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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Airstream88

  1. Airstream88


    I don't know about the Protein shots. Could you be Lactose intolerant now? Sometimes that happens to people after surgery. Have you tried Fairlife Milk? 8oz has 13 grams of protein and you can put in sugar free Hershey's syrup to change the taste.
  2. Airstream88

    Slow Sore Loser

    So very sorry for your loss. I know it will be hard but you need to give up the alcohol. It's empty calories that aren't doing your body or your mind any good. Please find a grief counselor so you can work through your feelings without sabotaging your weight loss.
  3. Airstream88

    Post op vitamins

    I drink Nutrametrix Multivitamin and Calcium in the morning. It's Isotonic so you absorb 95% (where as if you take Centrum or others you only absorb 25% so you have to take more). Then I use Bariatric Advantage chewables for additional Calcium and Iron and sublingual B12.
  4. Airstream88

    Anyone 370 lbs or more?

    I started at 371 (actually 382 but lost 14 pounds prior to surgery). I had RNY on 10/17/16 and I have lost ~65 pounds in 3 1/2 months. I lost the most the first month - 37 pounds, followed by 9 pounds the second (was sick for a month), then 14 pounds the third. My surgeon wants 120 total gone by month 6 - we'll see. I'm not giving myself any timetable, just enjoying the new me that's emerging after decades of being overweight. I've gone from a Catherine's 5x to a 2x. My knee pain is much better - still there but better managed on way less medication than prior to surgery. I am no longer pre-diabetic. I'm very glad I had the surgery!
  5. Airstream88

    Let's talk food

    Wish I could help but the pureed stage was the most difficult for me. I am a visual eater and just couldn't bring myself to puree meat and then eat it. I ate mashed potatoes, applesauce, ricotta bake, yogurt and drank my Protein shakes.
  6. Airstream88

    I need some advice

    My surgeon recommended RNY (Bypass) because he felt I would lose more weight than with the sleeve. I'm not sure why the Sleeve would be better for someone that sits at a desk.
  7. Airstream88

    Low carb or everything in moderation?

    My NUT believes in moderation and so do I. We are to eat 5 times a day and two meals may have 1 serving of multigrain and two meals may have 1 serving of fruit AFTER Protein and we can have 3 servings of good fat (includes nuts). I don't eat much bread (and if I do its toasted so it won't swell) but I do eat multigrain crackers and popcorn. Fruit every now and again because there just isn't much room left after eating the protein. I must say I haven't had any issues with clumps of hair falling out and don't have much problem with constipation. I've lost over 60 pounds in 3 months.
  8. Airstream88

    What Are Your Super Bowl Plans?

    We are having people over. i'll make some WLS friendly stuff and some things my hubby and guests like as well.
  9. Airstream88

    Are calorie counts okay?

    You really have to throw away the old diet mindset which equated low calories with accelerated weight loss. Getting in your Protein and Water is the most important - not fretting over calories. You will feel the restriction once you start eating protein dense foods like chicken, turkey, shrimp, etc. Once I was cleared for all foods, about 31 days out, 3 bites of chicken filled me up. That's why "protein first" is the golden rule after WLS. You won't have room for anything else! I would say that about a month out I was getting in about 400 - 600 calories. At 3 months, I'm now up to 800 - 1000 which my surgeon's nurse said is about right. My protein goal is 70 - 90.
  10. Airstream88

    I need answers

    I'm just past 3 months out and while I haven't experienced a true stall, I've had weeks where my weight goes down, then back up and then finally down again to the new low number. I'm pretty sure my issues are due to my periods - something I thought was almost over but is now back again with a vengeance due to the weight loss. So my weight can be 304 one day and then 307 the next couple of days due to Water retention and constipation. But then both issues right themselves and 3 - 4 more pounds will be permanently gone. Then a new cycle of up and down starts. Make sure you are reaching your water and Protein targets each day. I've found that when I meet the protein target especially, the weight comes off easier.
  11. Airstream88

    Hunger and Feeling Full

    I didn't start feeling full until I started eating dense Proteins like chicken, turkey, shrimp, lean roast beef, etc. At first, chicken made me feel full after only a couple of bites but I'm at the point where I can eat about 3 oz now.
  12. Airstream88

    I'm confused

    They may be checking to see if you are covered before putting you through all the steps to get surgery approval.
  13. Airstream88

    One month post op!

