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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nat36

  1. How common is it to have a period stop when you weigh so much? This is currently happening to me. My last period (it may have been a miscarriage) lasted for 10 days- the longest I have ever had. and this month...nothing(i took a pregnancy test Sunday, it was negative) I have never missed a period. They are always 2-4 days, and just recently all my cramps have gone away. I'm getting a little worried. :unsure:Not to say that I don't appreciate skipping the bleeding, bloating, and mood swings. I just was wondering how many people have had similar experiences?

    I didnt have a period for many years and my Dr told me I was one of the lucky ones that doesnt bleed on implenon, but as soon as I started to lose weight my periods returned so I think it had more to do with my weight than anything else. Now I cant seem to stop them. Has anyone heard of the contraception Mirena? my GP has suggested it instead of implenon to steady my period.

  2. Jachut I agree.

    I sat in the surgeons office listening to 2 women talk about how they were going in there to give that Dr what for as they were both banded in August last year and had only lost 4kg and 5kg. My curiosity got the better of me and I politely enquired what exercise they were doing

    "Oh none we shouldnt have to exercise thats what the band is for"

    and how about diet?

    "Again the lapband should make us not hungry and want to eat crap but it doesnt"

    WTF!!! Im sorry ladies were you thinking that you had a MAGIC band attached to your stomach that allowed you to sit back and watch the weight fall off while you still ate everything in sight.

    I have made a committment to change and sometimes I still come home after a bad day at work and eat crap but the next day Im off and running again.

    I dont ever want to go back to being in the hundreds of kilos mark so I guess I have to make it not happen.

  3. I am still thinking like the old me. Today I went shopping for work pants and my automatic thought was grab the biggest pair on the rack. Lucky I tried them on and found they were miles too big I ended up with a size 16 but it still doesnt register in my brain that there are clothes that are too big for me now.

  4. I have not tried bread yet but alot of the old food that i used to love I just hate now, when you have to chew chew chew it totally changes the texture and taste I dont know why. I might try some egg on toast on the weekend. I have not been much good with fruit either banana got stuck, apple got stuck I have had strawberries and grapefruit no worries. Need to get more fibre and my Iron levels have taken a nose dive according to my GP but those I can live with when the insulin levels and hormones have normalised.

  5. I'm going to totally gross you out and tell you I use cloth pads.

    People fall about going eeeeew yuck, but I reckon landfills full of disposed of sanitary pads is more disgusting. And none of my babies ever wore a disposable diaper either.

    I prefer tampons over pads and tried the mooncup and keeper but I cant tolerate them, something about my internal anatomy means they just dont fit right and give me crippling cramps.

    But my periods are super duper light and last 2 days anyway, so I like my nice microfleece topped hemp pads - the fleece top means they stay dry feeling. They have a PUL layer so never ever leak either.

    I will use tampons if I'm swimming though, or away on holidays or whatever. But I always buy organic cotton ones, all those bleaches and chemicals, no way am I putting them inside me.

    You can buy reuseable pads? I had no idea. Where do you buy them and what is a mooncup and keeper. I am probably way behind on the latest period fashion i have only just started my period again after 14 years LOL.

  6. WOOHOO yay for you. What a good feeling to have more choices than plus size nanna clothes.

    I tried on all my clothes and loved the feeling of them being miles too big and putting them in the salvo bag. Have not bought much yet just one pair of pants but i definitely have to my work pants are hanging off me

  7. I dont mind the song but in a secret kind of way. I keep thinking if anyone sees me listening to it they will be thinking "oh look at the fat chick singing the fat chicks anthem" Stupid i know, I shouldnt care about what others think but Im human and I do.

  8. I had my second fil last week and I am eating fine again. My problem is at night I wake up with revolting bile in my mouth and as soon as I lay down i start to gurgle. i have read that this has happened to people that are too tight but I dont have a problem eating a good amount its just the awful reflux. Does anyone have any advice? Is it Normal? Anything i can take?

  9. Hi everyone,

    My name is Debi and I am new to this website. I am having surgery next Tuesday with Dr Jefferey Hamdorf at SJOG in Subiaco..

    I am about 110 kilos now and would ideally like to get down to 60-70 kilos. I have 2 adorable kids and a fantastic husband.

    I am flying to Perth on Monday to have my last appt with him before the surgery..

    I think I know what to expect, but maybe not, I am extremely nervous I know that much.

    I think the hardest thing I find about exercising is finding the right type of music to walk to. Can anyone send me a list of good walking music, the kind of music that pumps and is fast in beat..

    I would love to meet Perth banders, or just talk to you, with your advice and tips.

    Have a good day..

    Hi Debi

    Good luck for your op next week. As for the music if you go to the general lap band and discussion and look in the fitness and exercise section one of the threads is a list of music people work out to. Hope this helps.


  10. Nat, what are you going to tattoo on your wrist? I too have considered getting a tattoo when I reach goal. I saw where an actress, not one I'm fond of, but she tattooed "Breathe" on the inside of her wrist in white. She's white, so it barely showed up and I thought that was king of a neat idea, but couldn't decide what I would put there. Maybe "01/04/2008", my bandiversary date.

    I'd love to hear ideas from the rest of you!

    That is very funny because one of the words I have been considering is breathe, I didnt know any actress had it I just thought it kind of rang a bell with me, I have not decided and I have a while to think about it but I wont get anything until I am 100% happy Im not going to permanently mark myself with anything I will regret in 6 months.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
