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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BobbyD

  1. You're right Fatty. Every day gives us the opportunity to have a fresh start. The past is spent already and it's time to move on. Today I will do the best I can to (1) get in all my Water, (2) make sure I do all my Protein, and (3) exercise at least 30 minutes plus get 4500 steps in. After that, the rest will be gravy. Well, gravy is not the right term for my new lifestyle, so , the rest will be healthy. My secondary goals will be to hang around 900-1000 calories and ENJOY THE RIDE.
  2. I log everything daily in an excel spreadsheet. Example: 6:30 Premier Protein 11 oz 160 cal 30g protein 7:30 dasani Water 16 oz 0 cal 0 protein 9:30 dasani water 16 oz 0 cal 0 protein 10:30 greek yogurt 4 oz 80cal 12 g protein 12:00 dasani water 16 oz 0 cal 0 protein 1:00 tuna salad with protein 200 cal 20 g protein 2:00 Propel water 20 oz 0 cal 0 g protein 3:30 greek yogurt 4 oz 80 cal 12 g. protein 4:15 water 8 oz 0 cal 0 protein 6:30 baked fish/g Beans 200 cal 18 g protein Totals 76 oz water 720 cal 92 g protein Workout 20 min elliptical 230 cal burned.... 10 min weights...
  3. BobbyD

    What's your best advice

    I was shocked at how poorly I felt the first three or so days after surgery. I had not had major surgery so I really didn't know what to expect. My second day out after the fun hospital medication wore off I really felt horrible. After about the 5th day I knew I was going to be ok, but be prepared for that first week. It's a booger!! It's now been a couple of months and EVERY DAY I am grateful to have this opportunity to regain my life back. At least now there isn't any viable excuses for me. This is working. If I have issues, it will be on me.
  4. This makes me a bit nervous, because the MAJOR benefit I received from the sleeve surgery was losing the sensation of hunger. It was my achilles heel. Not emotional eating, not horrible habits, just the overwhelming sensation of hunger. I will do my best to learn habits that will sustain me through when my 25 weeks are up and the gerhlin returns. I don't want to blow this opportunity, but hunger is my nemisis.
  5. I got tired of arguing with my insurance, bit the bullet and paid for it myself. I think of it as a car payment for 3 years. In the whole scheme of things, I'd rather be healthy rather than riding around in a new Buick. Sometimes we have to deal with life on life's terms.
  6. BobbyD


    I'm so glad I found this forum. I can hone my comedic skills using everyone else's wit and wisdom. As for stealing your material, you can just call me the Milton Berle of the Bariatric world.
  7. I totally "get" this thread. It must be common to all. My wife is frustrated with me because she sees it and I really really don't. Weird.
  8. BobbyD

    Am I losing too slow?

    I just went for my 6 week checkup and the Dr. told me I was losing as I should. He told me that 1 to 2 lbs a week from this point on would be sufficient. He said "Trust the Program". 64 oz water 80 grams of protein, exercise and don't drink for thirty minutes before and after eating. If I follow those simple instructions, I will be successful. On a high note, my knees are much better, I can sleep at night without waking up sucking for air, and I have much more energy. I've already experienced more success than I ever imagined. I am so grateful.
  9. I've been between 229 and 231 for the past 10 days, fluctuating back and forth. I've been patient but now I'm getting a tiny bit antsy.. I know, I know, embrace the stall!!!
  10. I had my surgery on 11/18 and I am currently eating greek yogurt, tuna salad with eggs and diced pickles, cream of wheat, scrambled eggs mixed with cottage cheese, Jello sugar free pudding, and sugar free cherry flavored jello. One day I was really brave last week. Our school was sponsoring a bbq lunch. I tried small portions of potato salad, Beans and bbq pork. It was too much and the meat wouldn't digest. I was sickly the rest of that afternoon. So, besides that one glitch, it's working nicely.
  11. BobbyD


