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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Airstream88

  1. The general rule is that you lose 60 -70% of your EXCESS weight due to Weight Loss Surgery (bypass or sleeve). Meaning that if you weigh 300 pounds and you should weight 150 pounds, you will lose 60-70% of the difference (150 *.70 = 100 pounds). Most surgeons and NUTs use that to base goal weight on. Does that mean you can't lose more - NO! But I understand from reading other's experiences, it takes more effort to get to a lower weight. My NUT's goal for me is 190 - 200 pounds. I will be very happy if I make that goal.
  2. For most Gastric Bypass patients, a weight loss of 60 - 75% of your EXCESS weight is expected. So if your normal weight would be 130 and you weigh 301, then your expected weight loss is 119 pounds. 301 - 119 = 182 - just about what your surgeon picked for your goal weight.
  3. Airstream88

    Drink liquid

    After 4 months I am able to drink normally though I still find warm drinks go down easier than cold ones. I drink mostly decaf hot tea and water.
  4. Does the pain hurt when you breath? I had neck and shoulder pains on my left side and it ended up that I had Fluid in my left lung. The surgeon thought I had a pinched nerve and sent me to my Primary Care Dr who diagnosed the fluid.
  5. Airstream88

    One year out, not losing enough weight?

    For this surgery to be successful you must make your protein and Fluid goals, otherwise your body is going to take the protein it needs from your muscles. How are you getting 1000 calories a day if you aren't keeping your protein down? Instead of more surgery, you should ask the surgeon for help in keeping your food down. Maybe a prescription for anti-nausea medicine.
  6. I don't bother. Just have my Personal Trainer take my measurements once a month. Inches lost is a great way to measure progress when the scale isn't cooperating!
  7. Airstream88

    One year out, not losing enough weight?

    What is your Protein target? Mine is 70 - 90g per day. How are you eating during the day? My NUT has us eating 5 mini-meals a day every 3 - 4 hours with no eating in between. You should have a protein at every meal. Are you still following the 30-30 rule - stop drinking 30 minutes prior to eating, no drinking while eating, and no drinking 30 minutes after?
  8. Airstream88

    No pre-op liquid diet ordered?

    I didn't have to do the 2 week liquid pre-op diet. No explanation was given. I only lost 14 pounds during my six month weight loss requirement. I've also heard it depends on the size of your liver as it has to be moved out of the way to complete surgery.
  9. Airstream88

    How are you eating at 7 months out ?

    My NUT allows 2 multigrain carbs servings a day so I use multigrain taco shells and multigrain tortillas (6" size).
  10. I heard recently that they can take up to 3 months. Usually takes about 6 - 8 weeks.
  11. Airstream88

    Protein shakes,

    I didn't drink shakes ahead of time though I bought some different powders and a sampling of Syntrax nectar flavors and tried them. In the first month after surgery I drank unjury chocolate but at about 3 weeks I couldn't tolerate it anymore. Everything became too sweet and made me want to gag. So I started adding in Mint flavoring and Hersey's SF Chocolate Syrup to change up the taste. I also would add Isopure Unflavored Protein powder to apple sauce and SF chocolate pudding. In months 2 - 3 I used the Inspire Chocolate and Butter Mint Powders (bariatriceating.com) and Premier Protein Caramel pre-made drinks - once a day in the morning. I also drink Fairlife milk (13g protein) with SF Hershey's Syrup. Now at 4 months, I can get most of my protein from food and just drink the Premier Protein Caramel on mornings that I am working out to give me that extra protein.
  12. I've asked my husband to make me a Bariatric Friendly brownie recipe I found on bariatriceating.com that uses black Beans and Via coffee in the recipe. But in general I'm not really tempted by sweets. I have 1 dark chocolate Hershey's kiss every now and then and that usually is enough.
  13. Airstream88

    Diet after gastric bypass

    Doesn't your surgeon have a Nutritionist working with him/her? If you have the opportunity to meet with a Bariatric nutritionist, I highly recommend it. Mine required me to attend classes to prepare me for eating right after bypass and then again prior to transitioning to real food. My program is 5 mini meals a day , every 3 - 4 hours, to include low fat Protein, 2 multigrain carbs and 2 fruit servings daily, and healthy fats.
  14. Airstream88

    is anyone having these isues

    Are those of you with Voice issues taking any Acid Reflux medicine like Prevacid? My surgeon put me on prescription Prevacid once a day for 6 months since my surgery as a preventative measure. I didn't have issues before with reflux. My primary care physician said that you can have acid reflux and not have any burning symptoms but it can make your throat ache.
  15. Airstream88

    Why no fried food?

