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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SummerDream

  1. I was definitely very nervous. The wait really is the worst. Too much time for your imagination to run wild. At one point my husband asked me what I was looking for and I told him "The exit!". Needless to say, the staff will take good care of you. Like @Tahoegirl said, we wouldn't be normal if we weren't nervous,

    Best of luck to you!! Keep us posted!

  2. I used to have to set an alarm throughout the day to remember to eat. My tastes Def were different that first year.Things didn't taste the same even my fave foods weren't as tasty anymore. That eventually stopped and 2 yrs post op my taste is back to how it was and I eat on a schedule which is how I remember without my alarms.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. Ok so... I went today for the last appointment before my surgery...
    My pre-op diet will be one week before the surgery low carbs.
    1 day before surgery liquid diet... but I hear the liquid diet is supposed to be 1 or 2 weeks before surg, so why is different with me?

    I only had to do 1 day of liquids before as well. 1 week would have been torture for me back than lol You'll find a lot of doctors do things differently so don't get to concerned about it. And that goes for the post op diet.

  4. Sleeved: 12/13

    Hoping someone out there has experienced this with me and have some advice! I was sleeved on the 13th and am just over 2 weeks out.. I’ve been following the guidelines and getting in my water/protein intake and just started the puréed stage diet two days ago, but actually weigh a pound more than I did morning of surgery! It’s really hard to process and am getting pretty discouraged seeing so many others lose atleast 10 pounds by now on average.. I have PCOS and it’s always been hard but I really didn’t think I would be gaining anymore and worry about stepping on a scale like I used to. Any similar stories or advice would be amazing!

    I also gained weight after my surgery. I was 14 pounds heavier! My doctor told me to stop going on the scale and instead use a tape measure and my clothes as an indicator to my weight loss. I was actually getting thinner but because I was walking more I was building muscle at the same time. Also, I retained some fluids from the surgery that my doctor said can happen sometimes but my body would absorb it - again it just takes time.

    Hang in there!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. hair loss is completely normal!It's due to the sudden weight loss. Take 10,000 mcg of Biotin. I used BariMelts brand. Tastes good and doesn't take up as much room as a pill you have to swallow whole. It will probably continue for a couple of months but you will not go bald even though you may feel you will - I know I was sure I would go bald with the handful of hair that would fall out.

    I used headbands and ponytails instead of barrettes since those would just slip off my hair.< /p>

    This to shall pass - and is so very worth all the weight you are going to continue to lose. Hang in there!!

  6. Your not alone! The best part now is it doesn't take much to fill me up and complete a meal. I'm also rather lazy but it's a lot easier post op. Protein Shake for Breakfast and it's filling! It doesn't get any easier than that lol Couple of ounces of meat for lunch, or a yogurt with fruit, couple of ounces of meat for dinner. Squeeze in a couple of pieces of veggies and fruit along the way and I'm good to go.

  7. Just now, hdbuttahz said:

    Thank you so much for sharing and for your kind words. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how difficult that was for you. I hope that your therapist is helping you through this hard time

    If you don’t mind me asking, how did you cope with the Hair loss? I’ve seen people discuss it on here but I haven’t really given much thought to it, to be honest. And now I am, lol...anxiety is fun, right?! I already have thin, super blond hair so I imagine if a lot falls out people will be able to tell! Was there anything you could do to help the situation?

    HW & CW: 251
    GW: 145
    Height: 5’3
    Age: 31

    LOL Life would be boring if it wasn't for my anxiety! I have found a great therapist who has really been a life saver. I feel very blessed. When my hair started falling out I followed the suggestions from a lot of folks on here and started to take Biotin (not sure if it helped but it made me feel better that I was doing SOMETHING lol) and I tried different ways to do my hair to help it look like it wasn't so thin. I used headbands but I couldn't use a barrette to put the hair on the top of my hair back like I used to because my hair ended up being too thin and the barrette would just clip off. I put my hair in ponytails a lot too. Fortunately for me, it was summer so my neck and ears didn't freeze and it should be warm for you as well. I had my surgery Feb 2016.

    BariMelts and EZ Melts are amazing products.

