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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sleepyjean

  1. sleepyjean

    May 2006 Band Crew

    I'm 266 and want to lose 130 pounds. My God, that seems like a lot! Had a bit of a scare this week. First, my white blood cell count was high. They said if if didn't come down, they might have to cancel my surgery. Then they said the hospital would not let me leave by myself (I plan to take a cab) and they might not operate. I spent the past 24 hours totally freaking out about all of that, wondering what the hell I was going to do if they made me reschedule. Luckily everything came out okay. All systems are go for Monday @. 7:45 am, baby!
  2. sleepyjean

    Daily Vitamin Question

    If I can get away with it, I'm going back to my regular Vitamins as soon as possible. Has anyone else noticed - chewable and liquid vitamins don't have as many vitamins and minerals in them as regular vitamins. The label on the liquid Centrum bottle is about half the size as the label on the regular centrum, and the viactive vitamins don't have much compared to centrum. Why is that, I wonder? My PCP told me to stop taking my vitamins, Calcium, Iron, and Biotin supplements until after the surgery. I guess it's no big deal, but I have this horrible feeling that if I don't take the biotin every day, every last hair will fall off my head - and I don't have thick hair to begin with!
  3. I heard a weight watchers commercial on the radio this morning. It's almost swimsuit season so they're offering free registration. Seems like most dieters get back on the wagon twice a year - right about now, and of course in January. It made me wonder if there is a band season as well. Do more people get banded in January and the spring than other times of the year? I thought I'd take a little poll and find out.
  4. sleepyjean

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks Tracy <font size=5>8 more days! AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!</font> whew. Had to get that off my chest.
  5. sleepyjean

    I'm Excited!

  6. sleepyjean

    Daily Vitamin Question

    Any pills you swallow will need to be smaller than a pencil eraser or else chewable. You can also cut the pills in half (if they aren't an extended release formula). Lots of people switch to liquid or chewable vitamins and other supplements.
  7. sleepyjean

    Question about pee color (sorry)

    I agree, you can't drink too much Water. You'd have to drink gallons and gallons in one day to hurt yourself, but I don't even think that's humanly possibly. The lighter the color, the more hydrated you are. The darker the color, the less hydrated you are. That's why it tends to start out a bit darker in the morning and get lighter as you drink water throughout the day. The color doesn't have anything to do with fat metabolism.
  8. sleepyjean

    Alcohol ---> vomitting

    My immediate thought after reading that post was “just don’t drink so much that it makes you sick, then you won’t need to worry about throwing up.” But it has me wondering…is drinking a lot of alcohol like overeating? Is it a compulsive thing that you have to fight to control? Is telling someone not to drink as useless as telling a binge eater not to eat? I’m sure it’s obvious that I am not a drinker, but this is something I have wondered about. What is it about alcohol that makes people drink to excess, knowing that it will ultimately make them feel like hell? Is it a comfort thing? Does it just feel really good? Or is it that you really really like the taste and it’s a treat you allow yourself? I hope everyone doesn’t jump on me for this. I’m not trying to say that drinking is bad or wrong. It’s just something I’m totally unfamiliar with, so I’m curious...
  9. I had a whole rant about this, but I just erased it. I’m getting down off my soapbox, but before I do, I just want to say that I agree with the author. I’m getting really sick of legislation designed to save us from ourselves. I think it not only limits our freedoms, but it says two other things: A)we aren’t smart enough or responsible enough to take care of ourselves. the good news is, we don’t have to be. We can blame our troubles on “the industry” and conveniently overlook the fact that ultimately WE are the ones who decide what goes into our mouths.
  10. sleepyjean

    Band "season" ?

    That's ridiculous. I wonder if people have to go through all of this for surgery that can't wait a whole year?
  11. sleepyjean

    Carb cravings - help!

