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Everything posted by melyssafaye

  1. melyssafaye

    3 Months, 60 lbs with Pics

    Thanks! I still have 60 lbs to my goal, but I know I'll get there. I'm so grateful for this surgery. I just wish I hadn't waited so long to do it.
  2. Hi Cynthia! I can't help but I do live in Elgin and wanted to say hi! I am 3 months post-op. Had my surgery in the city at UIC. My PCP is at VNA Health in Elgin. They have offices all over I think. I didn't really ask, just said that I wanted to do it and needed a referral. My high weight was 265, BMI 40.1. Good luck with your search!
  3. I'm a little over two months post op and for the past three weeks or so, I have been severely depressed. My SO and my adult daughter have both commented on it and all I want to do is lay in bed and cry. I have a therapist that I have been seeing for almost a year. While she is helpful, she doesn't quite get my struggle now. I don't think this is just typical depression. I wonder if it's some sort of chemical reaction from weight loss. The first month, I was energetic and happy. Now, I feel uncomfortable, don't want to do anything and hate the way I look when I see myself in the mirror. I'm irritable and gloomy. Is this normal? Has anyone else gone through this? Is this just about the lack of cake? Will taking an SRI help?
  4. Hi, I'm about 7 weeks post-op VSG. So far, things are going well, no complications. I've lost 52 lbs. yay! Anyway, I had septoplasty with a small bit of rhinoplasty two days ago. It was outpatient, but recovery really sucks. I think it hurts more than the sleeve did. Fortunately, they were able to do everything from the inside and not have to cut the skin from my face. However, my throat is raw, my mouth hurts and the packing and inner/outer splints make chewing and swallowing difficult. I haven't been eating much as a result. I manage to get in my fluids and about a tablespoon of steel cut oatmeal with Protein powder in. Today I tried to get down an ounce of shredded chicken, but felt miserable. I think also the post nasal drainage and antibiotics are making my little tummy feel off. I'm wondering if it's super important to keep eating or if just focusing on fluids in enough right now. Since the nose surgery, I'm losing 1.3 lbs a day. Seems a little high, but I just want to sleep and hope to feel better soon. Any advice?
  5. Thanks so much for the support. Today I tried drinking some of a premiere Protein shake. I only managed half, but better than nothing. I gave broth a try, but being not that far away from liquid phase, it's not something I wanted to go back to. Unfortunately, even the low sodium burns my throat and roof of mouth. I'll try again in a day or two. So far, chewing ice has been the best thing ever. The pain meds wear off before the next dose, but ice numbs things up. It sucks to not smell or taste. :-(
  6. It's always best to get it checked if you're worried. I'm 6 weeks out and last week had similar sounding pain under to cage. There was an area that hurt and was a little tender. It was due to internal healing. Stitches dissolve and nerves re-knit. I ended up taking some of my leftover pain meds and it went away in a couple days. Always check though, but if you dr says it is normal, just know you aren't alone. :-)
  7. melyssafaye

    Chicago suburbs?

    I'm in Elgin. I usually drive to Crystal Lake when I need to go to Walmart (rarely, but sometimes you gotta). I just like that one better.
  8. melyssafaye

    Peer to peer

    I had high blood pressure, but it wasn't being treated with meds. I did the sleep study and snore but no apnea. My managed care company didn't require comorbidites with BMI of 40 or over.
  9. melyssafaye

    Peer to peer

    I have Medicaid in Illinois as well. I went to UIC, which was in network for my managed care plan. I followed the requirements, did the 6 month supervised diet and had surgery on 3/31. There was no problem with approval so long as my BMI was over 40. The biggest thing I learned was that I had to follow every doctors instructions 100% and follow through, even when I may not have wanted to, because they will object if you are "non-compliant". Good luck and I hope you get approved after a peer-to-peer.
  10. melyssafaye

    Troubles with insurance

    It depends on what state you're in and who you have as your hmo provider.
  11. melyssafaye

    Why do people bash weight loss surgery?

