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Staycee Vanshel

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Posts posted by Staycee Vanshel

  1. OMG. I had read some of your earlier posts before I put this up. You really went through it! Thank you for responding!

    Since I had this before and managed to get free of it I am hoping this means I carry one of the less resistant strains.

    That is a great idea listing antibiotics as allergies. I will be doing that. I have been fine with amoxicillin. I need to find out what they put in my IV.

    Feeling a little better and less swollen today. Going to pray it goes away! Thank yiu so much for your input. There definitely needs to be more research done on this nasty stuff!!

  2. Hey everyone. I was sleeved on Veteran's Day and have had a fairly blessed recovery for the most part. The only pain and issue am having now is an active c diff infection, which I assume arose as a result of my post surgery IV antibiotics.

    For those of you who do not know what c diff is...this an intestinal bacteria is carried around by some people...I was a cna for years so I probably picked it up there despite following universal precautions. It is a very stubborn spore bacteria that can live on surfaces for a long time and can only be killed with bleach. Normally the good bacteria in the gut keep it at bay but antibiotics can kill all the good bacteria and this awful bug can take over.it gives bowel movement an awful, very distinct smell. It makes for frequent diarrhea and the toxins given off irritate thw colon...it can get very severe if untreated. This is what I have gathered from googling...so if there are any healt professionals out there that need to correct me feel free:)

    Anyway, I had c diff once a couple years ago after 3 weeks of clindamyacin from a bad tooth..and it was bad...there was so much irritation that I guess it pressed on my nerves and my legs would go numb every time I had and episode of cramping from it. I was constantly running to the bathroom and the pain was horrible. I couldn't sleep or eat. It took over a month for me to get ot under control and when I thought it was leaving me it would seem to relapse. When I started eating brown rice it seemed to soak it up and get it out of there...I started taking Probiotics and eating yogurt to get things straight again.

    This time I started out with a swollen abdomen. I had just figured out that I became lactose intolerant from my sleeve and the gas left but the swelling didn't. When I smelled the smell I knew! Yuck! Thank God I had my post op around then and started flagyl and Probiotics right away. I am on my 2nd day of flagyl (which ironically is an antibiotic). I only wish I had been on probiotics since before the surgery. I really should have known better! I also battled thrush before the c diff showed up..blech!

    As awful as all this sounds I don't feel horrible....just very very uncomfortable:( Emotionally I feel the best I have since surgery...I am back to work, though very very part time..and I still have an appetite. Its uncomfortable because my poor swollen colon (lol) is pressing my tiny stomach and its even harder to get food in now...though I am still being vigilant about getting in fluids and protien. Flagyl is a yucky antibiotic...I can feel the irritation building up in my still healing sleeve:( It makes me a bit queasy at times but I have heard worst horror srories about these meds so I still consider myself blessed! Its very strange watching my weight come down as my jeans get tighter!

    I am not having bad diarhea episodes now...but I believe all the swelling has my poop stuck! Very litle has happened at that end for 2 days.

    Ok let me get to my point..anyone else out there going through or have gone through this? What helped? Outnof despiration I started eating small amounts of brown rice (chewed to death) before I was really supposed to..thank God it went down!..it has yet to come out! I also read that protien hinders the process..so I am going to try eating a bit of oatmean and unsweetwned apple sauce and drop down a little on protien shakes for a couple days. I also have been having Smooth Move tea every other day through this and prune juice on the opposite days. I think I need to have a diet that moves things along but not hard on my sleeve..any ideas out there? This is a very crazy thing to deal with at this stage of the game and I want it nipped in the bud! I know it will take time.

    Prayers and suggestions are welcome and I hope this may have educated someone and I hope I didn't scare anybody. Probiotics are important!!!

  3. Mine was the 12th. I went home the same day and also started vomiting all they way home and it lasted until the next day. I seem to be feeling worse rather than better. Getting around today I have been a little short of breath and need to sit down. I too am having trouble getting all of my liquids in as it causes bubbles and chest pain. Ready to be 6 months post op and all of this to be a distant memory!!

    Gas x helped me with the bubbles. I'm so sorry it still hurts:(

  4. I had mine on 11th. Only stayed one day since I was doing laps on the floor like a mad woman. Come home, dry heaves from nausea mess so dropped those. Had my first BM this am and feel wrecked. Seems to be step backward but I imagine there are always bumps in the road. How are you feeling today?

    OMG your story sounds just like mine.same day and I was leaving IV pole wheel skid marks in the hallway..lol. and when I got home.. WAP! Worked the kinks out and now doing laps in my yard! Only wish I could have a bm already! Feel pretty good other than that and discomfort in sleeve. Hope it all continues to go well for you!

  5. I was sleeved on Veterans day. It got bad for me the first day home. I called my surgeon and got on a different nausea medicine, suppositories (I know..eww..lol). I stayed on them 2 days and was able to meet my liquid and protien needs ever since. I know from experience that once I get in a cycle of dehydration its tough getting going again. I also had a hiatal hernia fixed. Anyways do all you can to hydrate and keep reaching out..I have a buddy I found on you tube who had the surgery 2 days before me and its been wonderful geting and receiving support.I am new here and I can tell there are wonderful people on here:)

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