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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yvonne72

  1. Yvonne72

    Anyone in Vegas/Henderson NV area???

    Hey Mikalisa! The only support group I have is the one through my Dr's Office. Have your friend do a search on here too... you never know what you'll find!!!
  2. Yvonne72

    What did I do?

    Why can't you drink water?
  3. Yvonne72

    Just looking for some support

    I tried the Alli system last summer. WOW-that was a huge mistake for me! LOL The Story: Well, I didn't take my pills one day because the next day we were going to a party and I knew there wouldn't be any "fat free" foods there. I have to tell you that I was feeling good- I ate a burger and some ribs... Then in the middle of a conversation, I felt my stomach rumbling. I ran to the bathroom and spent the next hour crapping out oil. The smell was so disgusting. I had to go home- Thank God for leather seats because I farted out a giant oil stain on the way home. I came home and threw the pills away- gained 20lbs and vowed I would never take ANY diet pills of any kind again. Your roommate sounds a lot like my hubby. In a way, I truly believe he wants me to be fat forever. It's almost like it's his "comfort food" if you know what I mean. It's a security blanket for them- if we don't look "hot", we won't want to leave. My hubby doesn't believe this and almost gets offended when I tell him. But it's the honest truth about how I feel. I wish you luck and remember- always do what's best for you... It's your body and your life- Live it to the fullest!!!
  4. Yvonne72

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I was banded on May 20th- Doc didn't give me a pre-op diet- but he definitely should have. I wound up having an enlarged liver and they had some difficulties and came close to not performing the surgery. Thankfully, my band is in- which I have actually given a name= "Lily"... She is quite important to me and we have a long journey to get through together! At my pre-op appt, I weighed in at a whopping 282- my all time high. I was shocked! I am only 5'2"- so I must look like a little suma wrestler! LOL As of this morning, I am 269- bye bye 280's- bye bye 270's!!! I will Never be seeing you again!!! WTG everyone- anyone have an NSV yet? (Non-scale victory) I know it's kinda early, but those will be coming along Very Soon if not already!!! XOXOXOXOXO to all
  5. You just need to relax and find something to calm your fears. I was banded on the 20th and woke up thinking- O.K... I want it out now! LOL I cried for 2 days straight until I started writing in my journal. I had a little panic attack yesterday and started writing again. I write about how I feel, about conversations I'm having, about my goals etc... You need an out- because you're probably so use to getting up and going to the refrigerator or pantry when you're stressed and you just can't do that now. Nausea is very common. You've just had major surgery. I'm still nauseous, but have found ways to calm it down. You need to sip on something warm like tea or broth. Slowly! Lay down with a heating pad on your belly. I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow and really can't see it happening, but I'm going to try my best. I may only be able to work 1/2 days for a little while, but I'm o.k. with that. I think once we get back into our daily routines, it's a bit easier. I agree- I don't know how anyone can go back 3 days later! LOL Congrats on making the decision to change your life for the better. Don't give up and don't be afraid. Everything will come together for you soon. Found an 'out' and try to rest.
  6. Yvonne72

    Just have to celebrate 100 pounds gone!!!

    Oh Fran, that is the most wonderful news ever!!! You are doing an amazing job!!! I can't wait until that day... I sat and wrote all my goals in a journal today and that was one of my biggies! 100lbs ago for me was high school and I thought I was chubby back then! What a dummy I was! LOL Congrats to you- keep us posted- looks like you only have 19 to go until your goal... Holy Canoli!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I am 4 days post-op and feeling like I'm recovering. I looked down at my hand and there was a lump.. it's not a bite, it's the opposite hand that my IV was in and it's not even red... just a lump. It actually feels like a cyst because it's kinda hard. I know there are things called Ganglion Cysts and this seems to fit all the symptoms. It makes sense that I would have one-has this happened to anyone else? Ganglion Cyst This is the description given at WebMD...
  8. Yvonne72

    Ganglion Cyst?

    I just passed out!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:
  9. Yvonne72

    Metformin after Surgery...

    I just use a pill crusher- i asked the pharmacist and he advised me to do it this way with the type I have. I was on 2000mg/day- but the day of surgery, my doc cut in half. He said I won't even need it anymore soon enough. BUT yesterday, I took my Water pill and spent the day in the bathroom. I usually take 4 of them and only took 1 yesterday. YIKES- that was a rough day:(:rolleyes2:
  10. Yvonne72

    This may sound gross...

