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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by songsmith

  1. songsmith

    So..........6 month check up

    I, too, wondered if he has a weird sense of humor. Hard to drum up new patients if you treat your old ones with such disrespect! You have done great and should be so proud of yourself. To heck with him!
  2. Glad to! Now if I could just find the extra bucks to buy one! I think a casual maxi is about all I can afford.
  3. songsmith

    Protein Powders ?

    I like the Syntrax Nectars for flavored and Isopure whey 0 carb for my unflavored. I usually flavor it with frozen strawberries or unsweetened cocoa (with splenda) or even some sugar-free syrups. I really like the Syntrax flavors I've tried.
  4. songsmith

    February 2016 sleevers?

    Hey, there! Come check out the 2016 Jan & Feb sleevers here. I'll be in early February (late Jan. if I'm lucky).
  5. Why wait to lose the weight? Chopped off my long brown hair and went short and red, red, red! Think Sharon Osborne. Love it!

    1. songsmith


      LOL Pounds, @WLSResources/ClothingExch? Woohoo! Gosh, hope that didn't drop me below the BMI level! ;)


      @lauraellen80, I was red in my 20s, too! In my heart I've always been a redhead.

    2. ProudGrammy


      hair gone?? take 15 lbs off starting weight LOL - sharon osborne eat your heart out LOL - good luck - speedy recovery - kathy

    3. songsmith


      :D @proudgrammy! I did wonder why I didn't do that before my last weigh-in!
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  6. songsmith

    Body Shapes and Changes.

    @@obxmermaid, you'd look really funny with no head or feet! My boobs have always been the last to go, but I'm sure they will eventually. I'll probably look like that droopy old biddy in those old Playboy cartoons.
  7. songsmith

    What To Do On Weekends

    If you have a hobby, I guarantee you can find a group of like-minded people to hang with. Pretty sure there are several knitting and crocheting groups in your area! Are there activities you already enjoy or something you've always wanted to try but couldn't due to your weight? Now's the time to get your feet wet. I think taking a course or class in something interesting or trying dancing (swing is on my list!) or martial arts or volleyball or fencing or tennis or golf could all be fun. The book store idea is great. I met my husband at a medieval recreation group. He wasn't chivalry, but he definitely was my knight in shining armor!
  8. @@FinallyFit50s, wow, you sure rock that gorgeous hourglass figure! I love all your outfits, but especially the middle and last ones. (Alas, I never have a reason to wear an evening gown.) I would never have thought of taking selfies of dresses I want to try on but not buy. Think I'll try that out myself. I'm sure my husband will appreciate that the experience is "free"!
  9. @@swinglifeaway, it really is! I had to forego so much over the years when it comes to style. I will need to remind myself that, yes, I can wear this or that fashion and look good in it when the time comes. I think I know my "style," but because of my size could never really find clothing that reflected it. I want to get away from my jeans and tee shirts (at least for some of the time)!
  10. I march in place and pump my arms/do rows when I have food in the microwave.
  11. songsmith

    Constant bad taste in my mouth!

    Someone beat me to ketosis. I've done Atkins many times, and bad breath from ketosis can be one of its downsides. A lot of people I know who eat low carb swear by altoids to alleviate the symptom.
  12. songsmith

    My Mother, The Queen of Tact

    On the bright side, she didn't hold up that dress and say, "Honey, you sure you want to give this away? I'm sure it still fits!" That's what my mom would have done. Think of it this way, your mom never saw you as larger if she can't remember you ever wearing those clothes. She saw you and not your size. (Tosses mom another save just in case! )
  13. @@cindyw41, thanks for the reply. I wish my surgeon had classes instead of meetings with his (dubious) dietitian. I'm lucky. My biggest pre-WLS successes have all been low carb. I learned to read labels way back when and still do. I remember how outraged I felt when I found canned veggies (can't remember what brand) that contained added sugar! It's everywhere. Grrr. My case manager gave me a binder full of information about the upcoming diet and nutritional needs. The shrink suggested I seek additional counseling to deal with my food issues. That's been the biggest help to me so far. In fact, everyone has been great. I like the dietitian; I just don't feel like she's been very helpful. I think everyone could benefit from classes. They don't have an associated trainer. Reminds me. I wanted to ask here how people have gone about locating one that knows how to work with bariatric/obese clients. @@cherri2082, the psych eval wasn't bad at all. I answered the questions as honestly as I could. Then I second-guessed myself and wondered, "is that really true/false or do I just lie to myself and think that's the case?" The counselor did recommend I see another therapist who specializes in eating disorders to help me come to grips with my emotional eating. (I didn't think I was an emotional eater until after I saw her, went home and ate 2 heaping helpings of butter chicken. Doh. anyway, she's been a great help to me. @@cherri2082, I know I'll hate the liquid diet once I'm on it, but I sure wish I was starting tomorrow, too! @@kim1984, lucky! I've dieted, but nothing monitored (not even weight watchers) so I had to put in my 6 months. It's fun to begin our journey at year's end/beginning because we can say to ourselves, "In 2017 I'll be an entire new me!" @@sleevingbeauty17, I had not associated WLS with your standard New Year's desire to get healthy. Makes sense after you said it. Glad I'm already on the books so I can get mine in as soon as I finish my last test. The six months has been good to me. I had my annual physical two weeks ago, and my PCP was thrilled because my blood pressure has remained down the last two times I saw her. She knows about my upcoming surgery (she's the one who suggested the gastric sleeve to me) and said to cut my blood pressure meds in half because of my current success and to make sure I check back in her two or three months post-surgery because she's positive I'll be off of them by then! Yippie! My blood sugar (I'm pre-diabetic) was also down by 20 points. It's a great feeling to be cleared, huh?
  14. songsmith