    It's a huge injustice. My 70-something uncle, who lost his eye in Vietnam, recently lost his leg to diabetes. This is a medical problem and no one told him that wls could have helped him a few years ago. People are dying from obesity every day. When will we stop blaming and shaming them and look for medical Intervention. It's a huge injustice. My 70-something uncle, who lost his eye in Vietnam, recently lost his leg to diabetes. This is a medical problem and no one told him that wls could have helped him a few years ago. People are dying from obesity every day. When will we stop blaming and shaming them and look for medical Intervention.
  12. melyssafaye

    Why do people bash weight loss surgery?

    What kills me is the diet industry is forever bombarding us with ads for pills and devices that promise to shed the pounds with no dieting or exercise. They don't work, but for some reason that "easy way" is more acceptable than the presumed "easy way" of wls. ( which, of course, isn't easy at all). I think it goes back to the belief that obesity is a moral failing rather than a medical problem. Even addiction is more commonly understood as a medical issue. For some, the idea that people could overcome their moral weakness through surgery rather than willpower seems shameful. But, there is just too much wrong with that thinking to even begin to challenge it. People who are obese have negative reactions when their friends have wls because understanding it means accepting that being fat isn't a result of their own weakness or defect. Letting go of that self hatred long enough to consider medical help can be really, really hard.
  13. melyssafaye

    No Energy!

    I am just a little over a month out and have also lost 40lbs. At the end of week one, I felt fantastic and had tons of energy. This went on through week 4. Week 5, I felt sluggish and week 6, I could hardly convince myself to get out of bed. I am doing ok with Water and Protein and surprisingly, didn't hit the 3 week stall. Instead, I hit a wall of exhaustion. I don't know how to fix it, but be gentle with yourself. I just rested for days and now I'm beginning to feel more energetic. I think our bodies are just going through some stuff and need more resources to deal with the situation. Keep drinking...
  14. I'm a Southerner as well. Girl, the struggle is real. Most all of the food I love is a thing of the past. Grits, fried chicken and the love of my life, sweet tea. Sigh. Anyway, one thing I've found that gives me a lil taste of home is a sawmill gravy packet (the one you just add Water to) and Jimmy Dean Turkey sausage crumble. I put a small amount of the sausage in a Pyrex custard cup and top with about a Tbsp of gravy. The powder mix is actually not bad for carbs plus you only need a small amount anyway. Also, sweet tea with Truvia and all of the recipes at http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/p/links-resources.html?m=1 Shelly has AMAZING ideas for great food, plus check out the food and nutrition forum here at bariatric pal. I just tried the pumpkin pie cheesecake pudding. So yum!!!
  15. melyssafaye

    Gulping Not Sipping

    I had a hard time breaking the habit of gulping because it didn't cause pain at first. When I moved to solid foods, it began to make me feel uncomfortable because of the air. I sent my 23 yr old daughter to the store and she came back with a "my little pony" sippie cup. Best thing ever!!! I can take large-ish sips without unwanted air. I don't think gulping is bad but if you want to change, get a sippie cup. They are insulated and don't spill!
  16. melyssafaye

    Liquid diet dreams?

    I'm doing very well, thanks. The first couple of days post op really sucked. But it gets so much better every day. By the end of the first week, I felt mostly back to normal. Dealing with the new relationship with food was a bit of a mental struggle in ways I hadn't considered. Everything changes and for me, that was a little challenging. I never had buyers remorse and I would do it again without a second thought. It's truly a process and worth the hard work. The best things I did preop were buy a couple of sippie cups. (I had a hard time sipping not gulping. I would take three gulps and when the third one was in my mouth, the first one would hit my tummy) Gas X strips also were great. Kool aid water enhancer was a life saver. I love cherry and tropical punch. Also, I bought small plastic containers to divide food up. I bought wayyyyyyy too much soup and broth. Post op, a can of cream soup is like four or more meals. Good luck!! It's worth it!!!
  17. melyssafaye

    1st full day at home

    The first couple days are the worst. But it will get better so fast that you'll forget how bad it sucked. I'm only 4 weeks out, so I remember. Why are you trying not to take the pain meds? I was shameless about it for the first week. The hydrocodone made me loopy, but I didn't have anywhere to go and it made me a lot more comfortable. There's no trophy for being strong. But I know everyone has different views on narcotics. Keep your chin up!! It gets so much better in a day or two!!
  18. melyssafaye

    Liquid diet dreams?

