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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JapGirl

  1. Hearing the old "you have a beautiful face" statement as if it's supposed to be a compliment.

    Many people tell me I have a beautiful face and I 'wear my wt well" which is really code for "I can't believe you're that fat and still look good sometimes." It hurts.

    Yes! This! I am so tired of being told " you have a beautiful face" or "you wear your weight well"

    I.e. your sort of attractive but your still fat. I just didn't think you were that fat... ????

  2. Anyone know if you're less likely to have Hair loss if you're a low BMI candidate? I've been reading the complications from surgery and I'm truly worried about hair loss among other things... I know it's vain, but I can't help it. :P

    I've wondered the same thing. My hair is very long and thick. I worry about losing too much. Granted I'll do it either way. I've read on realself from a doc that taking Biotin and a good Multivitamin helps as well as keeping enough protien. Apparently it's worse if your Vitamin intake isn't right

    Anyone know if you're less likely to have hair loss if you're a low BMI candidate? I've been reading the complications from surgery and I'm truly worried about hair loss among other things... I know it's vain, but I can't help it. :P

    I'm starting the multivitamin and biotin now. My surgery won't he until sometime in feb.

  3. I also have about 60lbs to lose. My highest weight ever was 249lbs. I got down to 170lbs then quit smoking. Now I'm up to 212lbs and can't lose it. So I'm planning to fly to texas and do the hiatal hernia route which means most of it is covered by my insurance. I'm 5'7. My BMI currently is 33.5. I got some of the usual negativity. Strangely enough the harshest judgement I've received has been from others who have been through WLS. Like they don't understand how hard it is? Anyways, if my plan for dallas falls through, I'm going to mexico. Hell or high Water I will he healthy again.

  4. I've been told by a friend who is a surgery assistant at a large area hospital that she sees more coming out than going in. Just some food for thought

    P.s. I had originally looked into the band as well, but after a lot of intense research on band vs sleeve. Especially on cost, EWL, and percentage of long term weight maintenance. I decided to go with the sleeve. If all goes well I should be having my sleeve in mid-feb

  5. I started out at 250 5 years ago, got my ass in gear and lost 80lbs. I hovered around 170 for 2.5 years. Then I quit smoking. I gain half of it back. After being at 170 for those years and finally learning to love me and what I looked like....I found my self worth and my confidence.... only to lose it all when I gained it back. I tried to better myself by putting down the cigarettes and now I can't stand to look in the mirror. My back hurts everyday again (degenerative disc) where it didn't at 170. I can't move and bend the way I had gotten accustomed. I'm tired all the time and my relationship with my two young boys are suffering because of it.

    I'm done with it. I'm ready to get my life back.

  6. I am not sure how realistic the BMI chart is for everyone. I now weigh 165 at 5'10". I do look thin and can feel bones readily. Not sure it this is what a normal BMI should be. I agree that those that have never seen us this thin think that we are too thin. Say if we only had to lose 10 pounds it wouldn't be so much of a difference in the way we look. I also wear a size 6 pants and size S-M top. Is this really normal? I thought the average women's size was a 12-14; how can this then be a normal BMI? Doesn't really make sense.

    I am not sure how realistic the BMI chart is for everyone. I now weigh 165 at 5'10". I do look thin and can feel bones readily. Not sure it this is what a normal BMI should be. I agree that those that have never seen us this thin think that we are too thin. Say if we only had to lose 10 pounds it wouldn't be so much of a difference in the way we look. I also wear a size 6 pants and size S-M top. Is this really normal? I thought the average women's size was a 12-14; how can this then be a normal BMI? Doesn't really make sense.

    True, I was pretty surprised that at a size 10 the BMI chart still considers me overweight. I do work out and lift weights, but I am by no means muscular!!

    I've always heard that the 12-14 is European sizes. Like how Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. But that a European size, in US size she was actually an 8.

  7. Yay! I'm so excited for you! I've still got about 6-7 weeks. My other half said he wanted me to do it state side. So when my new insurance kicks in, in the beginning of the year... I'll be flying to dallas and starting the process. I feel like it's dragging by.

    Do they have you on a pre op diet? How's your nerves? I forget are you doing here or Mexico?

    6 weeks will fly by, especially with the holidays coming up!