    20% Long-Term WL?

    @@Bluesea71, thank you for your kind words of reassurance. I didn't think I was nervous at all. I'm ready for this surgery! But it only took a misread of one article to send me high-tailing it here so people would tell me it was wrong! Your comment resonates with me. Strong and steady wins the race. Stay the course. It'll happen when it happens. Thank you.
  15. songsmith

    Preop diet question.

    I'm an expert on muscle cramps. I get them in my quads and hamstrings, my calves, my abdominal wall, my hand and sometimes my tongue! It's a side-effect from a medication. Anyway, electrolyte imbalance definitely can be a cause. It might be sodium. Or it might be potassium. Or Calcium. Or magnesium/manganese. I found it helps to drink a sugar-free sports drink (like Gatorade) that gives you back all those electrolytes. Do talk to your doctor. Blood work could tell where you're low. (In my case it's magnesium.) You don't want to get too low on your electrolytes. As you can tell, your body hates it and it can become quite serious if not corrected.
  16. My husband and I have been together for 34 years. Pretty sure he knows I'm not going to leave him! That said, sounds like maybe your SO feels a little insecure. His remarks may have nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Tell him you agreed to marry him because of what you feel in your heart and head, not how you feel or look in your body. He must have known about your surgery beforehand, right? If so, tell him you know he feels exactly the same way. Hopefully that will help. If not, well, you might need to talk about your hopes and fears (both of you) about your new life. Are you required to do any counseling before the wedding? I know some clergy require that. Maybe you can talk about his fears there. I'd be a little hurt if my husband said something like that, but he'd have to keep saying it. Heck, I'm still secretly disappointed that I was the one who proposed all those years ago!
  17. @@katladee, Happy Holidays to you, too! Sounds like we're in the same boat. I wish I hadn't let hubby sway me not to be on the pre-op diet over the Holidays. I'd be able to have the surgery and have two or three weeks post-op before he left the country. Oh, well! Maybe we'll be sleeve buddies! Dates sound about right. @@Ali_, your surgery is the day before my endoscopy. So jealous! I think you need to decide who you think will be supportive. Later on, it might not seem so important to keep your surgery quiet. My husband and grown-up daughter know and, hmmm, I let it slip to my hairdresser. I told my older sister this weekend. I toyed with the idea of waiting until we see each other just to hear her say, "OMG! You've lost an entire you!" Then I decided she'd probably be afraid I was sick since I had a cancer scare last year. Now, if my mom was still alive, I would not have told her. She had a history of sabotaging me my entire life. She used to buy me 3X clothes when I was in high school and a size 12/14. I'm toying with starting a weight-loss blog, so clearly I'll be blabbing it to the world! @@rgallardo, it's interesting to see how other doctors and insurance companies require. I have that last required class before mine will submit. Here's hoping your insurance company is on the ball and approves you right away. I'm actually excited about the timing of my surgery. I told a friend, this is the first time I will actually keep that New Year's resolution! Hey, @@MRSJONES305! You're on the home stretch. Has your doctor given you a tentative schedule or do they wait until they hear back from your insurance? @@katladee, I've talked about my upcoming surgery on Facebook and have told my immediate family (and my hairdresser!). I'm a very private person, but my husband wanted me to meet a co-worker (via Facebook) who had the surgery done just before I saw the doctor for the first time. I haven't bandied the fact around, but haven't gone out of my way to keep it quiet. I'm what they call a "displaced worker" (means I was laid off and have been off for more than a year). I'd feel differently about telling co-workers. @@ssflbelle, sounds like we're on a similar schedule. You've come a huge way already! Would you mind sharing how you did it? I'll definitely check out your blog. My therapist (recommended by the Bariatric shrink) and I discussed my fears of regain and lack of follow-through and just a ton of stuff. Anyway, I told her I've always enjoyed writing (and still do). I want to start a blog about my journey partially to share and inform but also to keep me "honest" as time passes. @@jenniferANTM, you lucky dog! Your surgery is the day after my endoscopy. I'll definitely be thinking about you! @@Kathy Krebs Robertson, Hooray! I'm a little envious of you early to mid-January sleevers! Nah. Not really. (well maybe a little). I love living vicariously through everyone here who will be getting sleeved around the same time I am. Has your insurance approved you? Any final hoops your doctor wants you to leap before the 11th? @@cindyw41, way to start the New Year off right! What did you discuss in your classes? Were they with other people? I had to visit the dietitian each month. Honestly, she didn't teach me much of anything (Protein first, Water sips, etc.). She was no help when I wanted her advice on how I should be eating during the 6 month monitored diet. "Oh, by now you've dieted enough times you know what to do!" Argh. I wanted her to advise me so I could eat close to the way I'll be eating after my sleeve. This forum was a great help. I looked at my doctor's post-op nutritional guidelines and read a lot here and am happy with what I've done. I would have loved a more informative dietitian, though! @@mistycal, wow! You're moving right along! I'm a little afraid of my endoscopy. I had my thyroid removed last year and had complications (I couldn't swallow for a week and had to remain in the hospital). Mind you, the ENT says it was probably because he couldn't avoid bruising my larynx a bit because of the size of the thyroid. But the whole experience makes me nervous about anything being stuck down my throat! It's a completely different procedure, but try telling my nerves that. I'm just glad I'll be out when they do it! @@mya.mys, Dec. 28 definitely means you can hang out here. There is a December/January sleevers thread somewhere if you haven't found it. Tell me if you want me to hunt it down so you can maybe find some sleeve buddies there.
  18. songsmith