    Here's the biotin I take (I took 2/day in the beginning and during the "fall out" time and while it was growing back. For maintenance, I take 1/day): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OKO1OMK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

  8. Congrats on getting your surgery date! That entire fiasco to get approved was very stressful for me. I too have ptsd, anxiety and depression. I haven't been able to reduce my psych meds but I was definitely in a much much better place after the first month when I was losing so much weight - mentally I hadn't been that good in years.

    At 4 mths post op my hair started to fall out - but a lot more than I anticipated - so the thought that I might end up bald kind of took me down a few pegs but I was still handling it without having to increase my meds.

    The thing that sent me back to seeing a therapist regularly was the sudden death of my future daughter in law 9 mths after my surgery - I hadn't realized how much she motivated me on a regular basis.

    But the surgery was the best thing for me mentally. That doesn't mean it's without its challenges but I would definitely have the surgery again if I had to do it all over again only I wouldn't have waited so long.

    Good luck and God bless you along your journey!!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  9. Like has been mentioned already, stay away from the lap band. My surgeon refuses to do that procedure due to the dangers and two of my friends who had the lap band both ended up in the hospital after 2+ years with serious infections and one had the band cut into their stomach and almost died.

    I got the sleeve but I wasn't sure which surgery my surgeon would recommend for me. I had sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes but because I needed to lose less than 100 lbs he recommended the sleeve for me and I'm very grateful.

    I had/have a couple of concerns with RNY based on a couple of people I know have had this surgery: 1. The couple of folks that I know have had issues with dumping so they must avoid certain foods (fats and sugars since they cut out the part of your intestines that digest this - so if they eat it, they are running to the bathroom with serious stomach pains and diarrhea) 2. Since you still have the part of your stomach that creates the hunger hormone attached and feeding into your intestines, you still feel hungry which is eliminated with the gastric sleeve since that portion is cut out so you only have a very small amount of ghrelin being produced.

    Good luck!

  10. On 4/22/2017 at 6:29 PM, ginabee38 said:

    I also had an affair with Goldfish crackers...we finally broke up.

    HA! I know all about that. It's amazing how we can fit those little things into our stomachs. I just broke up with crunchy cheetos and announced to my family that if I ask for someone to pick them up for me (while they are at the store) to say no but invite me along and let me get them myself. So far so good :)

    I'm 1 yr 3 months post op. I just reached my latest goal of 160. I had been yoyo'ing in the 160's for 6 months and now I'm looking to get to 159. I now want to be able to say I'm in the 50's. I just had a check up and all my blood work (including A1C) came out normal. Life is good!

    I'd love to get together!

  11. 16 hours ago, Shrinking_Shamrock said:

    am still stuck in the 160'

    I'm in the same boat. I keep going between 161 - 165. It's been one year this post Feb. I Just can't get below the 161 but I'm sure that's because I havent been to the gym in 6 months and with winter I stopped taking walks (I usually take my dog with me). I'm also still working on the food grazing. I've come to the realization that I'm a compulsive eater (even if I can't eat all that much of it) so I've been attending online overeaters anonymous meetings. The sleeve got me this far but now I need additional tools to move me past this point. Now that the weather is getting nice I've been taking walks Burt nothing consistent yet.

  12. I get that too but it's more if what I call "mental hungry". I'm not physically hungry even though my brain thinks I am but mentally I'm convinced I'm hungry so about 1-2 he's after eating I'm looking for something else. Someone told me that it's a habit that is what has to be broken. Before surgery I always felt physically hungry so my brain is conditioned too always thinking it's hungry. Now that we don't get that physical hunger, or brain is working overtime making us think we're hungry. I have yet to figure out how to overcome this except not keeping things I have a habit of snacking on including some flavors of Protein bars.

  13. Hi Shamrock, I know what you mean about needing to be distracted while you walk, I'm the same way. I started listening to audio books when music want distracting me anymore.

    I had my vsg Feb 2016 and am down to 162 from 228. I had a devastating loss in the family last Sept and I'm just now starting to recover. My almost daughter in law suddenly died at 26 yrs old and I didn't realize how much support she was giving me. She was set to have her vsg in Oct.

    My biggest issue is I have found I'm addicted to snacking (mostly at night) and haven't found a way to stop it. It doesn't have to be junk food. I can snack away on Protein Bars or cheese but I end up not realizing I'm out of room until I'm ready to be sick. I never thought I had this problem but it's so clear to me now. Just need a solution.

    One day at a time :)

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