    It's normal. Your body is just trying to adjust to all the changes being forced upon it. Make sure you are getting in your 64 oz of Fluid and getting close or meeting your Protein goal each day.
  14. I'm at 12 weeks and I average about 800 - 1000 calories a day. On the days I work out I try to get in 90 grams of Protein and they tend to be the days I hit 1000.
  15. Airstream88

    When to count calories

    I keep track of mine to make sure I'm eating enough. At 12 weeks out I'm averaging about 800 - 1000 calories a day (right on target according to my Dr's nurse) depending on my Protein intake. My protein goal is 70 - 90. I try to hit 90 on the days I'm working out.
  16. Airstream88

    Pain Meds?

    I was given hydromorphone in very tiny pills. It did make me sleepy but I was not impaired. I had RNY, plus a hernia repair and gall bladder removal. It was particularly painful to get up and down from a seated position and to get in and out of bed the first week. sleeping was very difficult the first two weeks as I can't sleep on my back and turning in bed was really painful so I took two nightly before going to bed. I pretty much stopped taking it after two weeks or so.
  17. Airstream88

    Question about success of procedure

    I believe the 6 months preparation is critical to success. Attending monthly classes and pre-op class and post-op class with the nutritionist as part of the Bariatric Center of Excellence program set me up for success. I knew exactly what to expect after the surgery, am ready for each phase of eating, and continue to get support from my bariatric team. I have no regrets and have suffered no major issues. If you have a bariatric nutritionist in your area, it is worth the money to consult with them.
  18. Airstream88

    I feel like I'm cheating

    My Bariatric nutritionist made it very easy for us: 5 meals a day, 3 - 4 hours apart, no grazing in between. A meal consists of 3oz of Protein and if there is room, a multigrain or fruit serving (4 out of the 5 meals) and green veggies. 3 servings of good fat a day - 1oz nuts, 1 tsp olive oil, avocado, etc. At 3 months I just barely have room for anything but the protein so my multigrain might be 5 Wheat thins and my fruit ends up being 5 grapes or 2 chunks of pineapple. I drink a Protein shake in the morning to make sure I have a good protein base for the day. I'm also losing slowly after losing 37 pounds the first month. I'm ok with it though because I am able to eat the way the nutritionist wants without feeling deprived.
  19. Airstream88

    is anyone having these isues

    I had RNY on October 17 and I am not exhibiting any of those side effects. I would definitely go see your Primary Care Physician. Also, it doesn't appear that you are eating enough. Are you making your Protein goal? You should be getting at least 60 gms of Protein a day. I would definitely add in another Protein shake if you are unable to eat dense Proteins.
  20. I was a little nervous the morning of surgery I don't remember waking up in the Recovery room and don't remember the trip to my room. I was pretty out of it the first evening after surgery. I knew I had nausea issues with anethesia and narcotics due to previous surgeries so I was given a dramamine patch to wear prior to surgery so I had no issues with nausea at all. The most intense pain I felt was when I had to get in and out of the hospital bed - the largest incision felt like it was tearing inside when I moved my right leg. I took full advantage of the pain pump for the days I was in the hospital and the pain meds afterwards due to that tearing feeling when getting up and down. Eventually I only took them when going to bed because I move a lot when I sleep and the pain would wake me up.
  21. I started my journey adamant I was going to get the Sleeve but my surgeon felt the Bypass would be a better choice due to my BMI of 62. My co-morbities were high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and osteoarthritis. After I finished the requirements for surgery and was ready to submit to insurance, I decided to go with the bypass. While I did not have any issues with reflux pre-op, I felt I wanted to have only 1 surgery and not be someone who down the line required a revision due to reflux, etc. So far I have not had any issues. I recovered well and can eat all approved solid Proteins (beef, chicken, shrimp, etc)
  22. Airstream88

    Thoughts about Halo Top High Protein Ice Cream?

    The Mint Chocolate Chip is pretty good. You are supposed to let it sit out for 10 minutes or so, otherwise it can taste icy.
  23. Airstream88

    How much Fat do you consume?

    I'm just 3 months out of surgery and I follow my NUTs plan of 5 meals per day - 3 servings of healthy fats per day (1 oz nuts, avocado, 1 tsp olive oil), 3-4 oz lean Protein per meal, and any other food should not have more than 6 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fats and 1 gram of monosaturated fats per serving. However, if I want mayo or butter, I use the real thing - just a lot less. I also eat cheese as a protein source - 2% or full-fat.
  24. Airstream88

    What do you tell people?

    I just tell people I had Weight Loss Surgery. If the discussion goes further and they ask which kind, I'll tell them that I had the Bypass.
  25. If the surgeon doesn't take your new insurance, maybe they will work with you to let you pay them after you have submitted the bill to the insurance company and received reimbursement. Your insurance should still pay something once you've met their deductible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