    I know what you mean! I've been having crazy dreams since the preop liquid diet as well. I'm a month post-op and occasionally have night were I sleep deeply with no remembered dreams, but the majority of the time it's vivid dreams that cause me to toss and turn some. I'm not sure what causes this. All I can figure is my body is burning calories in a different way.
  19. Before surgery I would swear up and down that I didn't have a food addiction. That my issue wasn't really about overeating. I had maintained my weight at 235 (give or take 5lbs) for over 20 years. Sure, I gained while pregnant but quickly went right back to 235. I didn't drink soda or eat fast food. I ate dessert some times and occasionally grabbed a bag of m&ms but everyone does, right? After surgery I realized that I knew nothing about eating. I had been drinking a gallon of sweet tea a day (at least) with about 2 cups of sugar. That's almost 1700 calories right there. And while I didn't eat huge portions, I ate lots of carbs and few high Protein foods. A meal wasn't a meal without bread and I started each meal with a bite of bread. The m&ms "toll" in the grocery store line just enabled me to use food as a reward. Now, I look at mini ice cream bars that are low sugar and not a lot of carbs and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that while one wouldn't be awful, "I'll just have one occasionally" is a lie and it's more likely that half the box would be gone before I even made it home. So, I leave them in the frozen food section where they can be a gateway drug for someone else. Before surgery, someone calling me out on that would have been deeply offensive. My denial was way too deep to hear any of it. I guess my point is that we should have compassion because we are each on different places in our journeys.
  20. I had a drain for 6 days after surgery. My surgeon doesn't typically use drains but he said that I had an odd fat deposit above my gallbladder. He routinely checks it during surgery to see if it ought to come out. During that process, the area began to bleed more than he liked. He said it was just a genetic oddity thing and not a big deal. So he put in the drain to monitor the bleed and prevent bleeding into abdomen. It was annoying and the main source of my hurting after surgery. Having it removed made me feel a hundred times better.
  21. melyssafaye

    Leading up to my death?

    My best friend died about 7 moths after RNY. It still isn't clear the exact cause but I believe that it was partly due to alcohol and drugs. She moved out of state right before surgery so I wasn't there all the time, but prior to surgery she had some serious alcohol issues that she was in denial about and also used a lot of recreational drugs. Before she died, she was having trouble regulating her blood sugar due to drinking so much at night. I still miss her all the time. When I went into surgery, it was on my mind but I just figured that if it was time to punch my card, dying while under anesthesia wouldn't be a bad way to go, all things considered. I could think of a lot worse scenarios. I trusted my team and told those I love that I loved them and reassured them that I was in good hands. I have made a firm commitment to do everything my surgeon tells me to do, even when I think I know better or when it's hard. I selected him because I believed he was the best and getting out of my own way and doing the work is what will make all the difference.
  22. I am 3 weeks post-op and on soft foods. I have been cleared to eat meat as long as I chew well. I am struggling with Breakfast. Protein shakes are very heavy on my morning tummy and don't sit very well until the late afternoon. Also, my tummy doesn't like eggs just yet. I'm hoping that will improve as time goes on because I love eggs and egg included things like quiche, custard, and so on. To make things more complicated I DESPISE Greek yougurt, regular yougurt, and cottage cheese. I wondered if anyone had any non-egg or shake breakfast ideas.
  23. melyssafaye

    Looking for Breakfast Ideas

    Thanks for all the great ideas. @@Cervidae I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I can't stand even frozen yogurt. Too much yogurt taste. Greek is the worst! It smells almost as bad as it tastes. I've tried fried eggs, poached, mayo and custard all were a no go. It's frustrating because I love eggs and my baked custard recipe is high protein/low carb and yummy. @@Cape Crooner. I'll try that. Maybe egg beaters will agree with my tummy. @@2goldengirl I haven't tried boiled. Here's hoping! @@Sophie74656 I've seen protein pancakes as well but I wonder what to put on them. I can't imagine maple syrup is allowed.
  24. http://www.americanshapewear.com/cart/RAGO-Style-6209-High-Waist-Leg-Shaper-Firm-Shaping.html?gclid=CP6z8736qswCFZeEaQodaM4OzQ That's the kind of girdle I'm talking about.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