    people not educating themselves

    I'm often amazed when I see people on the forums asking basic questions (water/protein) that I know and I haven't even been on the pre-op diet yet. I'm even more amazed when I see people asking about what sounds like a serious medical problem (pain, fever) who ask here rather than bother their doctor. Many people need the social element a forum provides. Sometimes they do "know" this information and might be stuck on the "how." You find that out when you read further comments from them. Sometimes people need the shared experience and reassurance that, yes, they are doing things right and, no, don't worry, you're body is behaving the way it ought to. Some people just need the experience of others saying, "Yep. Been there, too. Understand what you're going through." Others clearly have not been following nutritional guidelines (slider foods, amounts, food choices). They want someone to either kick them in the butt so they get back on track or for someone to tell them that WLS will work despite themselves. They seem to be in the minority here. Most are like the examples above. It's frustrating to read the latter. The former don't bother me. Who knows? I might be one of them in another month!
  19. songsmith

    I'm a size.... WHAT?!?!

    Size 14 is one of my dream NSVs! I was that big when I met my husband 34 years ago and haven't looked back since. I really, really want to walk into a "regular" store and take advantage of the sales that are always so much better than the ones offered for plus sizes. You are amazing! You must be so happy.
  20. I'll either be very late in Jan. or early February. Depends on when my husband gets back in the country. I wish they would update the monthly support group forum for 2016. Still only up to Dec. 2015.
  21. My surgeon has his patients attend a final class so everyone understands what they need to do, what they'll be eating pre and post-op, how to prepare meals, what to expect, complication symptoms and perhaps to teach us a secret handshake. There has to be a secret handshake, right? I attend mine next Thursday and am super excited. After this the only thing I need to do is the endoscope and blood work-up (Jan 13).
  22. songsmith

    Post-op lost 75 lbs

    I'm confused. If you weight your red meat it doesn't matter if it's denser. You know how many ounces you will be eating so you can avoid eating too much. Do you just feel more full because the red meat fills you up more? I also use MyFitnessPal (FitDay whatever online app you want) and plan out my meals beforehand because it "keeps me honest." I have never purged, but I know how much my tummy hurts after I vomit. I doubt your solution is helping your sleeve any more than stretching it would. Use this time to come to grips with your issues involving food. I've been seeing a therapist to help me deal with my old thought processes. Maybe you would find it helpful also? 75 pounds is a tremendous success! I hope you
  23. songsmith


    Exactly. I don't let my pets' veterinarian sell me foods (that often are subpar) for the same reasons. To be fair to my surgeon, they tell you what you need in a vitamin, so it's not like they force them on you. I'm sure they'll be flogged in the my upcoming final class, though!
  24. I'm another one in her 50s who has never been able to explore her style due to the dearth of reasonably priced stylish (is that an oxymoron?) plus sizes. We should start a group.
  25. Too funny! I like your hubby. Oh, man. I can at least take in my bras for a little while. I completely forgot about undies! (Already determined to invest in a belt.)

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