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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kari1985

  1. Kari1985

    Omaha, Nebraska?

    Had my first follow up today, a few days shy of 3 weeks. Dr. Cronk was happy with my progress and said I'm right on target. Saw the Nutritionist as well. I was shocked to see that Phase 3 foods lasts for FOUR WEEKS :-( I was totally expecting 2 weeks like the full liquid diet. Oh well, gotta suck it up buttercup. I must say I really like Dr. Cronk and his office, but I am just not a fan of either of his nutritionists..
  2. I need to figure out how to edit my posts ;-) made a typo (which is cracking me up because I'm 5) and cant figure out how to change it!

    1. heidikat72


      once you make a post - if you look just below it, you'll see an edit button - just click it and it will open your post back up and let you edit

  3. Kari1985

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome?!

    OMG haha that should be DEDICATED!!! I cant figure out how to edit my post
  4. Kari1985

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome?!

    I have PCOS and have struggled for years. Wednesday will be 3 weeks, so I'm still really new but I've lost over 20 pounds since surgery. There is also a Deficated PCOS support board on here!
  5. Protein shakes are getting to be so difficult to choke down. I'm soooooooo over them.

    1. kmorri


      How far out are you? I was able to stop drinking them pretty early by getting all my protein from food....I honestly can't remember when I had my last one.....and I'm so happy about that as they are all nasty to me! haha

    2. Kari1985


      Wednesday will be 3 weeks. I don't think it would be possible to come close to my protein goals without a shake.

    3. kmorri


      Yes, @Kari1985 it's too early now but just know it's possible in the future. :-)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Kari1985

    July 26ers

    I try to get 2 protein shakes in a day for 60grams of protein. Sometimes I only manage 1.5 because I'm getting sooo wore out of protein shakes! Yesterday I had 1/2 a scrambled egg with a little cheese for breakfast, a protein shake for lunch, about 1-2oz of ricotta cheese bake for dinner. If you haven't tried the ricotta cheese bake I HIGHLY recommend it. I have my first follow up with my surgeon on Monday.
  7. Made a scrambled egg for dinner. Damn it was good. Felt amazing to have some texture! Wasn't able to eat the whole egg, but oh so satisfied

    1. heidikat72


      I remember my first scrambled egg post-op. It was heaven! The start of beginning to "normal"

  8. Kari1985

    Omaha, Nebraska?

    I only took 1 1/2 weeks off of work, I have a desk job. I wish I would have taken just a couple more days and made it a full 2 weeks. I'm a little tired, but really having no issues being back at work. I tried a spoonful of cottage cheese this morning and it sat really well, no issues. Think I'll try scrambled eggs for dinner.
  9. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I wasn't able to locate it in the search... Is it normal to not feel restriction during the liquid phase? It makes sense that I wouldn't, but reading stories of others not getting in Protein and barely getting 2 TBs of broth down have me worried while I'm over here sipping along. Thanks!
  10. Hi there, 7/27 surgery. Was drinking as soon as I woke up and walking within an hour. I went home about 24 hours after surgery. Been pretty good about getting my liquids and protein in. Just soooooo tired of protein shakes. I developed a crazy bad pain in my left side last Friday and ended up in ER. CT scans confirmed no leak, infection or blood clot. Doc thinks maybe just some nerve endings waking up after surgery. Thankfully I haven't felt it in 2 days. Looking forward to start mushy foods on Wednesday. Anyone have suggestions as to what they have handled the best?
  11. Geez.... Need some popcorn to read the bitchiness all over this thread

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Shoot, and I thought you were referring to my status just below yours! When do I get my notoriety? I didn't bother with the packing topic when I saw it in the list and my best judgment tells me not to look at it now. Just more of the same. (How can packing escalate into unpleasantness? Maybe just because it's the seven thousandth time it's been done?)

    2. Djmohr


      Thanks a lot, now i have to go look. I am guessing it's like a train wreck, you don't want to look but you have to. LOL

    3. Kari1985


      Djmohr - exactly! Dub provides some comedic relief at the end :-)

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. Kari1985

    Omaha, Nebraska?

    Surgery went well. Started back to work today. Did Dr. Cronk give you a stage 3 purée/mushy phase print out? My follow up isn't until next Monday but I start mushy foods on Wednesday. Just not sure how strict he is. So far I'm planning scrambled eggs, refrained Beans and the ricotta bake. Scrambled egg has never sounded so amazing.
  13. first day back at work. I'm exhausted, but doing ok...

    1. deadmanwalking


      it takes a little bit to get used to everything. once you find your groove you will do great!

    2. Valentina


      Be kind to yourself. Rest when you can. Drink throughout the day, and remember to-----breathe. :)

    3. Going2lose


      Great job! I hope your day went well :)

  14. Kari1985

    Off to the Emergency room

    Sending good thoughts your way. I ended up in the ER Friday night for terrible pain in my left side. They ruled the bad stuff out and I was sent home. ive been laying with a heating pad to help.
  15. 2nd day with this left side pain. It's exhausting. Glad it's nothing serious but I sure wish it would go away.

    1. kariweekley


      Im glad its nothing serious also. I hope you get to feeling better soon

  16. Headed to ER. Pretty intense left side pain. Doc wants me to get a cat scan to rule out infection /leak.

    1. Valentina


      Good news! Prayers never hurt. ;)

    2. Caribear


      Glad it's not a leak! Heal quickly, take it easy, and feel better soon!

    3. melvin5ft2


      So glad to hear it Kari1985!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. Kari1985

    Two days post op

    Hi there. I'm 8 days post op and the head hunger is killing me today! One more week of full liquids, I can/will do it! Hope your first week goes well, I noticed a big change for the positive day 5.
  18. Kari1985

    Two week post-op check!

    Congratulations this is fantastic!
  19. Kari1985

    1 day post op

    I hope this gets better for you. Morning of day 1 post op is the only day I dealt with nausea.
  20. The mental struggle is real tonight. I WANT food. Convincing myself this protein shake and vitamin water is just as satisfying...

    1. kariweekley


      you can do this

    2. deadmanwalking


      doing to good to cave in! stay focused on the big picture that comes in the end!

  21. First post op appt today with PCP. Down 22.6 pounds since 1 week pre op (7/27 surgery)

    1. deadmanwalking


      AWESOME JOB! keep up the good work!

  22. Tried yogurt today... It didn't go well

    1. Valentina


      Wait a couple of weeks and then try it again---really chilled.

    2. deadmanwalking


      I never did get back to eating and enjoying yogurt after my sleeve... I agree wait a couple of weeks and see...

  23. I'm on full liquids for 2 weeks post op. I drink premier protein shakes. Today I mixed some PB Powder with a chocolate one in my blender. Amazing. I can have sugar free pudding that's been thinned down. Cream soups that have been strained. Vitamin water zero....
  24. Day 5 and I feel like a new person this morning. Feel like I should go knock on wood so I don't jinx it.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      You're still Kari. Knock on wood for that.

    2. Djmohr


      Ah, I love all the good days. The good news is there are more right around the corner.

  25. My larger incision where the stomach was pulled from is on the left.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
