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Posts posted by sassyfrass23

  1. Day 3: the pain is pretty intense. More than I was expecting. I know part of it is gas but the other is linked to my incisions and the rearrangement of my organs. Lol. It feels like I did a ridiculous ab workout. I was up at 4 am in some severe pain and I think I may have drank a little too much too fast. I got to experience sliming for the first time. Ick....

    I go in for a follow up today and may potentially receive an IV of fluids just as a precaution. I'm able to get my fluids in rather easily so far.

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  2. Everything went fantastic! I'm feeling much much better today although I just can't seem to wake up. So glad yours was a success @@choicemun !

    Also- I did so well on my preop diet and shrank my liver so much, he didn't even have to do a biopsy! He is very pleased with my mobility and efforts thus far so I will for sure be going home today! He told my family that he wished all of his patients were like me. That was comforting to hear.

    He did say that after getting inside of my abdomen, he noticed that I had a lot more "man fat" than normal and because of it, I was about 3-4 years away from something severe/detrimental occurring...such as a heart attack. The current discomfort I feel is worth it when knowing I literally just saved my own life.

    Thanks for checking up on me!! The positive vibe is contagious and greatly appreciated!

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  3. Everything went fantastic! I'm feeling much much better today although I just can't seem to wake up. So glad yours was a success @@choicemun !

    Also- I did so well on my preop diet and shrank my liver so much, he didn't even have to do a biopsy! He is very pleased with my mobility and efforts thus far so I will for sure be going home today! He told my family that he wished all of his patients were like me. That was comforting to hear.

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  4. In 12 sweet, short hours, I will finally be in the OR! My journey began in June of 2015 and there were a few times where I honestly couldn't foresee myself making it to this point. Especially when the 2 week preop diet began. But here I am!

    I do have a few concerns such as anesthesia, the pain afterwards, etc. As a 27 year old adult, I've been blessed by not having any surgeries or physically painful experiences. I just don't know what to expect but it's nothing that is causing any anxiety at this point.

    So, to all of the newbies who are just initiating this process, keep your head up and fight for your health. Follow the instructions of your surgeons and utilize this forum. There are a lot of wise folks on BP who have a ton to offer. Even if it's not always something you want to hear ;)

    Now....to my final question: WHO IS SAVING ME A SEAT ON THE LOSER'S BENCH???

    See you on the other side!

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  5. Thank you, @@Inner Surfer Girl ! Btw- I typically access BP from my phone, so I never get to see anyone's tickers. I just so happen to be on my laptop this evening and saw yours and was blown away! Your progress is awesome and inspiring. Congratulations on your hard work thus far! :)

    @@Daisee68 thank you so much!! I just made mental post it notes with your cheers! Tomorrow is going to be so busy for me, I honestly believe it is going to fly by and I won't even have time to think about the food. Hopefully!!!!

  6. @@Kindle I agree! However, my best friend just lost her father a few months ago. Part of me is hoping that her still being in the grieving process is the driving force behind her behavior. I'm going to play it out for a few months and see what evolves. She typically has a HUGE heart for what it's worth..Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

    I have no doubt her grief is still a major driving force of her actions and thoughts. Unfortunately there's really no "getting over" a major loss like hers. Grief can certainly change a person and yes, you are right for trying to give her the benefit of the doubt for now. She's struggling with her own stuff and that makes it hard for her to be there for you. I sure hope you both can get through your own struggles and come out friends on the other side.
    I walked in her shoes 4 years ago. I was a daddy's girl and I watched mine wither away before my eyes due to cancer. Once he passed, it took me forever to really feel "happy" again. And I recall seeing other people happy and almost becoming pissed about it. Grief is ugly, for sure...

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  7. @@VSGAnn2014 thank you for that information! I have done a little research and have a better understanding of this now. Deep down, a part of me fears that I've screwed up along the way and haven't allowed my liver to do what it needs to. The funny part?? I have followed this diet to a T with the exception of cheating the very first night for dinner. I know I've done great, but part of me is still waiting for something to occur and prevent the surgery from taking place. Paranoia much? It doesn't help that my surgeon has been known to enter patients only to pull right back out because their livers aren't up to his expectations. And at that point....the patient can't even defend themselves! Lol!

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  8. Sassyfrass23 I arrived late at this party but it seems you have your pre-op diet under control. I just wanted to tell you that I worked at a job for years and put in long hours, went in on Saturday, and worried when I went on vacation. The last year I worked there I had to take lorazepam to get through the day. My hair was falling out and I would feel physically sick on Sunday thinking about having to go in for Monday. Some days my hands shook so bad I had to sit on them. I finally realized that while the pay was great, my life wasn't. I started looking for another job and found one. The day I got the offer for my current job via email I sat in my cubicle and cried tears of joy. I took a small cut in pay, but it was worth it to get my life back. I know you've got a lot on your plate right now, but if work is truly that stressful for you now, it's probably not going to get better in the future...something to think about.

