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Posts posted by destiny_77

  1. @@FancyCakes, I, too, have a script of Omeprazole that I take faithfully daily and I still feel hungry but I am sticking to my liquids. Thank you for the tip just the same though. @@meganmom, have you started regular foods yet? I'm wondering if the energy is coming from the Protein in food rather than our shakes... Thanks for the responses guys, I can use all the help I can get!! I will say, that I am feeling a whole lot better than I have been! Hope y'all are doing well!!

  2. Me!!! I had my surgery on the 28th and have yet to get a full night's sleep! Tonight has been the worst of them all (hence the reason I searched this topic out to see if I'm alone). I usually go to bed at 9 and get up at 6. Well, I got up at 3 yesterday morning and I'm nowhere near sleepy to go to bed tonight and its almost 3 hours past my normal bedtime. I hope this is temporary because when I go back to work I have for to have my sleep in order to function!! Good luck to the rest of you!!

  3. @@destiny_77 I had an abdominal hernia repair done at the same time as my sleeve. The hernia was the only source of pain and soreness. The sleeve felt fine from the recovery room to right now.

    It took a couple of days to get the surgical meds flushed outa my system. Stuff had me drowsy and lethargic.

    It took over a week to get most of the surgery related inflammation flushed out, too.

    Somewhere around week 3 I started to have issues with low blood pressure. It was low for the first time in my adult life. Low because of the fast weight loss that sped up on the pre-op & post-op liquid diet. The doc cut my blood pressure meds way down and those odd feels were done and I was instantly good to go.

    The really good feeling showed up around week 8-9. I think the weight loss had reached a point where my back and knees were getting good relief and I was seeing the benefits to the surgery.

    Improved vascularity, happy state of mind and overall relief knowing that 2016 was going to be the best year I've seen finally set in.

    The pre-op periods sucks.

    The first month afterwards is hum-drum.......everybody gets sick of the liquid life.

    Somewhere shortly after that, though, normal sleeve life takes over and the improvements become evident and grow from there.

    Hang in there and stick with your program. You'll be so far past the "no fun" part of the deal really soon..............

    Oh to be able to get around with much less pain in my back and knees!! Definitely looking forward to that benefit. Thank you for your detailed response, it helps ease my mind a lot!! I must be doing something right during this first stage of madness because I'm already down 5 pounds since the 28th :). Woo hoo!! Pre surgery, I would fight tooth and nail to drop 5 pounds so I'm happy with my progress so far even though this has been tough!! I really think I might get violent if anyone tells me I took the easy way out!! Again, thank you for your input! Helps a lot

  4. I had my sleeve on the 28th. I have been very compliant with walking, choking down my crushed meds, and sip sip sipping all day long but I feel so out of my zone!! My stomach feels hungry but I'm not hungry at all. I still have gas but was able to finally pass some last night which felt wonderful. I'm just wondering how long it will be until I am back up and at it like before or better than before. Oh!! And the lethargy!! I am extremely tired all day but I still make my self get up and walk. Any advice from those of you who are newly sleeved and hadn't forgot about what you went through in the beginning but been sleeved long enough to say when you started feeling like your old self again. TIA!!

  5. @@destiny_77

    You are so lucky to only have to do a one day liquid diet! I had to skip every Christmas gathering this year, because they are all heavily centered around food. Better to just skip them, than fight the urge to sneak a bite!

    Tomorrow is our day, I am about to sign off and try to get to sleep early tonight. (I suspect that sleep will elude me tonight though). Good luck and best wishes tomorrow and during recovery!

    @@Craig Wildi - how are you doing? Everything OK with you?

  6. Yes. I had my surgery on the 28th too and everything you have described sounds like what I have gone through and going through now. I'm still waiting to be discharged. But yeah, I have walked, walked, and walked and the gas pain isn't going anywhere!! I am burping though so that gives me relief in my shoulders but the other end is about to get the best if me. I just continue to walk through!! Good luck to you all and hopefully it will all get better Soon!!

  7. Ok, I had my surgery yesterday and I am doing OK this morning. I will say after I woke up from recovery, I was in the worst pain ever!!! After they got it under control though, I was fine. They also said as soon as I woke up my very first words was "I need to walk, they told me the gas pain would not be as bad if I walked", they thought that was funny since I was subconsciously talking and I got a laugh out of it when they told me. They told me as long as I keep doing good like I am, I could go home around noon :D. Hope all is well with everyone else, please update as soon as you can, I would love to know!!

  8. Let's see... I was blessed (or maybe not) with only having to do a 1 day liquid diet before surgery. I thought,,, one day, that's no big deal!! A whole lot better than 2 weeks like some are having to do from what I've read on here. Boy, was I wrong!! Every Sunday after church our family always goes to dinner together as a tradition. Well, today being my liquid day, we decided it best to let them get something and bring it home so I didn't have to sit and smell the food or watch everyone eat. Well,,, my nose must be that of a hound dog today because I can still smell it!! I'm happy they thought enough of me to break our tradition and I'm doing my best to keep a positive attitude but this is hard y'all!! I hope it's true that it's not this hard after surgery but I will cross that bridge when I get to it!! I've made it this far and I'm not giving in now!! Ok, I put my feelings out there and I kind of feel better :) #NotBlowingMySecondChance

  9. I went to eat dinner with the family after church for my son's birthday and they seated us in the dreaded booth! I squeezed myself in there the best way I could and just sat there thinking that much longer this won't be an issue :). I might as well go ahead and share my most modifying moment of being obese while I'm at it. We went to an amusement park and I got on the ride. I kid you not, I had 1 of the workers in the front coaching me to "suck it in" while 2 other workers was in the back holding on to the seat as support. I was so embarrassed and not only that but I was uncomfortable the whole time the ride was going from not being able to breath and having my mid section stuffed in that ride. I won't know how to act when I am able to get in a ride and not worry about embarrassing myself or my family. Those are just a couple of NSV's I'm looking forward to!! Not sure what compelled me to share this but maybe some of you can relate...

