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Everything posted by dolphinkrazy22

  1. Hello all, I had RNY Gastric Bypass on 10/6/15. I am almost three months out. I ordered some Berberine 500 mg as I heard it's great for PCOS and insulin resistance. Has anyone tried Berberine after gastric bypass? I hear it's great for weight loss too! ????
  2. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to report that they took out my gallbladder yesterday! Very sore and I think this is worse than the gastric bypass! Anyone else that can relate?
  3. Hello, I was wondering if anyone had pains more on the right side that hurt almost worse than labor pains. I have had this happen 3 times now. The pain is so bad that I want to cry and I start breathing like I am in labor. Could it be that I have ate to much? The first time it was 3 small meatballs. The 2nd time it was some rotisserie chicken with a couple bits of my husbands chicken nuggets and the third time was homemade beef stew. Any ideas and could this be dumping as well?
  4. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    Thank you, esskay77. Are you glad you had your gallbladder out?
  5. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    it means it's full of bile sludge and that is causing the pain. There could be some small stones in there too. It's not uncommon after wls to have gall bladder issues. That's why some surgeons take them out as part of the wls procedure. Should I get my gallbladder out or is it something that could wait a few years?
  6. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    Well, I got the Ultra sound done yesterday morning. I was called by the doctor's office and was told I have a sluggish gallbladder and it should be removed. What is a sluggish gallbladder?
  7. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    So, I went to the doctors on Monday. I am having my gallbladder checked on Wednesday morning. Thanks everyone for all the caring words and advice! I will keep you all posted.
  8. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    Surgery date = 10/6/15 RNY gastric bypass
  9. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    I am starting to get pains again where I can be doubled over at times. It happened Friday night and now again today. Should I wait till tomorrow or go to the ER now. I don't want them to think I am a whining baby or a problem patient.
  10. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    It's a very painful pain that I can't describe. Broken glass inside sounds about right. I also am having a hard time drinking water. It hurts to drink water and the pain is on my left side under my breast and that feels like my new stomach area. However the horrible pains I have had are on my right side by my belly button and under my right breast.
  11. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Well 174 is awesome! Great work!!
  12. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    I have my 3 month checkup on Monday and I will be talking to the doc. Thank you everyone for your kind advice!
  13. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    Yes I still have my gallbladder. It's more pain on the right of my belly button but not up through my shoulder.
  14. dolphinkrazy22

    Stomach pains!

    I had RNY Gastric Bypass on 10/6/15. I am now three months out. I don't have nausea or diarrhea. It lasts for about 20-45 mins.
  15. dolphinkrazy22

    New Whey Protein Shots

    I bought some Protein O2 waters that are flavored. The are only 15 grams of protein but I like them a lot better than the Isopure!
  16. dolphinkrazy22

    New Whey Protein Shots

    I have not tried or seen them. Where did you get them and have you tried them?
  17. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Wow Marie8777! Great job! Also, congratulations on your 1 yr surgerversery! Have you reached your goal?
  18. dolphinkrazy22

    Berberine, PCOS, and RNY?

