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Susan Lewis

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Susan Lewis

  1. As I said, Protein is with my evening meal. Not sure how u say my portion sizes r larger than urs. I have a mug of veg Soup, and sometimes can't finish it, 1/2 oz porridge, or 1 wee rabid, and again don,t always finish it and a small bowl of evenin meal whether it's meat and veg or curry or whatever but usually can't finish that. I keep my protein for evening meal with veg so that I know I,m havin enough, then veg soup or salad for lunch, again so that I have my 5 a day, which is a struggle sometimes

  2. Well I usually have 1/2 oz porridge made with Water, dash of milk and raspberries. lunch is usually home made veg Soup and evening meal is some kind of Protein and veg. I find I have t eat something between meals as I get a burning sensation in my stomach and feel sick. I try t keep Snacks t fruit, nuts or a biscuit. I have started Nordic walking, using a cross trainer and swimming, so I try t do one of these a day. I have managed t lose 3 lb this week so it is coming off a bit but I feel it should b comin off faster considering how little my portions are, prob just being a little impatient. I have lost 2 stone in. 6 weeks. I,m prob not drinking enough water so will have t concentrate more on that. And try t increase exercise

  3. Again I agree with all above. I am nearly 4 weeks post op. First two weeks were bad, third starting t feel better, now gettin back t drivin, eatin very small meals and swimming. In my mid fifties and I wish I,d done this years ago. My weight issues have affected my self esteem for many years. I wish I could have lost th weight through diet but unfortunately couldn't. I have bin overweight since my mid twenties following pregnancy. So if I was u then I would deff have th op, u will have th rest of your life with no weight issues brill xx

  4. I did panic th few hrs before surgery but nearly three weeks on and losing two stone I think I made th right decision. Started going through my clothes this morning Great feelin t find that something now fits and others are already too big. You won't regret takin this decision, I only wish I had done it years ago xx

  5. My hubby was here and helped but t b honest I could have managed as long as I didnt d too much. Was sore, windy and nauseous but not everyone gets this. Biggest prob was sleeping. Up every 2 hrs walkin round etc. just couldn't get comfy. Thee weeks in and now sleepin quite well. Wind is still a prob especially when I start eatin. Not back in work yet. Not quite ready. Find drivin can b uncomfortable and leaves me with a sore tummy

  6. Hi. I'm nearly 2 weeks post op. Unfortunately I had severe nausea and wind from th start. First week was th worst. I still get bouts of nausea and wind seems t build up in th evening. I,m noe managing undiluted Soup, bout 3/4 mug at a time. Have tried pushing it with a few things but revert back t soup. I'm sooo glad th nausea has eased as it made me feel so ill. I have tried drivin once but it was too soon. Luckily husband is off work for 2 weeks so he,s drivin. I,m havin trouble sleeping, unable t get comfortable, so very tired at mo. How is your weight coming off. Mine is quite slow considering how little I,m eating

  7. I'm on my 5 day post op recovery. I always have th fear of not waking up as I have problems with anaesthetic but they took all of this into consideration and it went well. Th worst is the wind pain, lots of peppermint Water eases it but nature has t take its course. I won't deny I have some pain and discomfort, also some nausea. But each day is slightly better and I'm tryin t concentrate on th positives. How some people manage t go back t work within days amazes me. I,m going t take my time and look after me. It's taken a lot t go through with this so I need t spoil me xx

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