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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nat36

  1. Does anyone know what the wait time is at the moment for Public (no private health cover) patients in Perth?

    I have heard SCGH is 3-4 years, Joondalup 18 months?

    Joondalup wont take patients outside of the Joondalup zone either. Ifound that out when I was considering going public. The Dr in Geraldton wont even do public patients anymore because he was only funded for about 4 a year and he got frustrated with the system so will not do any now.

  2. I left hospital with half a drug store, 2 different anti-nausea drugs as he stressed how important it was not to vomit, a tablet to take every morning for indigestion, a very strong pain killer (only needed 1) and 2 boxes of dissolvable panadol rapid.

  3. I know exactly what you mean Batkitty! I suffered with wind terribly. The peppermint tea tastes awful but the degas chewables do work ok. I found the best thing to get the wind moving was to get yourself moving. I walked to my letterbox and felt the wind move and did an awesome burp - instant relief! Also, sit up straight as much as you can.

    Good luck!

    I cant burp!!! I get this build up and I can feel it coming then this pathetic hiccup type thing, nothing. I am getting a pain between my shoulder blades

    I dont know if its wind or my back playing up. I would really love to have a good burp

  4. Its funny I have been talking about being banded for over a year and nobody took much notice. Now I am banded and the response from some people has been strange to say the least. One comment from a work colleague that had a Tummy Tuck last year was "No i want to be the only one to change dramatically" and my SIL is suddenly working out like a fiend to beat my weight loss, its like they were happy for me to be the fattest and now the tables might turn they are threatened. Weird you would think they would be happy Im trying to be healthy. Kind of fun to watch them running scared too:tt2::teeth_smile::tt2::rolleyes2::tt2::unsure:

  5. Hey...first of all well done of your drive back the geraldton! What a hike!! I had someone else drive me back to Mandurah, and i swear i felt every bump in the road!!

    Secondly, which hospital were you guys in? How come they put you in the childrens ward??

    Hi Ausgirl, the drive home was probably a bit stupid as it was the journey from hell but I felt like I had to get home to my kids for good friday. I was also so glad to be home in my own bed.

    We were in St Johns Murdoch and it might sound weird but apparently the kids ward was a nicer place to be (or thats what the nurse told me) the kids all seemed to disappear after an hour of being there so it was all good.

  6. I have been taking medication for blood pressure for a few years now and it has always been under control even low sometimes. I was banded last Wednesday and since then I have found that my blood pressure has been high. Has anyone else had this happen, I am thinking if it doesnt settle in the next day or 2 I will see my GP. I thought it would drop not get higher.

  7. Hi Mojo, to add to the chorus its not really painful at all. My sister wanted to see how I coped before considering it for herself I called her today and told her to not waste any more time thinking and book it, for every day thinking is a day you are not losing weight and reaching your goal.

  8. I have glue, because Im from Geraldton the glue was easier as I dont have to go back to Perth in a few days to have them out. So far no sign of tearing and healing well. You have given me a bit of a wake up call though I was banded on the 19th and probably should take it a bit easier, never thought of busting the glue.

  9. Hey Nat,

    Congrats! I was banded on 19th too. I don't know how you managed getting back to Geraldton, I struggled with the 20min drive home to our place! I have been feeling pretty shoddy since then. Today is the first day I've started feeling a bit better. SHoulder tip pain sucks. Anyway, off to have a shower and attempt a walk down the driveway!

    Hey Emma were you in the childrens ward too? I seen a lady wondering around in blue pj's was that you? I was thinking how brave she was when I was laying flat on my back in la la land she was doing laps of the ward.

  10. Hi Reddirt, I live in Geraldton and have just come back from being banded by Dr Watson on the 19th March. I drove home the day after surgery (probably wouldnt advise that). I has been a long journey to get to this point but I dont regret a second of it even when my son is teasing me about eating baby food!. Goodluck on your journey and have fun with optiyuk as it is affectionately called.

  11. After 18 months of wishing for it I finally got my band on Wednesday. All went ok. I drove hme to Geraldton on Thursday, probably not such a good idea as I was extremely nauseas and was struggling to stop vomiting. Im feeling good today a little uncomfortable but nothing I cant handle. Its funny I feel like a drain when I drink I can hear it swirling around before it goes down the hatch.

    Im very happy my new chapter has started.

  12. Hey Nat,

    On one of the papers Dr Watson gave us was his mobile number. If you're stressing out you could just give him a call and explain the situation although I'm sure Monday will be ok.


    I seen that number and actually considered it for a second but then thought he would probably think Im a lunatic calling him on the weekend. Better wait til Monday.

  13. Thanks I think I overreacted a bit last night. Im sure they will let me pay Monday (I hope!) I had my preadmission interview this morning so it seems to be ok.

    Bring on next Wednesday and the dream will finally be a reality/

  14. Ok so I was supposed to pay for my surgery within 3 days of it happening (next Wednesday) and I got so busy at work today I didnt ring until 4.00pm and they were not there!!!. There was a message on the home phone from the receptionist saying that they need payment within 3 days. Please someone that sees Dr Watson tell me that he isnt that rigid and will let me pay first thing Monday. Im hoping that the fact I rang within surgery hours and they must have closed early might save me but Im still freaking out. Surely something this simple cant be my undoing.

  15. I am getting banded March 19th. Have been on liquid and vegie diet for a week now, today I really felt I couldnt do it anymore and needed food. I ended up having a small piece of fish and a few extra vegies thank goodness but I so could have had a steak.

    I just wish next week would hurry so I can start the next step.

    Goodluck to all of the March bandsters. We can do it if we stick together.

  16. My Dr (who made me do Optimuck for 4 weeks) told me that if I really, really had to cheat then to have either an extra cup of the vege's OR a small piece of grilled fish or skin free lean chicken. As the others said, Ketosis happens with a very low carb diet, so as long as you don't have any carbs, fat or sugars you should be ok. If you can last on the Opti do, but in an emergency grilled fish, or salad will do (you are allowed a spoon of olive oil so you could add some herbs and make a salad dressing.)


    Thanks, I really need to have something today, I have felt light headed and queasy all day and thats not an ideal situation to be working children. I have followed the program rigidly for a week so if Im going to cheat at least its not junk, just a small piece of grilled fish.

  17. Yep, your right but in my best tantrum script "I DONT WANT IT I DONT WANT IT" guess I have been lucky all these years. My blood pressure also bottomed out to 85/55 today went to the nurse at school she suggested I see the Dr. Went to the Dr and he didnt seem overly worried he said if Im not feeling faint then low blood pressure is good, ok.

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