    PCOS Health Review Hi, Two articles today: new research on berberine, and importance of vigorous exercise. 1) More Good News about Berberine There's a never-ending flow favorable research about berberine extract. For example, just this week a paper was released that said: "Our study found that administration of berberine alone may improve the menstrual pattern and ovulation rate" in women with PCOS who were not ovulating. They also reported: "Berberine can also decrease sex hormone binding globulin, insulin resistance, total cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein ["bad"] cholesterol in normal weight polycystic ovary syndrome women." That's quite a mouthful but essentially they are saying that berberine extract can help you to reduce some of the factors that are contributing to your PCOS. This was a study of 98 Chinese women with PCOS who were not ovulating and who took berberine extract for 4 months. You can see below that their ovulation rates improved over time. Berberine and ovulation Other studies have shown that berberine extract can reduce obesity, improve insulin function, protect the liver and kidneys, and help to prevent diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and possibly Alzheimer's. It also has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Berberine has also been shown to relieve non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is a problem for up to one-half of PCOS women. It appears that when you take berberine, a lot of it ends up in the liver, where it helps to clear out fat and help the liver to normalize itself. Once again, it appears that a berberine extract supplement may be helpful to you. Get automatic 10% off at checkout + free shipping for recommended berberine extract and all other supplements if your order is over $85 (expires midnight Tuesday). 2) How Vigorously Did You Exercise Today? So what's best…walking, bicycling, weight training or "high-intensity interval training"? Well, it's all good! Anything you can do to keep moving will reduce insulin resistance in your muscles, help you control weight, and cause you to feel better about yourself. However, emerging research is showing that the intensity of your exercise is a crucial factor. The University of California at San Francisco recently studied 326 women with PCOS. They compared women who exercised vigorously, exercised moderately, or were sedentary. The women who exercised had better metabolic and hormone control over their bodies. But those who exercised vigorously had the best metabolic control of all, and their weight was less that the other groups. The researchers said: "every hour of vigorous exercise reduced a patient's odds of metabolic syndrome by 22%". That's a huge drop! (Note: metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome have many overlapping characteristics). The next time you go to exercise, put some oomph into it. If walking is all you can do, step up the pace. If you go to the gym, review what you're doing and see if there is some way you can increase the vigor of your exercise without hurting yourself. And above all, have fun! There's no doubt that exercise is an essential and central component of PCOS control. Best of health! Bill Slater, Editor PCOS Health Review co-author of "The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility" "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." -- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama PCOS Health Review is a newsletter providing natural health information for women with PCOS or ovarian cysts. PCOS Nutritional Supplements Store: www.ovarian-cysts-pcos.com/store You can get in touch with us here: newsletter@ovarian-cysts-pcos.com Sources: Li L et al. A Single Arm Pilot Study of Effects of Berberine on the Menstrual Pattern, Ovulation Rate, Hormonal and Metabolic Profiles in Anovulatory Chinese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 8;10(12):e0144072. Yan HM et al. Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 7;10(8):e0134172. Greenwood EA et al. Vigorous exercise is associated with superior metabolic profiles in polycystic ovary syndrome independent of total exercise expenditure. Fertil Steril. 2015 Nov 6. pii: S0015-0282(15)02031-2. Unsubscribe from this newsletter or update your email 110 NW 51st St. Seattle, Washington 98107 United States
  19. dolphinkrazy22

    Berberine, PCOS, and RNY?

    I ordered some and will try it. You can go on You Tube and review some of the research. I discontinued my metformin pre op as well and the surgeon doesn't want me to take metformin again. I don't think they fully understand PCOS. I am hoping that the Berberine will help keep the PCOS down along with the surgery, diet, and exercise!
  20. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Have you tried Premier Protein ready made shakes? I like the vanilla ones and you might like them too. Also, you can get some Carb Master milk at King Soopers that has more protein than regular milk and less sugar. I mix the carb master milk with some protein powder I get from bariatric eating.com. It's very yummy!
  21. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    I think the coffee at McDonalds would be too much sugar. You could try it but make sure it's a day when your home and have nothing to do, lol! I have only been exercising 3-4 times a week on the treadmill. It's getting boring too but that's all you should be doing for the first 6 wks. I am now at 171 lbs. I started at 224 lbs as my highest weight and surgery day was 217 lbs.
  22. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Fluids are really hard for me still! Water sets on my stomach very heavy. I have been drinking coffee and I know that's a big no no! I crave it so much and it helps with the hunger. You are very close to where I was at three weeks. It sounds like you are doing awesome. I need to get back into drinking more protein. I have been averaging about a 3 lbs loss each week! The weight seems to come noticeable after the 4th week. Keep up the good work!!
  23. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Hi Mrs B, How have you been doing? Your almost a month out already! How have you been feeling?
  24. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Hello Mrs B! Congratulations on your surgery and I hope your doing well. Thank you for your reply. You hear a lot of people dropping more weight but I have read a lot about the more weight to loose, the faster it comes off. It seems I have been at a stall for a week now! I just hope that it keeps coming off! Best of luck to you! ????
  25. dolphinkrazy22

    Hmm how much have you lost

    Starting weight 224 lbs Surgery weight 217 lbs Surgery day 10/6/15 Current weight 178 Does anyone think that's bad? I feel like it should be more!

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