patients (past and present/future) that support one another, and I posted my experience story on here as well!
  3. MissKay

    Sleeping positions

    Yeah, I had to lie on my back for the first week, no other one was comfortable. Even now, I still get a weird feeling if I attempt on my stomach or my left side. I've found that the right side is better to relieve pressure from the stomach since the stomach is more on your left side under your heart.
  4. MissKay

    Have a date - Ready to talk

    Congratulations, George! It's definitely not something to just jump right into, because it's permanent. I, myself, took 5 months before actually taking the plunge. Albeit, some of that was my insurance jerking me around, but it gave me time to really wrap my head around it. August 9th isn't that far!
  5. They really are great! Glad all went well.
  6. MissKay


    Don't be surprised if you wake up in pain, I think it's more common than what is proclaimed. But just breathe, relax, ask your surgeon any questions that pop into your head, and then after, get as much sleep as you can. Good luck!
  7. I've been spotting the last week and a half, and I just had my surgery June 13th. I haven't had much of a period the last five years due to PCOS. It's truly all about the hormones! When you're losing the weight, you're getting an overload of hormones, thus your body reacts.
  8. @@anniebanana the doubts are NORMAL!! I had them before mine, and honestly, any surgery you have, right before it the negatives will stick out like a sore thumb. But like GSleeve822 said, it's all on you! As long as you keep in mind that this is a lifestyle change, and a tool to help you with it, then you will be good to go. While I've seen and heard people needing revisions, or switching to a mini bypass, I've also seen and heard (and know someone in person who's had a sleeve for 8 years with no regain) who has done wonderful! Also--hello fellow Washingtonian!! @@Laughkc11 the 2 weeks pre-op will be a struggle and it will bring forth a LOT of clarity, and it will open your eyes to habits you didn't even know you had. The clear liquids post-op is actually a lot easier than it is pre-op. It's truly like hitting a reset button.
  9. MissKay

    Outpatient sleeve surgery?

    Oooh, I don't know. I had 2 nights in the hospital post-op, and I don't think I could've handled little ones those first two days. My first day was a lot rougher than most people seemed to describe on here. It wasn't as easy-breezy for me. I had a lot of pain and they had to keep giving me pain meds through my IV to manage it. That didn't subside until 2 days after. Everyone is different though, but after being really surprised by that, my best advice is plan for the worst, hope for the best.
  10. MissKay

    Mixing protein powder

    My go-to (because I cannot stand the taste of any flavored regular whey or protein powder) is mixing Genepro (unflavored) with vanilla almond milk and sugar-free chocolate syrup. I use a Blender Bottle to mix it, and it's never thick. I use about 6 to 8oz of the almond milk, a squeeze of the chocolate, a serving of Genepro, and then shake, shake, shake!
  11. Remember that everyone is different!! So even if someone's weight is melting off, your may not. Mine isn't, and for a few days I was really upset. The first week it did, but i'm ending week 3 now I weigh in on Sunday, we'll see if it's moved. Last time I dared to step on it, it had gone up 2lbs, but remembering what my nutritionist told me, I measure myself too and I've lost inches, but not the lbs. More likely since I've been back in the gym this last week, it's muscle gain. Search for 'stall' on the board, it happens to everyone at some point. Usually it's about 6-8 weeks out, which sounds about right for you. Hang in there, you will break through! Also, change up foods too if you're a creature of habit and eat the same thing every day, that can really help as well.
  12. MissKay

    Day two in hospital post op

    Oh my god, yeah, I brought my laptop with me, but I didn't have the energy to tough it until like 3-4 days later. Glad all is well!
  13. MissKay

    Keeping surgery a secret?

    Honestly, having WLS is an extremely personal thing in my opinion. I braved it enough to put it on Facebook after weeks of debating with myself because I knew that opened the floor for people's opinions that weren't necessarily welcome. I was more surprised by the out pour of support I received than anything else. Most just questioned my decision to use the BariatricPal Mexico team because Tijuana has a bad reputation (which is unfortunate, because the trip was great). There are still a lot of people in my life that don't know I had surgery, or if they do, they don't know what kind of surgery I had. I don't tell them because if they needed to know, they would. Really only my SO needed to know, and he was by my side the entire time. The first few weeks post-op would be the hardest since you're restricted on what you can eat. In those times I'd say, lay low. After, if someone comments on what little you're eating, you can just say you're dieting and smaller portions more throughout the day are helpful in keeping you from overeating. Which isn't even a lie, it just doesn't address the underlining reason; the surgery. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and really it's a shame on your family for making you go to such drastic measures of having to hide it from them. They should be supporting you on a journey to health as long as you're not doing anything counter-productive (like eating disorders). Which it sounds like you're not, and you've obviously done the research, which is great!
  14. Wow, that's like 4 times the amount I paid just for my sleeve surgery. But I used the BariatricPal Mexico team, so that's why. In the US I was looking at about 10k for mine, and there was no way I could have self-paid that. Good luck!
  15. MissKay

    surgery at 730am

    Yeah, after I left the hospital (2 days), I had no more pain.
  16. Usually just blood work to check for Vitamins and mineral deficiencies.
  17. MissKay

    Pre-op diet?

    I would double check with your surgeon's office--every one is different. Mine was all liquids for 2 weeks.
  18. MissKay

    surgery at 730am

    The first day is the worst by far. The second day is better, the third, you'll feel relatively back to normal but your abdominal area will feel like you overdid it in the crunches/sit up department. My muscle soreness is still (2 weeks later) in some areas of my abs, but it's lessened tremendously and I don't feel it unless i bend and twist a certain way.
  19. There are some with more office/desk jobs that have gone back to work a couple days after getting released. I, personally, since I'm a librarian and have to lift heavy bins of books, took a full two weeks off. It was right at the point that I started introducing in semi-solid foods and is essential I feel like for energy purposes.
  20. MissKay

    Stomach stapling?

    Similar, but different! Here's what I found: Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG), also known as stomach stapling, is a restrictive operation for weight control. Both a band and staples are used to create a small stomach pouch. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is relatively "new" compared to others, but I know someone who had it done 8 years ago. So I'm very lucky because I can just text her whenever I have questions about long-term success and expectations.
  21. MissKay

    Anyone go to Mexico solo?

    May I ask why you were there for two weeks? I wasn't there for two weeks, it was two weeks ago that I was there. I was there from June 13th to June 17th. With the BariatricPalTeamMX you spend 2 nights in the hospital, and 2 in the recovery condos. Then you go home on the fifth day.
  22. MissKay

    The Big Reveal!

    I'm actually doing a weightloss journey Facebook and Instagram account. Being able to update them with progress holds me accountable. Eventually I'll do side-by-side comparison pics. Probably once I've lost half the weight I need to, and then when I reach goal weight. But good luck!!
  23. MissKay

    Is this overeating?

    8oz? I thought it was 4oz... all my meal sheets show 4oz. But yes! Your stomach is likely still swollen, and it's healing. I have yet to feel full and I'm 2 weeks out. But I also get paranoid and stop eating before everything is gone because I really don't want to overdo it and feel pain.
  24. MissKay

    Anyone go to Mexico solo?

    I was there 2 weeks ago, and there was a girl across the hall from me. She had a different surgeon, but was there on her own. Her family didn't support her decision to have the surgery, which was sad. But we talked as we walked the hall to get rid of the gas pain. She was a sweetheart, and she seemed to be doing well. I think she was a little lonely, but it's just for a couple of days! Besides the nurses are so nice (though I don't know what surgeon/hospital you're going to) at the one I want to!
  25. I'm sure it will all go great! You've got this.

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