    High fat foods can cause dumping which can result in hours in the bathroom. It was explained to me this way: Part of your intestines have been bypassed - the part that breaks down food coming directly from the stomach. The intestines below that are not used to receiving food that hasn't been digested fully and don't know how to deal with it. So your brain decides the offending food (fat or sugar) needs to be get rid of and sends the Water in your body to that location to flush it out - causing diarrhea. Additional symptoms can include: Bloating, Sweating, Abdominal cramps and pain, Nausea, Heart palpitations and fast heartbeat. A friend came to a party at our house several years ago that had Bypass many years ago. She disappeared and someone finally approached me and said she had been in our bathroom for several hours. She had eaten something she wasn't used to and had experienced dumping.
  16. Airstream88

    Choosing Gastric Bypass

    When I started my journey I was totally against Bypass and only wanted the sleeve. But at the point where I was ready to schedule surgery I picked Bypass on the recommendation of my surgeon and because I didn't want to have another surgery if I developed GERD from the Sleeve. Four months out I am very happy with my choice. I haven't experienced any negative side effects thus far. I do believe the fear of dumping does help me to resist really bad food choices. I have not tried any really sweet things except for a Hershey's Dark chocolate kiss and 1/2 of a really tiny cupcake. Even though I tolerated them I would not try to eat a full-sized dessert out of fear of dumping. I've also stayed away from fried foods for the same reason - fear of spending hours in the bathroom afterwards. I don't think the complexity of the Bypass should be a showstopper as long as you are confident that your surgeon is experienced and qualified.
  17. Airstream88

    Tracking food, nutritional content question

    I have used My Fitness Pal and other electronic apps but I prefer to write things down. I have a little book I bought from Amazon - it's called the "food Journal". I don't track calories, FAT, CARBS, etc only Grams of Protein and my Fluid intake per my NUT's plan. But there is space to track them all if you want. Its simple and doesn't require any devices or the Internet (except to look up protein grams) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BCNM55C/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486660494&sr=sr-1&keywords=Food+Journal
  18. Airstream88

    Just so confused...

    You need to make sure you are getting enough Protein and all your fluids - especially if you are working out a lot. My protein target is 70 - 90. This is not like the diets you followed in the past. You must eat and drink to lose weight. Protein is very important because your body will take from your muscles instead of fat if it doesn't get enough protein.
  19. Airstream88

    The good, the bad and the ugly.

    Initially I wanted the Sleeve but my surgeon felt the Bypass was the better option for me. After reading up on both, I decided to go with the Bypass. I wanted to have only 1 surgery and was also concerned about getting Reflux with the sleeve. I'm 4 months out and very happy with my decision. I've not had any dumping episodes - I don't eat fried foods or things containing high sugar but I am able to have a Dark chocolate Hersey's kiss now and then. I'm able to eat most meats, cheese, nuts, multigrain crackers/bread, etc and don't feel deprived. Probably the only thing I miss is Pasta.
  20. Airstream88

    Afraid I'll fail

    If you eat your Protein first there won't be much room for any carbs. On my plan I'm allowed 2 multigrain servings a day and 2 fruit servings a day. But that serving is usually only 1/4 to 1/2 of what a normal serving is IF I've eaten my protein first. The multigrain serving gives me the crunch I crave and the Fiber I need to keep "regular". As for dumping, I never eating something out in public that I haven't tried at home first. So far, in 4 months I've not had any dumping episodes.
  21. Airstream88

    What to eat?

    Can you give us a little more info on what problems you are having with Protein? I eat chicken with salsa, shrimp salad, Filet Mignon, Chili, cheese, pork with LF Gravy, nuts, deli roast beef, mini meatloafs, meatballs, etc. Yogurt is a great source of protein. Fairlife Milk can be flavored with Hershey's SF chocolate Syrup for 13g of protein per 8 oz. I bake my chicken breasts on a cookie sheet sprayed with PAM Olive Oil and add cut up onions and peppers also sprayed with Pam Olive Oil. It takes 25 mins at 400 degrees and gives me 3 - 4 meals at least. You can add any seasoning you want to the chicken.
  22. Airstream88

    12 days post op not losing

    That's probably your problem then. You need to try to get the Protein in - its as important as the Water. Your body will start using your muscle for fuel instead of your fat. You really need to be drinking at least 1 Protein shake a day or putting unflavored Protein powder in broth or other drinks. I like bariatriceating.com protein powders - they aren't as sweet as some of the others and if you mix them with Fairlife milk it's 33gm of protein for 8 ozs. Unflavored can go in applesauce, SF pudding, etc. At 3 weeks I wanted to barf when drinking any protein shake but I forced it because it's just so important. I would mix sugar free Hersey's syrup or SF peppermint syrup in with a protein shake to change the flavor. At 3 1/2 months out I still drink a caramel Premier Protein in the morning just to make sure I will get my 80-90gm of protein in for the day.
  23. Airstream88

    12 days post op not losing

    Are you meeting your Fluid and Protein goals? If so, just be patient. If not, work harder to meet them especially if you start working out.
  24. I only lost 14 pounds in my six month weight loss effert pre-surgery. I lost 37 pounds the first month after surgery so I don't think not losing during pre-op affects what happens after surgery.
  25. It took me years to make the decision. I always said I would never have surgery but then they came out with the Sleeve procedure and I took a second look. I ended up with the Gastric Bypass after all due to my weight and age. I am so happy with my decision. Have lost a total of 67 pounds since surgery in October and 81 overall since Jan 2016. I really wish I had done it sooner. I have so much more energy and so much less arthritis pain.

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