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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Airstream88

  1. Airstream88

    Oh No I'm Really Hungry

    Did your surgeon prescribe you an anti-acid medicine like Prevacid? Sometimes hunger can be caused by acid in your pouch. I had RNY and am on prescription strength Prevacid for 6 months.
  2. Airstream88

    Puree phase unpleasant

    I just barely tolerated the puree phase and definitely didn't do well with scrambled eggs. I relied on applesauce and SF chocolate pudding with protein powder mixed in, mashed potatoes made with Fairlife milk and shredded cheese on top to add extra protein, the ricotta bake (recipe on the world according to eggface blog), yogurt and shakes. It is uncomfortable at first to eat real food but keep at it. The uncomfortable feeling eventually goes away.
  3. Airstream88

    Not Tracking your food is a big mistake!

    I don't track anything except protein grams, multigrain and fruit servings, and fluids. I know if I don't make the protein target, my weight loss will slow down. I jot these down in a little book I got from Amazon ("Food Journal"). My program is to eat 5 mini-meals a day every 3 to 4 hours without grazing in between. At least 4 meals must have 3oz of protein which I always eat first so I feel the restriction of my stomach. All multigrain and fruit servings must be accompanied by a protein. I am about 95% compliant with the no grazing rule. Stop the grazing!
  4. Airstream88

    Happy and frustrated at the same time

    You should be happy!!! Get as much packed up as possible for your move. Keep busy and the time will fly I promise!
  5. Airstream88

    Just Venting

    I hope your surgery went well and you are your way to a better, healthier life. The first month is the hardest but you will make it through. Keep telling yourself that there isn't any food that is worth dying for and leaving your daughter motherless. My ex-husband spent six months in agony and unable to communicate, after having a stroke related to Type 1 diabetes. He died at 50. Seeing how he was treated in hospitals and nursing homes resulted in me having my WLS. I never want to be in the same position.
  6. Airstream88

    Face after surgery

    Depends on how old you are I think. I'm almost 55 and I think I look older, but everyone else says I look younger. My neck skin is a little saggy and wrinkly (but my double chin is gone!) and the smile lines around my mouth are deeper. But then again I'm looking in a 10x mirror in the morning which is guaranteed to show all flaws! LOL!
  7. Airstream88

    18 Months Out & Stalled

    I'm still in the losing phase but I can tell you what my NUT recommends for her patients. 5 meals a day - 3 - 4 hour apart - NO snacking in between. Each meal to contain 3 oz protein (or more if you get hungry between meals), a multigrain (2 per day) or fruit serving (2 per day) and non-starch veggies. We can also include 3 good fats daily (1 oz nuts, 1 tsp olive oil, nut butters, etc). I have to meet my protein goal of 70-90g of protein daily. Eat your protein first so you will feel your restriction. Also, dense protein stays in your stomach longer and helps with hunger.
  8. Airstream88


    For most proteins (chicken, beef, pork, etc) there are approximately 7g of protein per ounce. For other items you can usually find the protein amount for a serving on the container or look it up in MyFitnessPal. I eat multigrain crackers, whole wheat tortillas, and bagel thins toasted but no rice or pasta yet. I always eat a protein with the carb (fruit or multigrain). Yogurt is also a great source of protein but you have to watch out for the sugar. I used to like the Chobani 100s but now I can't tolerate any yogurt.
  9. Airstream88


    I don't worry about carbs or calories. My plan is 5 meals every 3 - 4 hours consisting of 3oz protein, a multigrain or fruit serving and non-starch veggies if there is room plus 3 healthy fat servings (1 oz nuts, 1tsp olive oil, etc) I make sure I get 70 - 90g protein a day per my NUT's calculations for me. ~80 most days, 90 on workout days. At 4 1/2 months I probably eat 1200 calories per day and I'm still losing 10-16 pounds per month.
  10. Airstream88

    Vitamin Question

    My NUT does not recommend store bought vitamins. She told us WLS patients only absorb 25% of Regular Brand Vitamins. You would have to take 4x as much of store brand to get full absorption. I take: 1 capful of Nutrametrix or Isotonix Multivitamin with Iron (These are mixed with water and are 95% absorbed within 15 minutes) 1 capful of Nutrametrix or isotonix Calcium (mixed with the Multivitamin) 2 - 250mg Bariatric Advantage Chewable Calcium twice a day spread out at least 4 hours apart (for a total of 1375 Calcium) American Society for Bariatric Surgery recommends 1375 - 1500 daily. 15g Bariatric Advantage Iron daily Bariatric Advantage Sublingual B12 every other day
  11. Airstream88

    Super stressed!

    What is your protein goal? Have you increased your exercise lately? If so, you may want to up your protein to compensate. I use Colace and Smooth Move tea for general constipation issues. My PCP does not recommend laxatives - he prefers to treat the problem from below - i.e. using suppositories or enemas. I've only had to do that once.
  12. Airstream88

    Trying NOT to fear fat??

    Kudos for being so strict. My NUT believes in more balance. I'm allowed 2 multigrain servings a day and 2 fruit servings a day plus 3 healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocado).
  13. Airstream88


    I only count protein and fluids. My program allows 2 multigrain servings and 2 fruit servings daily (not in the same meal).
  14. Airstream88

    Not losing much

    OMG! You h ad no guidance at all? You need to find a Bariatric Nutritionist and have a visit or two. My NUT did not allow us to eat baby food. It does not have the levels of protein you need. Your body needs protein, otherwise it will pull the protein from your muscles. My plan is 5 mini-meals daily, every 3 - 4 hours, no snacking in between. At this stage you need to be drinking at least one protein shake a day to get close to your protein goal - 60g minimum. Premier Protein shakes have 30g of protein and can be bought at Wallmart, Costco or Sam's. Stop 30 minutes prior to eating, don't drink while eating, and don't drink for 30 minutes after. Were you given Vitamin and supplement advice? You need a good bariatric Multivitamin and at least 1200 - 1500 Mgs of Calcium a day.
  15. Airstream88

    Solids soon... help!

    bariatriceating.com has lots of WLS surgery friendly recipes.
  16. bariatriceating.com has tons of bariatric friendly recipes.
  17. Airstream88

    Solids soon... help!

