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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JapGirl

  1. I actually looked into traveling there. But the surgeon I had originally heard about has horrid reviews. I live in TN. I look at true results and have found that they also have a participating surgeon in St.Louis, which is where my family lives. But I can't find much info on him being willing to operate on a low bmi patient. My bmi is about 32.

  2. How did you pay for your surgery? Did you use insurance? Did you go the hiatal hernia route?

    I ask this because I am trying to find a doctor that does low bmi sleeves by going the hiatal hernia route. I am willing to pay the fully price for the sleeve, but if I there is a way to have my insurance cover the hernia and I'm just billed for the sleeve.... that's a substantial difference.

    At this point Mexico is not an option, my SO is not comfortable with me being out of the country without him. And Google isn't helping much. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. January 10th!

    My only concern is I have "adrenal fatigue" so worried that even with the surgery I won't lose weight. Been trying to do some research and find others that have adrenal fatigue that have had WLS, but so far haven't found anyone.

    WOAH!!! I just read on what adrenal fatigue is and it sounds like the wrote my life on paper. I have been battling PTSD for years and the stress has been horrible. I'm always tired. I can sleep 4 hours or 14 hours I'll still be tired either way. I stay sick for long periods of time, I struggle to get the energy to get out of bed. I'm overwhelmed with life. But I get and energy burst around 7 or 8 pm for about an hour or two. I didn't know this was a thing....

  4. THANKS!! I'M SO STOKED!! Hes pretty much anti-everything medical. Hes not a fan of doctors in general so this is a huge adjustment for him I think.

    Thats great that he's talking about it with you! :) make sure he brings books ahahaha.

    I feel the same I've been back and forth, especially at first, but I'm at the point now that I'm pretty much dead set and haven't re considered it.

    I also wish there was more people here with stats similar to us. I'm about 5'7" and 200-205. Bmi of 31. 27 years old with 2 kids. I also wished it wasn't so judged because we are considered low bmi.

    When's your date?

  5. My SO made his first semi positive comment about my surgery ????

    I said I thought it seemed hot, he said that it's cold. Then he said "you know what will be good about your surgery? You'll get cold easier again like before and I can turn the temperature up again."

    Hey I'll take it. Maybe that means he's slowly getting more comfortable with the idea. ????❤ less than 3 months, I'm counting down!

  6. i have two children as well. You dont have to listen to me, me I thought I should tell you the truth. I've heard all the news as well.

    I, too, am knowledgable about the news. I was worried until I did my research and spoke with many who have gone before. Surely, you do not think we would keep flocking to Mexico if half showing up missing

    I know it's safer than what it appears on the news, it's it always? 98% of our news here in the states sounds like a contest for the best new horror novel. But like someone pointed out before there isn't much on the "good" side being reported.

    But he's wierd about me being in situations where there is an inkling that I might get hurt. I'm surprised he's even okay with the surgery in the first place..... You'd have to know him, He's an odd duck. I'm trying to find a way to do it here in the states so that he isn't as worried.

  7. I've traveled the world. The things we've heard about Tijuana are not true. I just returned and I would walk around most anywhere alone. It is beautiful, clean, with not so clean areas, upscale areas, great restaurants, excellent food stands. There is some trash on sidewalks in some locations, just like your hometowns or big cities. It is a large city and you will be isolated in one very small perfectly safe area.

    You are taken care of and will have everything you need. I went alone. My roommate had never traveled before and she managed perfectly well on her own. Doctors can be pompus asses, and friends give you advice on stories heard from their past based on disinformation. "I heard that it is........" without any knowledge or background or personal experience.

    I would go again, and recommend you join Dr. Altamirano face book page, and do a skype interview with him.

    Because if you go to Mexico, you will get nothing but excellent care from an attentive, physician, care from hospital attendants immediately, clean rooms, expert service. All, English speaking. Bet your doctor cannot speak Spanish.

    And to add, after leaving surgery, Ive had no pain meds. Mine was a complicated band to sleeve revision.

    Plus, if your doctors agreed, they or their friends would not collect the $14-$20,000 they expect to charge.

    Go, its perfectly fine, and you will learn something valuable and gain new experiences like a quiet hospital and no noise from the nurses' station all night.

    The problem isn't my friends. The problem is my SO. He is fairly knowledgeable on current events and the recent issues with drug related crimes, especially in border towns worry him. I have two children and he wouldn't know what to do without me. :)

    I could actually pay something similar or less to do it here in the states with my insurance, but MX would be less hassle.

  8. My BMI was 30 when I had surgery 3.5 months ago. I've lost 42 lbs since then and my BMI is 22.6.

    My doctor told me that with my low BMI, I should focus more on inches lost rather than the numbers on the scale. He was right. I've noticed a lot more improvement in how my clothes fit and how quickly I move through pant sizes (I started at size 16 and now I need to go shopping again cuz my size 10s are too big).

