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Posts posted by MomOf4OhMy

  1. @@alwest68 Exactly! It's all based on your individual insurance as well as what your doctor wants. My surgeon tested for nicotine the day of our first class. On my insurance I didn't have to lose any certain amount or percentage, but instead I had to do 6 months of supervised weight loss with the nutritionist or physician as well as keeping a food AND exercise log for the entire 6 months. That log has to show at least 80% compliance with good eating habits and exercising. They also require me to continue that log all the way up until my surgery date and can request it at any time. I understand the why... but it's still a little unnerving! My surgeon requires 2 week pre-op diet of liquid only. 5-6 HMR shakes per day (which have to be purchased through them), unlimited sugar free Jello and sugar free popsicles and a limited amount of low sodium broth plus Water, Water and more water. The last 2 days are Clear liquids only.

    I've been doing a Protein shake for Breakfast and one for lunch most days, with some veggies, or a piece of babybel or laughing cow cheese for a snack, then a light dinner. I normally use Muscle Milk because they have some awesome flavors, but powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup Protein is my lunch time saver. I get so sick of sweet sometimes! Did you all know you can order a sampler from Unjury? It has 2 unflavored, 2 chicken Soup, 2 vanilla, 2 chocolate and 2 strawberry plus a little rubbermaid shaker and a thermometer (for the warm chicken soup one). My surgeon has encouraged us to try different Protein Shakes pre-op so we can decide what we might like after surgery. Have any of you found a protein you absolutely love?

  2. My insurance required 6 months of medically supervised weight loss, psychiatric clearance, cardiac clearance, pulmonary clearance, sleep study, egd, plus 6 months of food and exercise logs demonstrating at least 80% compliance. It's been rough but I am so close to the end! (My surgeon also required a drug and nicotine screening, almost forgot about that one.) My surgeon's office won't schedule you for surgery or even give you an idea on dates until they get insurance approval back. Once I get insurance approval I have to go in for another pre-op class (already had a 4 hour long one at the beginning of the process) then 2 week liquid only diet prior to surgery.

    I'm still waiting on the results from my sleep study. If I do have apnea and they say i need a CPAP I'll have to go in for another night in the hospital so they can figure out my settings, etc. Other than that, I have these 2 nut. appts and then the nail chewing waiting begins. I'm glad you made this topic, it seems so many people have already had their surgery or are having it in the next few weeks it's nice to connect with others who are still a bit further out :)

  3. This is my last big hurdle. I'm an avid diet soda drinker (yes, I know they're horrible for you but caffeine makes me a better person, darnit!). I was caffeine free all day yesterday per the order of my pulmonologist for my sleep study and my head hurt so bad last night and this morning I literally cried in the shower because my head was pounding. I still have a little while till surgery (hoping for a late May or June date) so I think I'm going to begin by transitioning from soda to tea (either unsweetened or with a little splenda). Once i'm off the soda train I'm going to start replacing with Water. My goal is by May 1 to be caffeine free. I quit smoking 18 months ago and I know if I can do that, I can do anything!

  4. Mine was 20 minutes or so, basically going through my family history, weight loss history and motivations/tools for weight loss. She talked about suicide risks if I didn't lose the weight after surgery, etc. I told her I am on antidepressants and that my family doctor prescribes them. She was fine with it and I got the sign off for surgery.

  5. My insurance requires a 6 month exercise log (along with a food log and the medically supervised weight loss visits). My dietician is also an exercise physiologist and she has recommended walking daily for exercise pre-surgery and immediately post-op. I do 30mins-1hour a day, but we are also keeping track of how far I get in that time. When I first started i was walking 0.8 miles in 30 minutes, now I do 1.5 miles in that same amount of time.

  6. I'm hoping for June as well. I've already had my psych clearance, EKG, Echo, cardiac clearance, PFT, ABG, drug screening, EGD and Monday is my 4th nut appt (I have to have 6). My sleep study is on March 30th, so after my last nut appt in May we will submit to insurance. Fingers crossed!!!

    Lucky you on the no 2 week pre-op diet. My doctor requires 2 weeks of liquid only and the last 3 days are Clear Liquids only!

  7. Just a quick update: 3 more nut. appointments to go, got my cardiac clearance and pulmonary clearance. Had my EGD and all the other tests were passed with flying colors. My sleep study is March 30th and that's it! What seemed so insurmountable a few weeks ago is flying by.

    I have kicked up my walking, getting in 8-10k steps a day and got my self a fitbit as a reward for really really trying to stay active, it makes me feel even more accountable.

    Registered for my first 5k fun run (walk) Memorial Day weekend, which will still be pre-surgery but I'm excited because I know I can do this!

    I'l be submitted to insurance in May and hoping for a June surgery!

  8. After what seemed to be a long wait for the first of the year for my new insurance to kick in, I had my intake appointment yesterday with my surgeon. I've gotten his okay for surgery, my psych clearance, blood work, dietitian class, and class with the nurse along with my chest x-ray yesterday. My insurance requires a LOT of things, but it seems like everything is moving so quickly! 1 week from today I have the Echo done on my heart as well as my pulmonary function test and drug and nicotine screening. March 3rd is my EGD, and March 9th are my pulmonologist and cardiologist appointments. The pulmonologist will schedule my sleep study and then that's it! Just waiting on my last 2 months of physician supervised weight loss information to be put in and then off to the insurance company we go! Fingers crossed and all that jazz!

  9. Update: Found out from the insurance co-ordinator at my surgeon's office that for HIP Plus through MHS they require 6 months of medically supervised weight loss along with a daily food and exercise log for the entire time. You must show at least 80% compliance on the logs (with daily exercise, etc.). Also, once they have the 6 months and submit they make you keep doing the food and exercise diary all the way until day of surgery. In addition they require (aside from the psych visit) a cardiologist appointment, ekg, echo on the heart, pulmonologist (sp?) visit, and sleep study. They said that HIP Plus (through all providers) is the HARDEST insurance they have to get approval on. Much different than what MHS told me when I initially contacted them.

  10. I'm just starting out but it was stressed in our seminar that all of my doctor's patients are required to do a two week pre-op liquid diet (Protein drinks). Not only that, but we are required to buy the HMR shakes from them for the two week pre-op diet and one week post op for a cost of $260 out of pocket (Not billable to insurance). That was a little surprising to me but I'm okay with it because I know it will all be worth it in the end.

    I can understand them insisting on you doing liquids, but making you buy them only from then sounds a lot like a scam.

    I thought that at first and did call and question about it. The practice manager said that they just made this policy a year ago because the surgeon feels that these are the absolute best quality shakes for bariatrics. After your 1st week post op they don't mind if you switch to something that you like better though. If he didn't come so highly recommended I would have more hesitation. :)

  11. I'm just starting out but it was stressed in our seminar that all of my doctor's patients are required to do a two week pre-op liquid diet (Protein drinks). Not only that, but we are required to buy the HMR shakes from them for the two week pre-op diet and one week post op for a cost of $260 out of pocket (Not billable to insurance). That was a little surprising to me but I'm okay with it because I know it will all be worth it in the end.

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