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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sleepyjean

  1. I'm not far enough along to answer the question, but I've had that happen to me when I've lost weight in the past. It's kind of sad.
  2. I have an old Tanita scale. It seems to measure my weight consistently. However it also measures bodyfat and that number varies all over the place. I'm thinking of buying a new scale and am wondering if anyone has a really good one?
  3. sleepyjean

    Anyone close to goal

    there's no reason why you can't put the brakes on if you're comfortable where you are. You can always decide later if you want to lose more.
  4. Is it possible to weigh accurately on carpet?
  5. When I first started pursuing the band, I had Healthnet insurance. Then in January I had to switch to Blue Cross. Healthnet was a major pain, but Blue Cross has been an absolute dream to deal with. But neither company required a doctor-supervised diet. (And at that point I had no medical history whatsoever. Last time I had a physical was 10+ years ago.) I'm sure the lady you spoke to is right, but it never hurts to do your own research. If I were you, I'd call your insurance co. directly and find out exactly what their policy/requirements are and what you are covered for. Get them to fax or mail it to you in writing if possible. It's important to know what is required by your insurance company vs. what is required by that particular lap band program. I've read too many stories here about people who met all of their requirements and were ready to schedule the surgery, only to be met with even more obstacles and hurdles to jump.
  6. sleepyjean

    Oprah backs out of lapband surgery

    Here's what I think is interesting - and it's actually *real* news from last week: Oprah is writing a diet book. Yes another one. She won't call it a diet book, but it's about weight control and how to have a "healthy body." Same difference. A friend emailed this excerpt to me. Not sure where it comes from, but it pretty much says it all: <i>Wanna buy a miracle diet book? Wanna know the weight-loss secrets of one of the 20th century's most infamously unsuccessful yoyo dieters? A woman whose struggle with the scales is legendary, despite the billions of dollars she has to fund personal chefs, trainers and dietary advisers? This week, infotainment juggernaut Oprah Winfrey received the biggest advance for a non-fiction book in publishing history. In diet terms, she is the biggest winner. The book, which Oprah will co-write with her weight-loss guru and personal trainer Bob Greene, reportedly trumped the $16 million advance paid for the memoirs of former US president and cigar aficionado Bill Clinton.</i> I don't spend much time thinking about Oprah. From what I read, she is motivated by wanting to help people (which doesn't mean she never has a diva moment.) I've never heard anything about Oprah being a hypocrite, but this book is the biggest act of hypocricy I've ever seen. Lose the weight, and keep it off for at least five years. <i>Then</i> you can start giving advice to other people. Writing one now is like a chain smoker giving other people advice on how to kick the habit. She'll make herself look foolish.
  7. sleepyjean

    Self pay, how much?

    I got the bill from the hospital last week. I only had to pay a co-pay, but I saw that the insurance company had been billed for almost $50,000! Clearly it doesn't cost that much. All of your posts prove that. It makes me a bit sick to contemplate the greed behind that 400% markup! I think it's great that you are able to have the surgery done for so much less.
  8. sleepyjean

    Cruise Pics - WAY more fun skinnier!

    You look great! Who's tall, dark and handsome in the photos with you?
  9. sleepyjean

    What's so good about Krispy Kremes?

    I love Krispy Kremes. Somebody always brings Krispy Kremes for the office on Fridays and I have to convince myself that they aren't there. They are light and airy and VERY sweet. The thing is, with Krispy Kremes, you eat one and then you want another. But halfway through the second one, you start to think maybe that wasn't such a good idea. I can't have bread for six months after surgery and I guess that includes donuts. It's a good thing, I guess, since Krispy Kremes are my kryptonite.
  10. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm going on my merry little way right now and I'm doing just fine. So far, no one has noticed my weight loss and to tell you the truth neither have I! That works just fine for me. But I am absolutely dreading the day when someone asks me if I've lost weight. Then they always want to know how you did it, and then they tell someone else, and pretty soon it's all over the office. In the past, this is where I've always gotten into trouble and regained the weight. I don't like being discussed. I hate being the center of attention. I got a shrink to help me through this period in my life, but honestly, I'm afraid I'll freak out just like I have in the past and start sucking down milkshakes like they're going out of style!
  11. That is totally awesome. :high5:I'm going to use it! Accompanied by an appropriately pious expression, of course. It's perfect because everyone knows that if I don't want to answer questions about my personal life, I usually make up something outrageous. Example - had to take a couple of days off work last year. When a few people pressed me to find out where I had been, I told them I was with a dive crew, searching for the lost city of Atlantis.:laugh
  12. sleepyjean

    Is it true about catherder

    I didn't have a catheter, thank goodness. I must say though, it was weird peeing in a cup so they could measure fluids going in vs. fluids coming out.
  13. I don't think I'll hate my boobs when I've lost the weight. No matter what, they'll be smaller than they are now - THANK GOD. But if they don't shrink <b>enough</b>, then yeah...I'll be disappointed. I won't lie. Anything over a C cup will really bum me out. Sagginess I don't care about so much. The only one looking at me naked is me, so all I'll need is the right bra and I'll be good to go.
  14. sleepyjean

    Ive got a surgery date but.........