    My pre op diet is super easy. Three days of Water and yogurt. They say you can do ten days Protein shakes and chicken and salads prior to the three days pre op. Honesty I feel like I do that most days, although lately it's been bad with all the holiday treats, but I'll prob try and mostly stick to that, starting Boxing Day, but definitely starting Jan 1 I'll follow that for the six days before my yogurt diet.

    I am going to Mexico. Wish there was an option in Canada or the US but with my bmi at 29, I don't even qualify for the few docs that will do the surgery on bmis of 30. And I just can't justify spending triple or quadruple the money if the doc in Mexico is rated just as good if not better.

    My nerves haven't kicked in too much yet. Sometimes I read a story of someone who's had a bad experience and I wonder if I'm making the right decision, but that quickly disappears. I'm sure closer to and the day of I'll be a wreck. My husband is not coming with me, but my parents will be in San Diego at the same time so thinking they'll drive down the day of surgery just to make sure there's no serious complications. They have company flying into San Diego the next day so they'll only be able to stay one night, but they'll be close by and Trish my coordinator is suppose to be the best and surprisingly I'm not too worried about being alone.

    That's fantastic! My bmi is around 31 or 32. I only found one clinic here in the state that would work with me. They are going to test me for a hiatal hernia and then if I have it (I'm sure I do from symptoms) my insurance should kick in and pay for the surgery to fix the hernia. While they are in there to repair it I'll pay out of pocket for the sleeve itself. I'm expecting to pay roughly about the same as I would if I went to Mexico. But if I can't do it this way then my plan is to set up a date for mexico. One way or another I'm getting this done!

    I hear the recovery there is ideal! And with a beach near by it might even be relaxing! That pre op diet isn't bad, and with it being the holidays, it is hard to stick with right now, luckily you can wait till after the 1st and still be within the doctors orders! I'm excited for you! Keep me updated! And feel free to chat with me, I'm sure I'll have questions! It's good that your parents will be there with you atleast, my SO won't be coming with me either. Hes not big on hospitals :) I've come across so few that have had a bad experience that it's hard to really consider it in your decisions. :)

  8. Yay for you!! I hope your experience is as good as mine. I'd hate to recommend someone and then it not go as well. It really has been smooth and I've not had to call for anything and my post op appointments have been fine. I go in with my list of questions and get the info I need. I've never felt rushed or like an inconvenience, but again, I'm pretty low maintenance. In addition to being a nurse I have a few friends who've done this and been a great resource. Best of luck and stay in touch. I'd love to know how it's goes!

    I'm not sure about doing the post op appointments because I live in a different state, but I will definitely keep in touch! Thank you!

  9. I'm sorry, I looked back yesterday and turns out it was $2500. Not sure where I got $2100. I hope you do give them consideration, I am so pleased I did this and truly have had zero issues with any of the staff in the office.

    I've decided to go ahead and plan it with them! Thank you! Everything I had read was negative and I was starting to question my decision. Hopefully with my insurance the price isn't outrageous. But can you really put a price tag on good health? Once my new insurance kicks in on the 1st I'll be able to get the ball rolling :)

  10. 17 days to go! I was planning for the 10th but flights worked out that I can fly in on the 9th and do surgery the same day!

    Yay! I'm so excited for you! I've still got about 6-7 weeks. My other half said he wanted me to do it state side. So when my new insurance kicks in, in the beginning of the year... I'll be flying to dallas and starting the process. I feel like it's dragging by.

    Do they have you on a pre op diet? How's your nerves? I forget are you doing here or Mexico?

  11. That's unfortunate. I've not had any issues but I haven't had any issues. I live across the metroplex from the office and where the support group meetings are so I don't go. I don't feel like it's been an issue. I'm just so happy to have been able to do this and it only cost $2100.00. My first appt to start the process was late May and I was sleeved August 31. Could have had it done much sooner but we had 2 vacations planned and a daughter to get back to college so that was the earliest time that worked for me.

    Do you happen to know the breakdown on cost? I know my max out of pocket is $2500. I'm curious as to what the additional cost is. Hopefully I'll be like you and not have any issue to contend with!

  12. I am self paying as well. I found there are clinics here that will do it where most of it is covered through insurance by billing it as a hiatal hernia repair, I'll just pay out if pocket for the sleeve itself. I originally planned to go to Mexico and self pay, but my SO said he would be okay if it was state side, but not if I leave the country. :/ so I'm flying to another state to have it done

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