    I'm thinking it may happen to guys as well. I blew up at my brother the other day and have been easily aggravated at work. I am a month into this. The other day my brother said "I liked you better before you had your procedure"..... I'm trying to work on being more stable..
  12. My first day home after surgery (I was in the hospital one night) I thought "What have I DONE?". I had nausea, was hurting in my stomach, and could NOT get comfortable however I postioned myself. When people asked how I was doing, I would tell them not to use surgery as an option. Now, 3 weeks out, I am singing a different tune. My body has adjusted, I only have minimal stomach irritation from the sleeve, and I am losing weight systematically. So I transformed from one day out thinking I made a big mistake, to three weeks out knowing that I made the best decision of my life.
  13. My Mother, bless her heart, is 91 years old. She spent a lifetime feeding us as an act of love, all the while asking us why we ate so much. My sister was over 400 lbs when she passed away. It is a crazy brain strain to try and figure it out. It could have been part metabolic, but it was mostly learned behavior that led to our problem. Both of us tried multiple diet programs and before she died I would never do this surgery because she was so insistent on the dangers of it. Here's the funny part of the story. My mother is so proud of my success on this journey (37 lbs lost so far) that she thought we should celebrate with her homemade egg noodles cooked in chicken fat. She can't help it, as she is showing me love in her way. We have to take responsibility for our issues, and still realize there will be circumstances that will not be easily navigated. I will eat a 1/4 cup of the noodles so she can feel good but I WON'T eat two large bowls to show my appreciation. We're BOTH gonna have to give a little here.
  14. I was sleeved Nov.18th. My recovery has been steady. I've graduated from pure liquids to soft foods. I was wondering if there is a downside to the more commercially available light yogurts. I get a lot of variety with Yoplait light. Lemon Cream Pie light one day, and banana Cream pie light the next. Key lime pie light and cheesecake light are also tasty. They give me variety and I am eating one to two a day. The thing is, I see everyone recommending plain Greek Yogurt and adding fruit. Seriously, I am in a position where it is difficult to find the time to do the blending in the early afternoons as I am at work. I realize I can adjust if it is important, so therein lies my question. Is it important to do plain greek yogurt and physically blend in the fruit or is Yoplait or a like product acceptable?
  15. After reading all the input, I agree that I would be better served to change and use Greek Yogurt. I will go to the store today and try to find the brands that have higher Protein, lower carbs, and an acceptable sugar content. We are fortunate to this forum to exchange good information,,,, Thanks,
  16. BobbyD

    2 weeks post op

    It seems to me I just still have the emotional need to eat but am not really hungry. It is so weird just eating a 4 oz serving of pudding and that being enough. My brain doesn't accept it even though my stomach is not needing more food. I believe this is a learning experience and if we give it time to work, we'll be ok.
  17. I am a week post op and doing pretty good, except for feeling like I've been 15 rounds with Rocky Balboa punching my belly! It's more of a sore feeling rather than stinging or sickening pain. Anyway, I am walking ok at this point, but was wondering, when would it be appropriate to graduate to the elliptical machine? Any ideas?
  18. I am in my 3rd day of recovery (surgery on 11/18) and its been one heck of a roller coaster ride. I came out of surgery thinking things were ok. The morphine worked wonders. After spending the night and having my "drink test" I was ready to be home and get started. They asked me before I left the hospital if I wanted one last drink of pain meds, but I said "Noooo, I am good to go". That evening the bottom fell out. I was shaky and sweaty while my wife went to get the tylenol 3 and other meds. She was locked up in traffic and waiting at the pharmacy and I was home DYING. I wasn't so tough after all and was wishing I had taken them up on that last dose of Meds. My fever went up to 100 degrees and I was nauseated. I was totally sick. My wife finally got home and I was able to get some pain meds, and felt better. The next day was better and the fever was gone, but still not a happy camper. I got my 64 oz down plus 70 grams of Protein and about 7 oz of broth. Now starting day three I am trying to wean off the tylenol 3 and I still feel somewhat nauseated.Today it seems as if I am struggling more to get the liquids down. One day at a time ...
  19. BobbyD

    Question about initial weight loss

    It took me quite a while to trust this process. At the point I had the sleeve, I was all in. I must accept the combined wisdom and success that is overwhelming from this site. I will be patient and do what is suggested and I have absolutely no doubt things will work as they are supposed to.
  20. Why couldn't I mix Protein powder with Water and kill two birds with one stone? I would be getting my required protein plus be getting my needed 60 ounces of water.
  21. BobbyD

    Paying out of pocket

    I attended the first informational meeting August 16th,2015. Even though I am self pay, the doctor had me do a battery of tests, (barium, blood tests, psychological exam, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, endoscopy, sleep apnea test). All of this took a considerable amount of time. I questioned the length of time, but he said he had a great track record of success and he went to extensive measures to make sure it stayed that way. So bottom line, from the first meeting, to the surgery (November 18th, 2015) adds up to just over 90 days.
  22. I made what I now consider to be a HUGE mistake. When I initially made the decision to do this (paying my own way), I posted it on facebook. I was proud of taking control of something that had plagued me for a long time. My yoyo cycling is evident over my many years. Once it went of face book, I received hundreds of messages about scores of multi level marketing "cures", and from friends saying "just change your eating habits". We all know if these methods had worked for us, we wouldn't be taking this BIG step. So, I deleted the message off of my timeline, but it was too late. That was about a month ago and I haven't mentioned it since. I wish I had a do-over on that one.
  23. I guess I was mixing up the idea of Protein being a "meal". I'm getting it. I knew you were supposed to get in your meals without drinking 30 minutes before or after, and I was thinking meals were the source of your protein, so I was anticipating a problem that probably isn't there. Thanks for clearing it up.
  24. I am having Gastric Sleeve Surgery on November 18. I teach school and was wondering if I would be able to go to work that next Monday? I would only have to work Monday and Tuesday, and then would be off for the Thanksgiving break till the following Monday. What do you think? One more question, will I be catheterized during the procedure?
  25. Thanks for the help. I think I'll go ahead and schedule to be off that next Monday and Tuesday.

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