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Posts posted by heather5565

  1. the only crazy thing I tried was that prescription that kept you from absorbing all the fat you ate. It had very unpleasant side effects, and was certainly good at behavior modification. Unfortunately it did not do a thing about sugar, which is the real problem

    Oh god!!! I forgot about that one!

    Yep tried that one too.

    That one was the most disgusting one EVER

    So gross

    Like seriously... sooooo groooooosssss

    Just think everyone. .. all of this reminiscing about shit diets that don't work... we will never have to do them again! Or spend anymore money on said shit diets!!!

    We are all doing it a healthy way and have tools to keep it off!!!

    Go us :)

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  2. While most of my NSV's were at about 1-1.5 years post-op, this week I realized that I think I can add another one to the list. After having finished plastics I developed a love of shopping- clothing, shoes, purses, belts, scarves- I love my closet. While I have always really liked shoes and purses, when I was fat I was allowed a nice designer bag to carry daily, but not expensive bags for special outfits because why bother accessorizing if in the end it's just all lipstick on a pig? So...since having had all of my extra skin and fat cut off, suddenly I can wear clothing that is very formfitting in small sizes, and I can feel fabulous. I can wear skinny belts and wide belts and high-waist skirts with tucked in shirts and sheath dresses and all kinds of things that I never considered before, which is probably one of my favorite results of surgery. At any rate...all of that is awesome except I'm short and I have big fake boobs, which are two things that have made some outfits a little tricky.

    So...my NSV is that I found a tailor! For a small amount of money someone can make all of my skirts, dresses, and pants, the right length AND all of my suit jackets which I have to order two sizes larger than I am because of my bust, can be taken in at the sides so they actually fit! Before losing weight I would have never spent money on having clothing altered- why bother, I'm still fat, was my logic. Now though, not only am I comfortable spending money on clothing that is brightly colored, fitted, and stylish, but I can take it all to a tailor who can make it custom fit me and I don't feel guilty about the price.

    It probably sounds silly to be this excited about having a tailor, but I am jubilant. I have maintained at goal for almost a year (my goal weight anniversary is April 1) and I not only have a closet full of clothing that makes me feel confident and attractive, but I don't feel remotely stupid or self-indulgent for spending extra to have it all tailored to fit me well. Most days this far out from surgery I only think about my sleeve when I'm puking something I shouldn't have eaten, but some days like today I look back 2.5 years ago and I see a miserable girl who was so ashamed of what she looked like that she wore dark clothes, flat shoes, never wore makeup or jewelry, and felt worthless. She never would have imagined that 2.5 years into the future that same girl would be having her size 0 skirts altered and her size 4 jackets tailored because her hips and waist are small and her chest is big. Maybe I'm feeling irrationally emotional today, but I feel very grateful for this surgery at the moment and I don't often post new topics, but maybe someone like who I was 2.5 years ago will see this and realize that all of the misery of surgery is worth every single second of it in the end.

    This is an incredibly amazing, emotional, inspiring, and everything else kind of story!

    Just awesome

    Thank you for sharing ????????

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  3. I think that hormone drop, 500 calorie starvation diet. I lost about 30 in a month before going nuts. I believe I set some kind of regain record...all back in3 weeks and another 10 eventually found me !

    That diet was promoted to me by a naturopath..I lost a little faith in t h em as a result. It was sheer misery.

    My craziest one too.

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  4. I treated myself to 4 new bra's today!

    I was told like a month or more so ago that I am "too small" to shop at Pennington's anymore but then just haven't gone to a regular sized store yet to get them.. but today I did!

    So pretty!

    Kinda sexy too! Heehee

    Deeeeeesperately needed new bra's!

    That's the only clothing item that I have not bought since starting this journey. So imagine me wearing the same bra I was wearing 81 pounds ago.

    Gross thought, I know. haha

    I donated a sh*t ton of clothing yesterday and then bought a few items from a consignment boutique as a treat.

    I like treats.

    Treats are fun.


    Another treat I'm going to "splurge" on is ordering a special handle bar to attach to my road bike. I can't wait to use my road bike as a way smaller and healthier Heather!

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using the BariatricPal App

  5. Thank you everyone for the feedback and information. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to get the ball rolling on what is causing this issue. The past two days have been fine, and have had no stomach problems. This could actually be unrelated to my bypass, but when ever I have any kind of stomach issues, that's typically my first go to when looking for the cause.

    Keeps us posted on what the doc thinks

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using BariatricPal

  6. Yikes!

    That does sound scary!

    OK so I'm only 5 months out but recently I have had some stomach pains and I originally thought it was a leak or a stricture or my gallbladder.

    No leak

    No stricture

    Gallbladder all good.

    BUT my doctor prescribed me Pantoprazole (or Tecta) - it's for acid reflux. Ironically, I was on this medication for years pre surgery and I actually chose the RNY because it's supposed to cure acid reflux (or GERD) instantly.

    Anyways as soon as I took my first pill that night the pains went away and haven't returned.

    Weird, right?

    I'll describe my stomach pains:

    Feeling very bloated & it was a twisting like sharp pain right around my umbilicus.

    Maybe you've developed Reflux?

    Maybe you have gallstones?

  7. I too track every bite I take on MFP :)

    If you want to be my mfp friend I'm HeatherKNelson

    Or heather5565@gmail.com

    Maybe I have to eat less.

    I don't think I'm really eating a lot haha

    I measure everything.

    I do have a Protein drink ever single day for Breakfast with .5 cup of milk. I am only doing that to for sure get my Protein in.

