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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by s0rda

  1. You are doing great with your weight loss!!!! Much better than I!!! I think your husband is right!!! besides I think a constant even loosing is best. I had a great day today!! Was able to walk farther & not as tired or a head ache! You go girl!!

    Thank you. As much as I don't want to admit it I think my husband is right lol. I'm glad you had a great day

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  2. Hey everyone I had my 3 week follow up today, my surgeon was so happy with my numbers today. I have lost 20 pounds since my surgery date and finally had my staples removed (ouch). Incision sites are a little sore but he says I'm healing beautifully. I was bummed out when I seen I had only lost 20 pounds but seeing how happy the surgeon was made me rethink my mentality. My husband says I'm too hard on myself. Maybe I am. All I know is I'm happy if the surgeon is happy. Only bad part about the appt was I'm still in the liquid phase for another 2 weeks but after today I know if I can do it for 3 weeks, I can do another 2.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, and for anyone who had a follow up today I hope it was great!

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  3. Ugh...super super super bad day...work was horrible...hurting tonight. ..not getting my Protein and Water in. Scared to death I am going to end up malnourished and dehydrated. Hormones all over the place...could cry on command...just needed to vent...love you guys...going to bed

    I'm having a bad day today too!! Didn''t get enough water & protein in yesterday, so headache & no energy today! Trying to make up for it today but it isn't easy! Sending you hugs & hopefully tomorrow will be better!
    I had my first headache today. It was horrible. Hope you feel better.

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  4. Ugh...super super super bad day...work was horrible...hurting tonight. ..not getting my Protein and Water in. Scared to death I am going to end up malnourished and dehydrated. Hormones all over the place...could cry on command...just needed to vent...love you guys...going to bed

    I've been moody today too. Just cry you might feel better. I just try to remember the emotions are going to pass and later or tomorrow will be a new day to start fresh. Everyday is going to be different and we are going to have some hard days mine was yesterday I was so moody and mean but I had reason I hadn't eaten anything in 8 hours. Just know you're not alone! Hope later is better

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  5. Okay everyone, I have a question. I am 3 weeks post op tomorrow and sometimes when I move or turn over in bed my incisions feel like they are pulling. It is not really painful nut definitely not comfortable. Is anyone else feeling this and when does it start to go away? Also at the end of a more active day, my incisions feel a little achy.

    I was getting the pulling sensation maybe 4 or 5 days post op I'm 3 weeks post op today and haven't had the pulling sensation in 2 day. I think it may be the way we get up. My incisions got achy after a productive day I think it's from all the movement.

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  6. Are either of you tracking your food/exercise progress on MyFitnessPal?

    I track but not on myfitnesspal I would love exercise tips though! I usually use the treadmill at the gym at an incline fast walking. I've tried a few different machines to work my legs but that's it

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  7. @ I was sleeved 8 days ago so you are a little bit ahead of me but I am also looking for a friend/buddy throught my WLS journey. I would be down to chat anytime about food plans, surgery feelings, struggles, reaching milestones etc.

    Great me too. I think a buddy is great. Do you have a Facebook or anything like that?

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  8. Has anyone tried juice plus is it good or a waste of money the capsules or the chewables

    I haven't tried juice but I have tried the chewables from Bariatric Advantage they are these gigantic chalky chews and I don't really care for them. The capsules from bariatric advantage are a lil big but you are able to swallow them. I prefer the capsule because the chewable is really chalky and not too great in the flavor department. Hope this helped. My surgeon's office gave me a sample of the chewable before I bought any Vitamins

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  9. I'm amazed by people returning to work so quickly! I'm Canadian and we get 4-6 weeks off after this surgery and my surgeon recommended taking the 6 weeks! And some of you are returning 13 days after surgery?! I think I would be panicking were that the case for me. It seems so soon!

    I'm happy to hear that everyone is managing okay though. It can't be easy. None of my co-workers know about the type of surgery I'm having so I'm hoping to return eating puréed and introducing solids at the very least. I told everyone I started a diet in September so any weight loss wouldn't necessarily be attributed to my time off and the surgery.

    I respect those who share but for me this is a very private journey. I hope I'm able to keep it that way.

    I understand completely about being private only a few people know about my surgery, most of my family doesn't know and that's how I prefer to have it. I went back to school 3 days post op. It's hard but do-able. Best of luck on your recovery

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

    Only my husband knows so I'm with you on keeping it quiet. :)

    And I had surgery on October 19th and I'm needing to take naps still. I get very tired. It's great you're able to return to school 3 days post-op. I hope you're finding time to rest too. If these posts have taught me anything about this process, it's that recovery is unique to each person. I suppose the best we all can do is learn to listen to our bodies. I know I never used to, which is part of the reason I needed bypass in the first place.

    I'm so excited for this journey now though. I'm amazed at how much happier I feel already!

    When I first came home I had pain but it was manageable. The downfall for me was emotions. I would cry over small things and I just couldn't understand it because I'm not a crier. I think after surgery my body just felt vulnerable and I had to learn how to cope with that. I'm better now but I think being on shakes only has really tested the little bit of patience I do have. But I just try to see the silver lining in all of this and remember this is only temporary and I wanted this. The journey and all the obstacles I endure now will just benefit and reward me later.

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  10. I'm amazed by people returning to work so quickly! I'm Canadian and we get 4-6 weeks off after this surgery and my surgeon recommended taking the 6 weeks! And some of you are returning 13 days after surgery?! I think I would be panicking were that the case for me. It seems so soon!

    I'm happy to hear that everyone is managing okay though. It can't be easy. None of my co-workers know about the type of surgery I'm having so I'm hoping to return eating puréed and introducing solids at the very least. I told everyone I started a diet in September so any weight loss wouldn't necessarily be attributed to my time off and the surgery.

    I respect those who share but for me this is a very private journey. I hope I'm able to keep it that way.

    I understand completely about being private only a few people know about my surgery, most of my family doesn't know and that's how I prefer to have it. I went back to school 3 days post op. It's hard but do-able. Best of luck on your recovery

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  11. I think that is a great weight loss. Great job. Keep it up.

    I am also 12 days post-op and I seem to be losing 1 lb. every two days now which is fine with me.

    I know a stall is looming. But since June I have lost 40 lbs., so I am ok with slow and steady.

    Thank you.

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  12. I'm 12 days post op and had my first weigh in since surgery on Saturday 10/17 (10 days post op) and I'm down 14lbs. I wasn't happy at first but I realize that I need to learn to appreciate any weight loss and need to quit letting the scale intimidate me or make me feel bad.

    I am more than a number and that number does not define me!

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

  13. @@irishaggie LOL I know exactly what you mean. I have equated this with pregnancy at times too. Even holding my stomach because of the gas pains.

    Well I just had my first non Protein Drink meal.. Kevin made me get out and go to the grocery with him. While there I found LaMadeline to motor basil Soup in a jar. OMG . I finally felt my "full" . I never thought I would. About ounces did it. I am so excited..I now know what my full feels like. And it feels great!!

    I'm so glad your first full feeling was positive. I had my first full feeling last Sunday but it quickly shifted to over full and I felt sick to my stomache for over an hour. Now when I get close to full I stop and wait to see if my body needs to catch up and tell me I'm full. At this point satisfied is a way better feeling than overfilled lol.

    Sent from my SM-N915P using Tapatalk

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