    This surgery has changed my life. I was miserable, had no self esteem and my thoughts revolved around my weight issues before surgery. Now I feel free!! I love myself and my life!! I enjoy exercise because I'm in awe of what my body can do now. I paid out of pocket ($5000 in Mexico) but it was worth every penny! I have my life back. Freedom!!

    This!!! I originally wanted to go the Mexico route but my SO is so wierd about it cause he's worried I'll die in a drug lord shoot out. Hes so rediculous.

    This is awesome to hear. I can't wait to be in your shoes!!

  9. I am a low BMI-er as well. I'm going to find if I have a hiatal hernia soon, if I do, then I plan to go that route. If I can I may be able to do it for the same price roughly as if I was to go to MX with my insurance copay. I'm stoked.

    I'm nervous to see if I have the hernia (though it would explain somethings). Hoping to fly in to Texas and be sleeved early next year. *cross your fingers for me*

  10. I live in NC, was considered a low BMI for the sleeve surgery, but mine was 35 (I had to gain weight to reach 35 BMI). Insurance paid for mine, because I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic. It was touch and go for a while getting insurance approval, but they approved me.

    Best thing I ever did. My surgeon was convinced that I wouldn't be approved by insurance....

    so I was prepared to be a self-pay if needed. It was going to be about $12,000.

    5 months later, down 61 pounds..........I'm 2 pounds away from a "normal weight for my height", which I hadn't seen in a LONG TIME


  11. "Just eat smaller portions and exercise, that's what I do when I want to lose a couple of pounds"

    (Said by my friend that is super athletic & fit and has never dealt with weight issues in her life)

    "Just take appetite suppressants or diet pills"

    (Said by my BFF that knows I have a rare disorder that makes me allergic to pretty much any medication)

    I love it when people who have never battled more than 10 or 15 lbs gives you weightloss advice...

  12. My BMI was 34 during my initial consult and 33 on the day of my surgery. Nicholson Clinic is definitely on board with low BMI sleeving and they're one of the best WLS clinics in Texas. I honestly think I paid less out of pocket than most insurance-covered sleevers.

    Thats awesome! Hopefully I'll he just as lucky. Idk. I don't think my insurance will cover it.

    have you come across doctors who weren't on board with it? the first one i saw was very supportive. but i did go in armed with a list of all the diets, exercise programs and medications i had tried and their various results. plus a rough graph of my weight over time.

    I live in the obesity belt. Around here if your BMI isn't 40 or above they tend to shy away. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places.

  13. Just an FYI for the curious, I went the hiatal hernia route and only paid $2,030. Sleeve plus pre-op and one year post operation visits.

    I've heard about this, but I'm not sure how to go about this.... and I'm not sure that my insurance covers it. Plus finding a doctor state side who is on board with low BMI vsg.... I'm hitting my head against the wall today.

  14. yay!! so glad! it really does warm my heart, we will all face many naysayers but support from people we love just fills up the space where their negativity tries to creep in!

    yeah, @, fill us in!

    to keep you guys all jazzed up, i'm 2 weeks post op today and down 16 lbs! man i'm pumped.


    So accurate. I didn't realize how much it had been weighing on me until we talked and I felt so much lighter than before. Now that I know he's behind me it's so much more relaxing.

    Congrats hun! Thats aweosme!!! I wish I could have it done sooner and be on my way like you! How's the post op diet? Did they make you do a full liquid pre op? Did you have it done state side or in Mexico?

    I'm so happy for you!!!!????????????

  15. I tried to go into the conversation with the attitude of knowing he wouldn't like the idea because he'd see it as the most dangerous option but trying to make sure he understood I felt like I had exercised all other reasonable options and it was a choice between struggle and fail forever or do this and succeed. Which is exactly how I DID feel!!

    I did it! And he was totally on board with it. His biggest thing was making sure I knew he'd love me either way and then flipping out when I said I wanted to do it in Mexico (hes worried about crime) thank you! It took me a while but I kept your comments in mind and it turned out much better than expected!

    I'm planning to talk to my mom tonight about my decision. I know she isn't going to be happy. I've briefly mentioned before that I want it and she brushed it off and told me I need to just start being happy with how I am. I know I'll feel much better just to get it off my chest that I've made up my mind, and if she doesn't support it I guess I'll just avoid the topic in the future. I know both her and my dad would be pretty upset if I did this without telling them, so I'm at least giving them the option to support me or ignore that it's going to happen.

    Aiming for surgery January 6th. I don't plan on telling anyone else and I think I can probably get away with it if I do it at the start of the year. Everyone is always on a diet after New Years it seems, at least I always am, so my friends and the rest of my family won't think it's anything out of the ordinary.

    How did your talk go?

  16. So I have talked it over with my SO and he is on board with me getting sleeved (*whew*)..... BUT hes digging his heels in about having it done in Mexico. He has no issue if it's done state side, but he's not comfortable with Mexico..... especially a border town. With all the hype about the drug related crime, he's worried I'll leave and never come back....

    Any advice? I've tried looking up articles that would show that I'm in no more relative danger than I would be to drive in the harsher parts of my city, but there's just not much out there.

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