    JulieK, I was just looking at your signature. 104 pound down? That is freaking AWESOME! You go girl!
  15. sleepyjean

    Ive got a surgery date but.........

    I was determined to have this surgery almost from the moment I first heard about it. Even so, when I actually scheduled the date, all of a sudden it was REAL. As soon as I got ins. approval, they wanted to do the surgery the next week. The next few days I had quite a few moments of "Oh dear Lord, what am I doing?" Actually, because my PCP couldn't see me for 5 weeks after my insurance approval, I had over a month to think about this surgery. It was a very emotional time. I was afraid, then I was giddy, then I was serene, and for the last week or so, I was really sad. I was initially angry when I found out I'd have to wait so long. Now that I am on the other side, I'm actually glad that I had that time to get used to the idea. I was surprised to discover that after living <b>without</b> hope for such a long time, it was difficult to learn how to live <b>with</b> hope. It was difficult to process the fact that for once the odds would be in my favor - that I was more likely to get hit by a flaming meteor than NOT lose weight. This whole process is a real head trip. Hang in there. Just think about what's on the other side!
  16. sleepyjean

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Holy cow - that has to be at least 100 people! In my next life, I'm coming back as a bariatric surgeon! Random thought: I asked my doc if he sees more traffic at certain times of the year than other times. He said he gets a lot more patients when summer approaches. Maybe we're part of that!
  17. sleepyjean

    drugs? needles? info please.

    I had a heprin injection before surgery. They sent me home with a prescription for Lortab, but that was all I had for pain and I only took it at night so I could sleep.
  18. sleepyjean

    Have disappointed your fans?

    This comes under the "easier said than done" category, but... You're putting all this energy into wondering why she's being snarky. Maybe she doesn't know it's bugging you. Maybe she's just concerned. Or maybe she's doing it because she knows it bothers you. Or because it makes herself feel better. Or because she's just evil like that. Whatever it is, it's not going to stop all by itself. I think writing her off when you've got this many questions in your head is a bad idea. Why not find out the answers? Next time she makes one of her comments, look her dead in the eye say "look, I'm struggling. This is <b>hard</b> for me and your comments are making it even harder. I don't know if you are trying to support me or trying to hurt my feelings. Lately, it seems more like you're trying to hurt my feelings. What's going on?" Her response to that question will tell you all that you need to know. She'll either 1. be apologetic and change her ways 2. pretend like she's apologetic but <b>not</b> change her ways 3. get angry/defensive If it's anything but #1, you'll know it's time to kick her to the curb and you won't have to spent one more minute of your life worrying about her or wondering if you should've given her the benefit of the doubt.
  19. Today is my first day on slush and mush. I was sitting here eating some canned tuna. I eat it with my fingers (which I'm sure will gross many of you out) I put it in my mouth a pinch at a time. Without thinking, I took a swig of crystal lite and HELLO! Now I know what sliming is. A few minutes later, that food came right back up for another look. Ugh. I keep reading on here about people who get banded yet continue to eat like there's no restriction at all. I've read about some who have even gained weight before their first adjustment because they are still eating "regular" food. I am now convinced that my doctor is a big fat liar. I think he filled my band right up to the tippy top. I just don't think it's normal to PB when you don't even have a fill. Good grief!
  20. sleepyjean

    My surgeon is a big fat liar!

    Thanks everyone. I gave the rest of the tuna to my cat. It'll be a while before I go there again!
  21. sleepyjean

    April Bandits 2006 May talk

    you're right, Miper70. Totally wrong thread. :doh:
  22. sleepyjean

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Less than a month to go. Congrats!
  23. sleepyjean

    May 2006 Band Crew

    The protein powder is a supplement you take during those weeks/months right after surgery when you can't eat solid food. It's very difficult to take in enough protein on a liquid diet without that supplement. I'm surprised he would tell you not to do protein supplements at all. I'm even more surprised that he'd tell you to eat beef. From what I understand, a lot of bandsters have trouble with beef.
  24. So, tell me, which one of these taste sensations is your new favorite?
  25. I've lost just over ten pounds. If I were only 10-20 pounds overweight, I'd be jumping up and down. But since I'm 120 pounds overweight, ten is no big deal. I figure it'll be at least 50 pounds before I can really tell a difference. For those who've lost gobs of weight already - how far along were you when you began to see the difference in your mirror?

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