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Posts posted by lindabalseca

  1. yeah i talked to my surgeons office they are not concerned right now about the weight loss. as long as i keep my a1c down they are happy. right now i take 55u of humalog 3xs lantus 80 1x trulicity 1x a week plus 1000mg 2x of metformin. lots of diabetes meds. cant wait to shed those lol

  2. Just now, YoungExec said:

    What I have learned post op is to read labels and look at how you prepare foods. Take a look at the food labels on Pasta, potatoes, rice. Hello are you making it or buying pre-made. Compare the differences.

    Are you using oil to cook or are you using broth/water, baking vs frying.

    Are you using butter or are you using "I can't believe it's not butter."

    actually im more of a plain jane. ever since i cut everything out (the bad stuff) my tasted have totally changed. nothing tastes good anymore. with rice i use lime and cilantro and a little olive oil. potatoes i just use black pepper. Pasta just fresh sauteed veggies and those are sauteed with a little olive oil. i have a very sensitive stomach and cant tolerate too much oil. most foods are homemade and i read ALL labels. i got in that habit because of watching sugars and sodium. (diabetes/hbp)

  3. 1 hour ago, Apple1 said:

    Did you measure your portion sizes? If so what were they? I think our ideas on portions are very wrong before WLS. I put myself on a low carb diet in January to lower my A1C. It went from 11 to 6.2 in 4 months. I only lost 20 pounds though. I thought I was practicing Portion Control, but in reality I was still eating too much.

    You will lose weight once you have the surgery. The amount we are able to eat is so small. Have you weighed out 3 oz of food to get an idea of how much you will be eating?

    I really dont measure but i have cut my portions tremendously. ive tried to put myself on a schedule, which is really hard. im not a "schedule" type person never have been. i know for this surgery its really important so i have been making a great effort to do so. an idea of what i eat in a day typically is the same most days except for sat/sun. i wake up and take metformin and test my sugars. depending on how tired i am i may get a coffee half Decaf with 8 creams and 2 splendas but thats once in awhile. i usually now have a slimfast high Protein Shake mocha Cappuccino and 2 hard boiled eggs with 55units of insulin. then like 3 hours later dannon light n fit greek yogurt, a little bit of fresh fruit and a v8 splash energy 8oz can. lunch is 3- 4 hours later with 55u insulin a sandwich no mayo with just turkey on a grainy bread of some sort or i do a salad if my stomach isnt bothering me. in between Snacks and meals im drinking Water. late afternoon snack is cottage cheese like 4-5 oz and a high Protein Bar with low carbs usually a luna bar. then dinner is a proten most of the time is chicken breast some veggies and occasionally a carb. the carb is about 1/2 cup if rice or Pasta and 1 cup if mashed potatoes. im not much of a meat eater but ive been trying to push it. then 55units of insulin, my night time insulin and other medications i take. if i cant sleep then i have a small snack like sf Jello pr apple sauce or some cheese slices or nothing and just drink water.

  4. So April 6 I did blood work A1c 9 just did it the 12 of June and it's 6.4....been working really hard to lower it....my cholesterol and triglycerides came down a lot as well... haven't lost a darn pound...I cut back all fried foods no sweets very limited carbs Portion Control increased protein....I don't understand it...what's gonna happen come surgery time am I not going to lose weight? I'm happy...no ecstatic about my blood work but baffled...any insight??????? Please

  5. 4 minutes ago, Texusa said:

    My surgery date is July 6th!! I'm a little concerned and excited. Any suggestions or comments? Please send me some support. Thank you!!! :)

    youtube has a bowl full of knowledge of first hand experiences...the good the bad the ugly. fighting 400 is great and inspiring he is also on instagram. there are many on instagram just search vsg or bariatric community. pinterest has recipes for each stage. plus sifting through here has a world of knowledge and experiences.

  6. On 6/10/2017 at 2:15 AM, Tania66 said:


    My nut told me this is what I needed to take

    Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app

    if you call the Bariatric Advantage customer service and ask for a sample package they will send you a nice variety of supplements and Protein for free only takes about 5 business days. ive been contacting most of the companies and they have been sending me either samples or coupons. protein companies Vitamin companies bariatric companies. if you have your dr fill out a form from the Celebrate website they will send you a free 90 supply of all the supplements you need.

  7. Don't be. As I mean mentioned in another follow up....switched providers and they agreed it was excessive.
    1. Hospitals are fully equipped to handle breathing difficulties waking up from anesthesia.
    2. Only patients with severe cases of.sleep apnea may be required to bring their own equipment.
    Having the test done was never the problem. It.was a at home test. Easy. Mailed to me and shipped.back. The anger was the request to.treat the sleep.apnea before surgery. Having a cpap machine.for use during recovery is fine.

    Actually it was directed to diana_in_philly... I have very bad sleep apnea like 77 times an hour interruptions my insurance Medicaid will not cover the machine so I have been trying to do some home remedies to make it better. Now I'm too scared to have surgery because if I don't wake up I'm a single mom with no other family and don't want to leave my daughter without a mom

  8. I read that people are getting lots of info on you tube. Im one of the older set, yet am doing research. Where do I go and what do I look for? Thanks[emoji4]

    Go to YouTube....click on search put in Bariatric surgery and a whole variety will come up...that's what I did...

  9. sleep Apnea has huge effects with anesthesia. You could wind up dead on the table if they don't know what level of ventilation support you need.
    Does that qualify as enough of a reason to have the testing done? (It could also kill you in your sleep, then you wouldn't need surgery to fix the apnea, either. Sorry to be testy about it, but if you aren't comfortable with your docs, then change groups. I don't know what the various designations (Starter v. Gold) mean. I'm sure there is an explanation somewhere on the web site.

    So u just super increased my anxiety about 100 levels... I have sleep apnea and now I'm in a panic that I might die on the table...thanks for that

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