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Posts posted by Nugget

  1. I finally hit my goal...........

    My feelings are mixed. Although I am happy and excited for this new chapter in my life, I don't know how to switch from that weight loss phase into Maintenance, I am a little scared to start eating more and adding the amount of calories they are telling me to. I do not want to lose anymore.....but certainly don't want to gain. As a guy, I don't want to look scrawny, I enjoy having that solid thick look. I have hit the gym hard and lifting weights again, with big dividends. I have actual pecks (not man boobs anymore!!!) and actual "pretty boy" muscles such as biceps instead of fat rolls! All kidding aside, the working out is going great and I can actually say I am hooked on it.

    It is just hard to tell yourself to start eating more food and more calories after you have been programmed for last 6 months to very lean to reach maximum results. I am still losing 2-3 pounds a week on that process. It is a slippery slope and I want to be careful. Anyone else have any opinions or methods in the maintaining process.

  2. What is the best way to start adding calories??

    My last Dr Appt with my surgeon, I was told that my weight was still free-falling quickly. He said that if I wanted to start tapering the weight loss down, which I do soon, that I need to start adding calories. I am close to my goal, and really don't want to go under since I am gaining muscle now too...just don't think I will look good under my goal.

    I am going to gym at least 4-5 times a week with some heavy lifting as well as cardio now.

    Need some advise from those on Maintenance......what is best way? how much and at what rate to add calories.

    I know that everyone is different.

  3. Got through the Holidays well. Very proud of myself for staying on course...and have turned this new lifestyle (not diet!) into a routine.

    Hitting the gym 4-5 days a week makes me feel better and if I miss a day it really bothers me. I enjoy that runners high now.

    Down a total of 112 LBS and only 13 more to go! I want to thank everyone for posting and being honest to yourself.....that is the only way you can succeed.

    I have been extremely lucky with my surgery with no complications and things going very well.

    Wishing everyone a prosperous and healthy 2016! we will all get there!

    Thank you to all!

  4. People automatically assume they are going to lose all their excess weight right away. We didn't gain it overnight .... It was from years of eating wrong. It isn't easy all the time. There are times it is still hard. However you have taken the first big step of acquiring a new tool to help you. Use this tool to buid your goals and dreams. It gets easier and better each week in my opinion. Don't give into head hunger!

  5. I have been following this forum for several months now. I know many of you by name, though you don't know me. (sounds a little creepy!)

    Many of you and your honesty were the reason I decided to join this forum. I am very simple guy. I don't have Facebook, twitter, or whatever else is cool these days. But this forum gives me a place to vent and to learn from others.....so thank you.

    I was 340 lbs when I started this journey back in June, By day of surgery (9/30/15), I was down to 300lbs. Today I weighed in at 252 LBS. I feel great, I have been working out and lifting, something I haven't done since H.S.

    I started this journey for a couple a big reason, 1) for my own health and to be around longer, and 2) the big reason. MY FAMILY.

    My wife is my rock, and best friend. She is greatest support I can have. My beautiful daughter, and lastly my "HERO SON". He has hard life since he was born. He was born extremely premature at 1LB-6 oz.. This year he was recently diagnosed with autism. I am doing mostly for him, because I want to be there to protect him and help him with the struggles he has every day. He is only 7 and goes through therapy every day. If he can do it...so can I.

    Thank you all for reading and I hope that above doesn't sound too corny, just wanted to give a quick background on myself. This was a big step for me to join....never have belonged to any kind of online "family" before. I hope to get to know some of you more now.

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