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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by claddagh66

  1. I'll be free after the new year up until the 17th. I go back to work on the 18th. :) we should make this happen!

    Also, i weighed myself this morning... 11 pounds down from when I got to the hospital on Tuesday. Now I'm sure my scale is a bit different than the medical scales, but not that much!! So woohoo!!

    Wow!!!! That is so great!!! How have things been for you? You seem to be doing great! So so happy for you!!

  2. Doing better everyday here. Yesterday was miserable with the gas pains after surgery, but I definitely feel a difference. I walked and walked and walked around my floor... And the gas pains didn't move out. Keeping up on the pain meds made a difference yesterday too. It's pretty easy to get the liquids in, thankfully. Diluted apple peach juice is my fave as well as Decaf Irish Breakfast tea.

    How are the rest of yinz doing?

    Beck Gal!!! So so glad to hear all went well with you yesterday!!! I was thinking about you! Are they giving you anything for the gas to help it move? I've heard others say that's the bad part.

    Awesome you can get liquids down easily! Were you afraid to try at first???

    I'm impressed your sounding so upbeat! GO YOU!!!

  3. Wow I'm sorry that happened to you. That's hand to deal with. Wonder if putting a handicapped handle on your shower wall would help alittle with something for you to hold onto.

    So they're saying you do have apnea then?

    I have to still pick up my machine, do the scope, mamo, Doppler on my legs for clots, sleep study and stress test. I have everything scheduled but the stress test. Moving along. I won't be having mine until May. I just started in November

  4. Hello everyone I'm 6 weeks out and 40 lbs down from surgery day. So happy with my sleeve!! I'm from Ashland and had Dr Tompkins!

    Congratulations to you!!! I bet you feel fabulous!!! How was surgery day for you and al the healing? How long were you off work?

    So great to hear your great success!

  5. Still waiting for my lab sleep study. My insurance wants ANOTHER home study even though I've a ready done two. I'm about to just self pay the sleep study and get it over with.

    I fell in the shower yesterday and really jacked up my back some more. I pulled the curtain rod down with me and tore up the wall. It was pretty dramatic.

    Wow that's totally crazy they can't make a decision on the first two you did! Did you ask why they can't? That's horrible they're making you do this again. I'd be mad too!!!

    What made you fall in the shower!? Did you lose your balance or pass out? Are you aright? When were you planning on getting surgery?

  6. Congrats! I am scheduled for the 23rd of December and am waiting for my insurance approval. I'm having my procedure done at Magee with Dr. Ramanathan. His team is fabulous and I'm so excited.

    Merry Christmas to you all!


    Hi Rachel Pittsburgh! Best of luck to you! Your day is right around the corner! I've heard good things about this doctor. My surgery will be at west penn. not happy about that... But as long as all goes well I'll be aright. Are you getting nervous yet?!?!

  7. Hi MollyF22! So nice to hear from you. Yes it's great to see everyone's story and learn so much as you go through this. I love reading as many comments as I can. Love this site!

    You've been doing this a long time now! Why 8 months? Has it just taken this long for everything that was needed? Was it your choice? Insurance? I have 6 months wait time and that's fine by me! I see now how many things are being requested and it will take that long to get them all in! Now I'm thinking May/June!

    Your going to l do fantastic in February!!! I'm sure your nerves are catching up to you at this point! Feels more real now! Your going to feel so good by summertime you'll be dancing all around!

    I wish you loads of good luck and hope it all goes smoothly for you!!! So excited for you!!!

  8. Thanks Megan! I was shocked about my thyroid results. My last lab work was about 3 years ago and all was fine. But I am always tired and always cold so guess that makes sense. I also gained 30 pounds in 6 months and I blamed in cause I lost a job and broke my foot but I guess it was more than that. I said I will know more about my body after this than I ever did or would!

    Ya I can't imagine running on a treadmill! I would probably pass out! I forgot the sleep apnea test also. So much but your right, it will help pass time!

  9. I went to my second visit this past Thursday and found out my thiorid is way high so I was put on sinthroid and have to get more labs done again in 2 months.

    My next step is psych, gyne overview, boob squish, endo, scoped and treadmill heart test but since I have a broken foot it will be done in a bed with meds to stimulate my heart. I'm getting there. 2 months down 4 to go! Also down 4 pounds since first visit!

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