    I didn't know that. I would've assumed they wouldn't go down easy. Hmm...learn something new every day around here.
  12. sleepyjean

    UHC Won't Cover My Surgery

    Exactly right. Get a copy of the policy so you can read the terms for yourself then you'll have more to base your argument on. Do you remember who it was who told you before that the surgery was covered?
  13. sleepyjean

    So - what's your status?

    Wow, I'm surprised how many are married! For all of you who are happily married, I didn't mean to leave you out. I just added the "happily" in front of single to distinguish between those who are single and like being single vs those who are single but looking for someone.
  14. sleepyjean

    10 days and feeling emotional

    I'm two weeks away and I feel the exact same way.
  15. sleepyjean

    Preop Nurse Discouraging the Band

    I think that no matter how you are trying to lose weight, somebody out there thinks you're doing it the wrong way. You know what they say about opinions...
  16. sleepyjean

    Not usual insurance question

    Go ahead and do it. She probably never gets a thankyou and it will give her lots of smiles
  17. sleepyjean

    Time flies when your having fun?

    Hey, I'm in the exact same boat - boy do I know how you feel! I scheduled my surgery 6 weeks in advance and now all of a sudden, only 2 weeks left. EEEEK! I've got the butterflies too. I never doubted my decision to do this, but the closer it gets, the more scared I am that I am the one person in the universe the procedure will have no effect on.
  18. sleepyjean

    half way to goal!

    <p align="center"><a href="http://www.mynicespace.com/"><img src="http://i.mynicespace.com/6/614.gif" border="0"><br /><font size="1">Image code by MyNiceSpace.com</font></a></p>
  19. sleepyjean

    I forgot the most important thing

    I took mine a couple of weekends ago and it was SO depressing. They're in my digital camera and I refuse to look at them until I've lost at least 50 lbs. However, for those taking photos, make sure to get a good before photo of your face, not just your body full length. It's amazing how different you will look after the weight is gone.
  20. sleepyjean

    I can't stop shopping!

    There are few thrills like the first time you are able to walk into a "regular" store, take something off the rack, put it on and have it actually fit. (Except for the second time you do it. And the third. And the fourth...) The last time I lost a lot of weight, I bought a bunch of stuff, but I learned that for me it's better to limit those kinds of purchases because when the time came to wear them, they still didn't fit right. My "new" body wasn't proportioned quite the way I thought it would be. At 5'7" and 140 pounds, I still had a 32 inch waist and was praying every night for my boobs to shrink to a B cup. It was frustrating that I had all these clothes that I couldn't wear because they just didn't look right. And after years of looking sloppy and wearing outfits from Omar the Tentmaker, it was all of a sudden important to me to look good in my clothes. Go figure. :Banane04:
  21. sleepyjean

    Grand total price 51,896.40! Ouch!

    That's pretty disgusting. Self-pay is less than half of that.
  22. sleepyjean

    Picking a new insurance carrier

    Has your employer given you some options?
  23. sleepyjean

    What size do you want to be?

    size 8. No double digits or ANYTHING with the word "large" on the tag.
  24. Wow, that is a very specific meal plan!
  25. That post about the last minute pre-surgery freak out got me thinking. It's something that most of us have gone through or will go through. You wonder if you made the right decision, if you should back out now, if you might die, if maybe you haven't <b>*really*</b> tried hard enough to lose weight on your own. When I have those moments, I think of my "little goodbyes" - saying sayonara to all of those tiny little things that happen every single day to make life as an obese person so difficult and so very painful. We all know that losing weight will make us healthier, live longer, and resolve some of our health issues, and those things are important. But it's those <b><u>little</b></u> things that help keep you going day after day. I thought it would be fun if we had an LBT little goodbyes thread. We can all help each other remember <b>exactly</b> why we're doing this. I'm saying goodbye to... ...back pain I get whenever I walk for more than ten minutes ...sweating in public while people around me are nice and cool ...shopping at Lane Bryant ...inner-thigh chafing that sometimes gets so bad that I can't walk ...parking in a tight space and then struggling to get out of my car <font color=red> <b>What are<u> your</u> little goodbyes?</b> </font>

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