    I ate chicken with salsa or hummus to make it more moist. Meatballs or meatloaf with low sugar tomato sauce. Chili. Also cheese slices, pork loin cooked in a crockpot, turkey with low fat gravy. Yogurt with small fruit pieces. Soft scrambled eggs. Start with very small pieces and chew very, very well.
  18. Airstream88

    4 month stall?

    You look great! My NUT told us to never eat a fruit, veggie or multigrain without a protein. Also she believes in 5 mini-meals every 3 -4 hours with no snacking in between. Yes my Surgery Weight had a typo - it was 371 not 271. I lost only 14 pounds pre-surgery but lost 37 pounds the first month and only 9 the second. Weight loss has gotten better since I started eating more real food and started exercising more. I only drink shakes on workout days now. I eat at least 15-21g of protein at 4 of my 5 mini meals. I don't count calories or carbs, just the protein.
  19. Airstream88

    4 month stall?

    Are you getting your fluids and making your Protein goals? Have you upped your exercise but not your protein intake? Are you eating enough? In my program we were expected to be eating around 1000 calories in the 4th month. I had my bypass 1 week prior to yours. I eat 5 mini-meals a day and have 2 multigrain servings and 3 healthy fats as part of my meals. I haven't really experienced a stall though my second month I only lost 9 pounds. I workout with a trainer 2x a week for about an hour and ride my recumbent bike for 15 mins 2-3x a week.
  20. Airstream88

    Not Losing Weight

    Are you making your water and protein goals? Both are very important. If you aren't meeting them then your body will believe you are starving and will not allow you to lose weight. Are you following your vitamin/supplement regimen?
  21. Airstream88

    Regarding severe bone loss after RNY

    Here is a link to the position paper of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. https://asmbs.org/resources/metabolic-bone-changes-after-bariatric-surgery The conclusions were: Conclusion Obesity appears to be independently associated with Vitamin and mineral deficiencies involved in bone homeostasis affected by race and potentially affected by gender. These pre-existing vitamin and mineral deficienciesmay compound postoperative absorption of bone homeostatic micronutrients depending on the type of weight loss surgery and degree of weight loss. Patients preparing for bariatric surgery should be screened for the presence of Vitamin D deficiency and hyperparathyroidism with treatment initiated. Cross sectional, retrospective, and prospective studies do not conclusively support any increased incidence of osteoporosis or increased fracture risk after bariatric surgery. Accuracy of current methods of assessing BMD (DXA) in patients who have extreme obesity as well as after extreme weight loss should be evaluated with further research. The use of one third distal forearm to measure BMD can be considered in situations of extreme weight that exceeds the limits of conventional DXA tables as well as in cases of secondary hyperparathyroidism related to malabsorption of vitamin D and Calcium. The degree of bone turnover and BMD loss after bariatric surgery is related to the type of procedure performed, the amount and rate of weight loss, and the degree of malabsorption of other micronutrients and Protein. Long-term follow-up monitoring and supplementation should be provided according the type of procedure and the individual patient’s risk for bone loss.
  22. The reason you don't drink before eating is so that you don't fill up your stomach with Fluid and have less room for the Protein. I would listen to your Nutritionist. The calorie range is a guideline but everyone is different. I have a protein range of 70 - 90g per day given to me by my NUT. The 70 in an absolute minimum, the 90 is the max. So on workout days I definitely try to get that 90g in because I know my body is using more energy and I don't want it to take protein from my muscles.
  23. Airstream88

    Carbs post surgery

    I was on pureed and soft foods the first 4 weeks after GB. I'm amazed you can tolerate chicken , bread, rice, etc.The first time I tried chicken I could only eat 3 tiny bites and it felt awful. I drank a Protein shake every morning to make sure I made my protein target daily. Now at 4 1/2 months I can eat enough real protein so I only drink one on workout days. Our NUT told us not to eat any white bread, rice or Pasta for at least 3 months. We could have multigrain bread that is toasted or multigrain crackers - 2 servings a day (1 slice of bread toasted, 1 serving of crackers). I still haven't tried rice and only a very tiny bit of orzo pasta that was in chicken soup.
  24. I experienced similar pain - not in my groin but definitely on my right side. I took my pain meds prior to going to bed each night and really couldn't sleep in the bed for more than a couple of hours and definitely not more than 45 minutes on my right side. I ended up spending most of the first two weeks sleeping in my recliner. I didn't sleep through the night until a month out.
  25. Airstream88

    Vitamins are killing my carb limit!

    My NUT recommends Nutrametrix Isotonix Multivitamin w/Iron and Calcium powders that you mix with Water. They are 95% absorbed so I only have to take the Multivitamin once a day. I mix 1 capful of MV and 1 serving of Calcium together and drink it before leaving for work. I then take an extra Iron supplement and take 4 more (250mg) chewables of Calcium later in the day and B12 every other day. They are a more expensive up front than store brand Vitamins but since I only have to take 1 serving a day the cost works out to be about the same. I don't worry about carbs at all, just Protein. I follow my NUTs program of 5 meals daily that include a protein serving at each meal plus 3 healthy fats, 2 multigrains and 2 fruits daily plus veggies.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