    I do notice that is where almost half of my daily calories go to tho... so maybe I'll have to cut back on that somehow.

    Many thanks to you both :)

  8. Hi all,

    I am just about to hit the 5 month post op RNY and I am asking advice on how many calories I should be at by this month.

    I've been trying to stay around 700 calories but I have noticed in the last month or so that this is increasingly difficult. I am hitting more like 800-950. I can't seem to stay around 700 anymore.

    What do you think I should be at or around? Where were you at 5 months out?

    I have noticed a slight decrease in the speed of weight loss since I've been eating 100-200 more calories a day but it is so hard to stay at or around 700 nowadays!


    Another question: when did you start increasing your calories?

    Can you give me a little bit of a play-by-play of how many calories you consumed daily for each month out please

    I am interested in seeing what everyone's responses are to this.

    I have no idea if I'm eating too much, too little or just right at this stage :)

    I do workout regularily if this means anything

    More info on moi: RNY surgery Sept 21, 2015

    total loss to date: 74.4 lbs

    any ideas, advice, suggestions etc is much appreciated

    Thanks in advance


  9. Le freak by chic???????????? yes I agree with the rudeness,but I don't see it as much here. I recently left a Facebook group, after being attacked over some parsnips chips I wanted to serve at my daughters birthday party in order to feel like everyone else dipping my chips in some salsa, I was ripped a new one over parsnips.. Who would've thought? BTW 2gm carbs 1sugar and 3gm of Protein, & they tasted great!! I was so upset I erased the pic I took of them, what a shame.


    This sound good!

    So How'd you make them...? Bake them?

  10. I totally missed that one, too. Bummer. I thought the OP was talking about the classy hushxpuppyx in the stretched sleeve thread.

    There's an ongoing "Marijuana and Life after Bariatric Surgery" thread that hasn't gotten volatile, so I guess the deleted thread was all about a particular participant rather than the subject.

    I was kinda thinking it was stretched sleeve too.

  11. Isn't it something like 80% of people gain the weight that they lost, back?

    Maybe it's even 90%...

    Either way - I know it's a small percentage of people that keep it off by doing it the "natural" way.

    So most likely your sister will gain it back, or at least some/most of it. The odds are kinda against her.

    So when (or if) that happens, you'll still be small, healthy and happy.

    Who knows, maybe then she will look into surgery!

    You didn't waste years with yet another yo-yo.

    You are smart to nip this in the bud now.. why wait?

    I wish I did my WLS in my 20's, it would've saved me many years of being uncomfortable in my own skin, being ashamed, humiliation, pain, and who knows what else!

    You're doing what's right for YOU and your future self and health. Doesnt it make more sense to do it now verses years down the road when you're way older and lost out on so much stuff due to your weight?

    At least now you don't (or may not) have weight related issues.... yet.... why wait until you develop these issues and then deal with your weight?!

    Think of all the misery and money you're gonna save by not getting obesity related health problems!

    This is a very responsible grown up decision, a decision a 27 year old is very capable of making!

    Good for you and good luck to you!

  12. You know, if people lose the weight on their own, then power to them. Awesome. It takes commitment and sacrifice and dedication. I truly admire that. Unfortunately, not always, but in most cases those people gain it back. How many times do we see on this forum statements like: "I lost a 100 pounds and gained all back, and then some." They get stuck in that yo-yo dieting--a life of gaining and losing. Which is horrible for our bodies, metabolism and quality of life. Again, for those who take it off, completely change their life style and keep it off, I am in awe of them and super proud of their accomplishment.

    However, for many of us that isn't the case. We tried and failed, tried and failed, and we tried and failed again. It is hard to erase a lifetime of habits, even if you're in your twenties. I wish I had taken this step in my twenties. To feel the quality of life that I now feel. The surgery was like a reset: a reset to my metabolism, my taste buds, the quantity I could eat. With that reset, I was better able to unlearn old ugly habits, pick up new healthy habits, and thus change my lifestyle. In essence, the sleeve gave me the opportunity to control the QUANTITY of food I intake. While I--me, myself and I, NOT the sleeve--taught myself QUALITY: the quality of eating a diverse array of healthy foods, the quality of eating small meals every 3 hours, the quality of exercising and activating my body for better performance and endurance. All of those things I DID. NOT the sleeve. The sleeve was the "tool" that got me there.

    We do not and should not EVER apologize for that. Not one prescription or method works for all. The "natural" way did not work for us and our very lives, our livelihoods,our quality of life suffered for it. So, let them say they lost it the natural way. Let them compliment themselves or others. Agree with them, because that is awesome and it deserves to be acknowledged. But NEVER forget that our way was just as tedious--if not, more so because of the drastic change and toll the sleeve takes on our lives and body. NEVER forget that the sleeve may have been a jump start, but everything else in between is YOU. It is US. It is our efforts, our trials, our failures, our successes. We did that. Not the sleeve.

    So, pick your head up sweetie. Because everyone of us here, knows better. Your efforts are validated. Your journey is validated. Your decision is validated. Don't let ANYONE knock you down.

    ...okay, stepping off my soap box.

    This is awesome!

  13. You look awesome! So glad I found your pic....my surgery is on Tuesday and I am fed up with this clear liquid diet that I've been on for two weeks! You have given me inspiration to finish this thing out---and hopefully not be grumpy to my family Anymore! ????

    Aweeee that's nice thank you

    You can do this! All the food stages will go super fast and then you'll be losing losing losing and getting happier and healthier!

    Then you'll be an inspiration to someone else :)

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