    Thank you so much- I had no idea! lol
  11. I am having my surgery tomorrow so I have been reading A LOT! I notice people using the term "Sliming themselves"- this sounds so gross to me- what does it mean? Also, I've read a few times- people saying that the band tightened on it's own? I should have noted the date, as it may be older bands unlike the new ones we're using now... :confused2: Does anyone have some insight for me?
  12. Yvonne72

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Hi Gwenn! Unfortunately, the pain pills only help me stay asleep for about 3-4 hours. They really do relax my whole body, which I love, but I can't stand waking up in the middle of the night. I'm going to try to stay away from napping today and just resting and walking. Maybe I've been sleeping too much during the day??? Got back on the treadmill today... 1.2 for 10 minutes LOL I'll get on again in about 2 hours... Congrats on your fabulous 29 lost lbs- don't ever go looking for them again!!!
  13. Yvonne72

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    I did it- I'm here- alive and sorta kicking!!! Jessica- I am so very sorry-- You have to believe that Everything happens for a reason and while we may not understand now, it will become clear to you some day. Everything will work out for you- you really have to believe that... I was the 1st on the list to be banded Tuesday, but there was an Emergency before me, so I had to wait for what seemed like an eternity! Then after I came out, my hubby told me the doctor told him they almost had to pull out because I have an enlarged liver. Luckily they were able to work around it, but the surgery took an hour instead of 20 minutes :thumbup: I was an outpatient, so about 2 hours after recovery, I went home. Man was that car ride painful. I couldn't believe it. I have to get back in the car to see if it's gotten any better. I will have a 30 minute ride to work on Tuesday! Yikes! I am having a lot of trouble sleeping. I can only sleep on my right side, my back, or sitting upright on my couch. I wake up every 2 hours. Maybe I'm panicking a little bit? I don't really know. But I am a left side sleeper- this is not a good thing :blushing: I had a slight bit of shoulder pain yesterday, but I just keep rolling them and it seems to go away. I use my breathing machine often and it relieves some aches too. I got on my treadmill yesterday too. Granted, I was walking 1 mph- LOL- but I still used it 3 times! This is a habit I would love to keep and plan on keeping.(only at a faster speed! LMAO) So my tummy hurts, port side is a major pain, I have a slight pain in my chest that keeps popping up, but other than that stuff I feel pretty good. I hate the way the pain meds make me feel, but the tylenol isn't enough for bedtime just yet. I've been writing in my journal a lot and it seems to relax me. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. It's good to know we're not in this alone and we are all going through the same things in one way or another. I'll be in touch... XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO:wub:
  14. Yvonne72

    Would It Kill Me....

    Call your surgeon... Mine says "If you can get it through a straw, it's safe to have the first 3 weeks!" After that- on to real food! Best of Luck!!!
  15. Yvonne72

    In memory of Denyell

    I am so very sorry for your loss. My husband and I were literally just speaking about this very thing. A lady he works with lost a dear friend the very same way after Bypass Surgery. Unfortunately, it is a risk taken with any surgery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones at this most difficult time.
  16. I'm going to have my band on Tuesday, May 20th and I am planning to return to work the following Tuesday... Is this realistic? I understand that everyone's healing process is different, but I'm just anxious to know about others and how long it took them to get back into the swing of things. I have about a 20 minute drive to work, then a 15 minute walk from where I park- the reverse is a bit different - I have the 15 minute walk, but then the drive home is about 45 minutes. I sit all day at a desk, so I can elevate my feet and take period walks if I need to. The best part is, they just put in a new gym and I have to walk past it to get anywhere! LOL I'll be starting a new schedule when I return (8a-4p) so I can work out afterwards and still get home in time to cook everyone dinner!
  17. Yvonne72

    Working after Surgery...

    I'm 36 years old, but also the type of person who can't sit still and staying at home doing nothing for a week frightens me. I hope my fear gets me up and out of the house after that week's time! My Post-Op Diet isn't too bad (until I actually have to do it!) 3 weeks- 3 liquid meals and clear stuff in between meals including ice pops- YUMMY! :thumbdown: Doc says if you can get it through a straw- you should have it... 4th week is a must to start solids or he will not give a fill at the end of that week. I've already warned my boss that I may have a hard time working full days at first and she is so cool about it. But that walk back to my car could kill me! LOL Sometimes the escalators are not working and we have to walk up it! I hate it and am SOOO out of breath when I get to the top it's embarrassing. :sad: The escalators are at the last 5 minutes of the 15 minute walk... I hope that in a couple of months- I look back at this post and say- "I don't even take the escalators anymore- I opt for the stairs every day!" LOL :smile:
  18. Yvonne72

    Working after Surgery...

    Thanks CB- you've been really helpful! :woot:) Congrats on your loss! Looks like you're doing great!
  19. I do not in way think I will be perfect throughout this process... what I'm concerned about is long term sabotage. I met a man at the Weight Loss Center that I go to. He had his band put on over a year ago. He has lost 83lbs. He was complaining because he had a fill a week prior and he felt it didn't do the trick- so he was coming to complain and raise hell- (these were his exact words) OK- fine- get another fill... but he just kept going on and on about how he's gained 20lbs and is tired of his band not working for him. So I asked him, "Do you exercise at all?" his answer: "why should I, I have a lapband, I shouldn't need to" then I asked him, "Do you eat healthy food?" his answer: "no- I don't like it" I had to walk away as he started complaining about exercise and nutrition. I was done listening to him at that point. I am morbidly obese and I did not get here by eating healthy and exercising. But I know these are the only ways to be successful. I've been doing both for the past 8 months, but with my PCOS- it has been impossible for me to succeed. For Me- This is the reason for getting the band. I have no other choice at this point.
  20. Yvonne72