  10. Congrats to all of you!! Be ready for a roller coaster of emotions! I started this process in May thinking I was going to be a September Sleevers only to find out that my employer requires 6 months and that was only the beginning of the "downs". At month 4 I thought I was wasting my time and money because this is never going to happen, they just keep wanting me to do more and more and more to jump through their hoops!!! I was almost to the point of giving up but what kept me going was reading others experiences on here and I just kept this thought in the back of my mind " this one or that one thought it was never going to happen" but here they are saying they are approved and ready to start their second chance at this :) Well, I am here to say that even though this was the roller coaster from Hades, I am being sleeved on Dec. 28th. So, hang in there and roll with the punches and please don't give up!! Again, congrats to all of you who made the decision to make your health/life better before it got any worse!!

  11. I use 2 LOVE 2 drink these Premiere Protein Drinks/Shakes whateva they r....but since I had my surgery, I can't STAND them....Lord pls help me with these shakes!

    Lol I heard that after surgery your digestive changes so that's probably why... It can be for awhile temporary or you are just tire of them... You should try other kinds of Protein shakes and see ;) luck
    Try the unjury chocolate Splendor. It is fantastic!!!!
    I really liked this mixed in a cup of black coffee - tasted like a mocha :D. I'm pre-op and not sure I would try this for a while after surgery though!

  12. 2 days post-op and I'm feeling really blah! Protein Shakes are disgusting. I got all my Protein in today, but the sweet taste is very gross. I have been very tired today. Also, had some serious diarrhea this evening. I really like the protein Soups. I am def not as excited today as I was yesterday. the 15 minute timer is taxing. I never really had any pain and never any nausea. Just down today. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

    What kind of protein shakes are you drinking and did you like them before? I ordered a starter sample of Unjury and a whole container of the chicken Soup for my liquid phase only to find out today that my taste buds may change :(. They spoke about fatigueness today at pre-op and what you are feeling is normal. Hang in there!!

  13. Pre-op tomorrow! What can I expect? Any questions you wished you had asked that you didn't? I'm not even sure what to ask...

    Mine lasted about 2 hours. Did labs, EKG, told me everything that was going to happened. I was supposed to talk with the anesthesiologist but he was running behind and I didn't want to wait. I asked if they did a leak check but my doctor doesn't unless he felt there was reason for it. The one thing I would suggest packing was Chapstick for the hospital. I forgot that and really wish I would have had some. Good luck!!!
    Thank you meganmom! Everything went GREAT today!! I love my surgeon, he has the best bed side manner ever and despite the 10 pound weight gain, he told me to enjoy my Christmas and he would see me on the 28th. Going today has just made me even more excited about this life style choice I chose! All I did today as far as tests go was labs. He said he would do a leak test, get a sample of my liver (if its fatty or abnormal) and put a scope down my throat to check it but all that will be done while I'm under anesthesia. How are you doing?

  14. Dear sleeve sister, a dry fast is when you do not eat or drink anything for a set period of time. Please don't ever do this...lol...I will definitely keep in touch...my support system is very small...lol

    Don't worry, I won't, lol! My circle is small too. Only my husband and kids know and I just told my mom 2 days ago. I plan on coming out with it to anyone who asks (cause I'm sure folks are bound to ask when I start dropping the weight) but only when I have to. I just don't want any negativity right now ;)

  15. Man I wish I would have talked to you before I did this crazy dry fast that I thought would help me cur Water weight. Although it worked, I felt like it didn't matter. I had my surgery consultation and pre op class today and everything ran smoothly. My surgery date is also on the 28th and I couldn't be happier...best of luck

    I'm curious, what is a dry fast? Also, we need to stay in touch so we can keep up with each others progress and for support since we are going to be sleeve sisters, lol!

  16. I am a little bit nervous about the weight I gained after Thanksgiving holiday. I had my last weigh in on 11-19 and did not get approval until 12-11. I called the surgeons office and a rude receptionist told me that my surgeon was booked for the rest of the year. Well, I gained weight after my last real Thanksgiving and have not been able to get any of it off. My surgeon's office called me today to schedule my consultation for 12-17 and I am nervous about how the surgeon will feel about the weight gain. My insurance Anthem does not require weight loss for the surgery. I am freaking out! Should I really be worried about this since I have not yet started my pre op diet? Btw, my surgery is on 12-28.

    I was super nervous too because I gained 15 pounds from my last PCP appt. to approval but then lost 5 of it and went to pre-op today and my surgeon didn't even mention the 10 pound weight gain as a matter of fact he told me to enjoy Christmas and he would see me on the 28th. Anyways, bottom line, I fretted over the weight gain for no reason and my insurance didn't require weight loss either.

  17. My pre-op appointment was long, with chest x-ray, labs, ekg, and meeting with nurse practitioner. It all seemed routine. I did get a bit of a lecture from NP b/c I had gained 16 pounds since my original consultation 6 months prior.

    Thank you for your response :) I guess I will get ready for my lecture then because I've gained 10 (was 15 but I worked really hard these last 2 weeks to lose 5 of it). I didn't realize I was going to be doing a chest X-ray or ekg, I thought all I would be doing is seeing the surgeon and doing labs. How long will I be there? What questions should I ask?

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