    With that being said....having the sleeve surgery was one of the best things I've done for myself other than switching jobs! I'm down over 100lbs and I feel great. Best of luck to you!

    Hey! It's funny that you mention the job change. I have actually been considering this but here's what I decided:

    I am going to have my surgery and allow my body a full 6ish months to recover. If after that point I continue to feel the way I do and can truly determine that my current emotions have nothing to do with my PCOS, then I will begin the job hunt. I'm all about improving every aspect of my life.

    I've already terminated a friendship with someone who was toxic to my marriage. He was my husband's best friend for years but has never been supportive of our relationship. He took the back seat in my husband's life when I came along and we got married (we dated for 6 months and we're married 6 months later on our 1 yr anniversary). That was a tough pill for this friend to swallow. Fast forward 8 years and we have someone who makes it a point to antagonize situations and wedge himself between us. My husband finally saw this and was able to see where my dislike stemmed from. He had to see it for himself before we could ever move forward.

    I quit smoking a few months ago. For the record- giving those up were much easier than the food I have had to let go of on this diet! Lol

    I don't want to better every area of my life and allow my career to continue dragging me down. I have so many plans for my future. I'm starting my life over in two days. And I'm ready to begin loving my life for the first time in a very...long....time!!!

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  9. I've had similar conversations with my BFF regarding mine. She has made it a point to skirt around the subject numerous times and just simply...shows zero interest in my big news. Granted- she hasn't been aggressive with her tone, but she's asked the "you're not going to change are you" question. Which is a valid question, I suppose?

    At one point when I first looked into WLS, she had the same insurance and was going to initiate the process as well. Then she started back to school and left her job and ended up with insurance that doesn't cover WLS. When she was contemplating coming back to work with me, I asked if she was going to consider the surgery again and she blatantly said no and offered no explanation. Not that she owes me one and it's her decision which I'll respect. But I sense a bit of jealousy from her. She has a good 200lbs to lose and i fear for her life. All i want is for her to live as long and as healthy as possible WITH me.

    So, I've tried to limit my surgery related conversations with her because of that. Granted...I don't like doing this and it bothers me. She's the one person I want to turn to regarding all of this...to share the excitement, nerves, fears, anxiety, etc....and I can't. But I hope that as she sees me lose weight and my health issues resign, maybe she will reconsider her decision. Maybe....

    I hate to hear what your friend has said and the very blunt statements. The lack of support is tough, but you've got us here at BP. I agree with what the others have said....this is on her and is definitely stemming from envy. Maybe she will eventually come around and start offering more support. And who knows, maybe you will inspire her to make changes to lose the weight she put back on.

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  10. I hate to hear the struggle you are experiencing with losing the extra pounds. But I do commend you for fessing up to your own contributions to the problem. I believe you will be able to lose the weight once you get back to your bariatric food guidelines! And not wanting to obsess over this and enjoy life is totally understandable! Good luck on your continued journey! :)

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  11. *This thread could potentially become TMI. Proceed at your own discretion...*

    Oooook! I'm on day 11 of my preop liquid diet! Ten days ago- I didn't think I'd make it. So I am THRILLED to say I've lasted this long. Only 4 short days until I'm in the OR and joining all of you on the other side. But before we get too far ahead, I need to know.....

    Did your BM's change when you were on the preop liquid diet? Mine consists of all liquids with the exception of oatmeal, grits, cottage cheese and yogurt. Everything else is either brother, cream (strained) Soups, SF Jell-O, Protein Drinks, Water and Decaf tea or coffee.< /p>

    I'm taking in AT LEAST 70 + oz of liquids a day.

    I figured the "liquids" would be flying through me, if you know what I mean. But it's quite the opposite. I've never had regular BM's and have dealt with Constipation regularly and this diet has thrown all of my pre-existing issues into a freakin' conniption. I honestly don't believe it's from dehydration but I suppose I could be wrong (which isn't a common occurrence :P kidding...) .

  12. I think I'm getting a little preview of the infamous stall...and I'm still preop. Whaaaa? Lol.

    I can't tell if I'm really in a stall or if my monthly visitor is the culprit. But the scale literally came to a hault. I'm not stressing it though.

    However, I do have one question...

    What shrinks your liver? Losing weight? Or just eating healthier/liquids only? If I'm worried about anything...it's that my weight loss stopping is going to prevent my liver from shrinking? I'm hoping that I just misunderstood how that works. Maybe...

    SIX DAYS! I received my arrival and surgery time while completing my preop testing yesterday. I am to report at 5:30 am on Tuesday and surgery will begin at 7:30. The first case of the day!

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

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