    surgery may 21st

    I have struggled with my weight my entire life. At least I thought I was overweight! Looking back now, I see I was slightly bigger than other kids, but nothing like what my doctor was saying and my family. I was ALWAYS on a diet. Losing 10lbs gaining 20- losing 40 gaining 50... I wish I never dieted at all- just learned how to exercise and enjoy it! This is what we're teaching our children now. They are 7 and 4 and a little overweight for their ages but we are teaching them to ride their bikes now and they are enjoying the exercise without realizing what it is!!! Thank God! The reason I was overweight as a child,is because my sisters are so much older than me, the only person in my house that would pay attention to me was my grandmother. She use to make me lunch, give me Snacks, she taught me how to cook- she even taught me how to be an emotional eater. If I was sad, she'd give me comfort food. Please don't think that I'm blaming anyone- because I'm not. My parents and grandparents didn't know any better. They thought they were helping. I understand that. I'm only 5'2"- so if I was 30lbs overweight, it looked like a lot more. I was married September 1997 at 220lbs. I'm now 280. I have PCOS and in the last year put on 25 of those 280... I'm also Italian and I love food, I love to eat, and I love to cook. I'm hoping to take those qualities and turn them into something positive. I plan on creating new recipes and feeding my new food to my children as well. I finally found whole grain Pasta they will eat. I only make marinara sauce now instead of meat sauce- they haven't complained once! Last night I bought whole grain pizza dough and made great pizza with low fat cheese and low fat pepperoni- No One knew it was "healthy"! It was great! Even the hubby ate it and said, "Wow, this is delicious- you should make this more often!" LOL It was a great night! LOL My husband is tough though- he is very picky. He is 6'3 and 200lbs. Tall and thin basically. He is strictly a meat and potatoes man. It's so hard to plan meals around him. Sorry- I'm rambling now...
  21. I have heard of the band coming undone only because my surgeon told me a story of a lady who had it done in Mexico. She had 14cc of Fluid in a 10cc band. Her dr's office just kept filling the band b/c she wasn't feeling any restriction. He checked her out to see what was wrong- and low and behold it had just come undone. Now, the part that I'm confused about: (I am not trying to be rude, I'm just very concerned) Why on earth is anyone eating 1600 + calories a day? Isn't that way too much? I know I haven't been banded yet, but my doctor is really strict on how much food intake you have. After week 3- 4 oz of food per meal 3x's a day and then only Non-calorie liquids in between. No snacking... He even gave us a travel scale! I don't understand when I read about people & their non-stop eating and the over eating... why risk stretching your stomach after all you've been through??? Why go back to your old eating habits? Haven't you adjusted to your new ways yet? This makes me so nervous about the whole thing...
  22. Whatever shake you decide to go with, make sure you are blending them when you can... but if you are without a blender, you may want to buy a "Blender Bottle"! Blender Bottle 28 Ounce | Oathealth.com | Nutrim Oat Bran Soluble Fiber Beta-Glucan They are awesome! You can order it online or just go to the Vitamin Store and buy one there... This way you can have the shake while you're out! Best of Luck!!!
  23. Yvonne72

    surgery may 21st

    Hi guys, I will be banded on the 20th too!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!! Here is a helpful list of must haves for the beginning of our journey... The list consists of the following: Non-Food Items: Heating Pad Flexible Ice Pack (hot or cold) Books/Magazines/Movies Pillow for car ride home Sippy Cups or Small medicine cups so you don't drink too fast Blender BBQ tongs for picking things up since you can't bend over! LOL - some people will use these to wipe their buttocks too! LMAO Pharmaceuticals: liquid Tylenol or Motrin Chewable/Liquid/or Strips= GasX Gauze Pads Paper/Bandage Tape Wet Wipes Pill Crusher or slicer if you're on meds Chewable Vitamins food Items: Protein shakes Bottled Water broth or Bullion cubes Creamy Soups Soup At Hand (great for work) Sugar Free: pudding cups/Jello/ Ice Pops Apple sauce Cream of Wheat Fat Free Yogurt Decaf Tea Crystal Light CLOTHES Don't forget to wear something loose fitting Flip Flops- no bending to tie shoes! Sports Bra or No Bra!!! LOL I think that was all of it... I wanted to be fully prepared for this- at least prepped until I can get out of the house and shop again! Smith's and Wal-Mart have great prices on all these items. I still need a blender I think, but I'm going to go over to the Vitamin Store and buy a "Shaker Cup"- It's great for the slim fast b/c you put your ice in, then the drink and just shake it up. There's a ball at the bottom that breaks it all down and makes it a "shake"... I looked them up online and they are about $12.
  24. Yvonne72

    discovered the absolute worst food for me

    I had no idea-LOL That is just too bad if it's something you usually enjoy... Stay away from the Swarma! LOL :cry_smile:
  25. Yvonne72

    gas pain tips

    Thank you... I'm getting banded on the 20th! I hope I remember your great tip! Good Luck to you too!

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