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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nat36

  1. dms

    I have decided not to tell many people because I told someone once thinking they would be on my side and happy I was taking charge and i got pretty much the same reaction, "all you have to do is stop eating and exercise blah blah blah" if only they knew the battles I have had with myself in the past. I am not yet banded (19 march) but I know its only going to be the first step and it wont all come easy. Anyone who has taken this step is a hero in my book for stepping out of the comfort zone and asking for help so they can help themselves to have a full and healthy life.

  2. Hey, how come the fat girl clothes are always at the back of Target and not at the front like the "Hot Options" stuff. Why do they get such a kitsch name for their skinny bitch clothes and we get "Options Plus". Since when did we have options?? Oh, and Big Advantage? What advantages do we have? Sorry if I offended anyone, it just gets my goat!

    Man, I could go on ALL day! BTW I'm so glad they changed BIG city chic to just City Chic.

    AND why when you go to Katies do they give you a bag with 16/26 in huge words across the bag. Do the skinny people have their size emblazoned all over the bag no!!. You might as well put a sign on your head "fat person shopping" (I think they changed the name but why cant it just be Katies like everyone else)

    I hear ya greeneyez I could go on all day too.

  3. nat

    we have only target country and it SUX!! there's about 6 items of fatgirl stuff and EVERYONE has it.. so awful...

    butnot for long.. i will be a mini in months.. watch out Biloela..


    Bring on the fashionable clothes!!! you are on your way I have to wait til March but I have waited this long so its really not far at all. I hate it when I do get to Perth usually for work and I have a friend with me and they are going into skinny boutiques going "this looks big why dont you try it on!!" Yeah perhaps on my toe lady!!!

    but I smile politely and say "oh I dont really need anything today".

  4. Great ad and so true. You know what annoys me, why does target rarely advertise the bigger size clothes you get pages and whole catalogues dedicated to skinny people but usually just a note at the bottom to say yes fat clothes on sale to. Is it the dirty little secret that alot of women are plus size? We only have target in geraldton so I dont know about the rest.

  5. Yay you!! I am hoping to bounce back as quick as you have. I cant wait until March it seems like forever, I am back to school in a few weeks and then the time should go faster, Im trying not to think about it but........Im sure you know. Congratulations.

  6. Hi Nat36, I have my first consultation on the 4th March, hopefully I can have my op soon after.....should I have specified to the recep. that I was certain about having the procedure done?? How did you get an op. date? my hubby works away from home one week out of each month, and

    I am trying to work around that.....

    Just got a reply from Dr Watson saying keep the March 4th Appointment and start Optifast 2 weeks before surgery, which means I will start it about then. Looks like I will be visiting March 4th at 4.00pm maybe I will se you if you are around the same time.


  7. Hi Nat36, I have my first consultation on the 4th March, hopefully I can have my op soon after.....should I have specified to the recep. that I was certain about having the procedure done?? How did you get an op. date? my hubby works away from home one week out of each month, and

    I am trying to work around that.....

    Hi Perthchick

    I sent Dr Watson an Email and told him that I have thought of nothing else for the past year and he sent me a reply saying "how about March 19?". I already had an appointment for March 4th that I made with the receptionist so now I am waiting for a reply to see if I have to keep that appointment because he originally said he would do 1st consult and op in same week. My husband is also away for 2 weeks and home for 1 but luckily he will be home on the afternoon of the 19th so he can drive me home.

  8. I dont generally pay much attention to horoscopes but I had to share this one for me that I read today in a magazine "You will change your appearance and reinvent yourself in the most striking way between now and 2010 with the first stage under way this year" woohoo thanks gods or stars or whoever Ill take all the help I can get.

  9. Thanks guys its great to know that there are others that fighting this like me and dont get me wrong I love my dear dear friends but in my list is a state basketball player and a marathon runner??? and most of the others are super fit and dont tend to have a problem with weight so I kinda feel a bit stupid mentioning it.

    I have cut out caffeine since my husband went back to work and this week I am trying to get rid of white bread. We run out of soft drink the other day and my kids have actually forgotten about it after a few days so I wont be replacing it anytime soon.

    Im ready to make this my year.

  10. This website has made me do a lot of soul searching in the last 24 hours. Things like why am I waiting until March to take charge of my life. I decided today that from tonight I am going to start being responsible for what I put in my mouth and not hide behind excuses for why I eat too much. This is up to me if I dont do it nobody else can. I realize that the fight hasnt even started yet and in a few days I will probably be fighting mind and body not to fill myself with yummy warm fatty food. I feel for the first time in a long time I am in the right frame of mind (knowing that surgery is coming and will be a welcome ally in my fight helps) I CAN DO THIS !!!!wink.gif. Might need some help from the courageous people on this forum, is that ok???

  11. This website has made me do a lot of soul searching in the last 24 hours. Things like why am I waiting until March to take charge of my life. I decided today that from tonight I am going to start being responsible for what I put in my mouth and not hide behind excuses for why I eat too much. This is up to me if I dont do it nobody else can. I realize that the fight hasnt even started yet and in a few days I will probably be fighting mind and body not to fill myself with yummy warm fatty food. I feel for the first time in a long time I am in the right frame of mind (knowing that surgery is coming and will be a welcome ally in my fight helps) I CAN DO THIS !!!!:wink:. Might need some help from the courageous people on this forum, is that ok???

  12. I am reading all of these replies and Im sure someone is in my head reading my mind. I have been trapped in this body for so long I cant remember anything else. I too am married to a beautiful man that loves me for me but I die just a little bit everytime someone says "Hes gorgeous how did you manage to get him?" I know I am a good person but I so want to feel proud of my appearance and not make lame excuses why I cant go clothes shopping with my friend because Im too ashamed of the size I am. I am due to have surgery with Dr Watson on the 19th of March and it cant come soon enough. I have only told my closest friend as I broached the subject with a family member once and got a big lecture about how all you need to do is eat less and exercise blah blah blah if it were that easy nobody would be overweight.

  13. Hi Im new to this site (just found it today). I am from Geraldton (little bit from Perth) but it would be great to speak to others from close by and the same surgeon. I got an email from Dr Watson tonight saying he could do the initial consult in the same week so I dont have to travel to Perth too much. He has given me a surgery date of March 19th and I cant wait. I chose him from just researching on the net but it seems I have made the right choice as everyone seems to be going to him. The surgeon in Geraldton is a general surgeon and I didnt feel comfortable with someone that hasnt done thousands.

  14. Can someone tell me why do you have to go on this horrible Optifast stuff before surgery? I have an appointment in March and as I live about 400km's away from the Dr I want to make as few trips as possible would it be worth starting before I go or should I just waut and see. Is the optifast thing a general step for everyone?

  15. Hi I also have an appiontment with Dr Watson in March. I am not aware of his exact charge but I went to another Dr a year ago and he told me it would be upwards of $10 000 without private health insurance. I have a friend that has been banded by Dr Watson and she says the approximate cost after health insurance is $2000. But dont take my word for it I think it would depend on the type of cover you have and the hospital you choose to stay in. I hav been impatiently waiting for the past year to get this done and I am very excited. Good luck



    The consultations are covered by medicare all bar about $30 from what my friend told me.

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